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Chr i s t

[anointed by God], which is the ongoing messianic mission

and anticipated task that’s applicable to a mere man. Christianity, in fact, is

the mission, and its purpose is to glorify Jesus who is our Father—

Christianity, however, in the truest sense of the word is in its infancy today!

Pureness of Christianity dramatically changed by political decree;

Constantine conveyed a vision of Christ in the clouds, asserting that Jesus

came to him in a dream, but can that visualization be true? Would Jesus

ever desire to change public opinion by representing Himself differently

following His resurrection? Would Jesus suddenly and visually become what

the world wanted Him to be prior to the crucifixion, and would Jesus use a

pagan ruler for that purpose? A visualization that infers He was anything

other than One with the Father, before or after the crucifixion, is not a

visualization originating from Jesus. Before and after His resurrection, Jesus

never affirmed the world’s misconception that He was the Christ, according

to what they thought or what they wanted Him to be. Therefore, the

feigned vision 312 years later could never be justified as a Divine

inspiration. Any assertion that Jesus, as the Christ, would appear in the sky

was not a valid inspiration. Constantine, the new Roman governor or

political leader, was a pagan, he benefited greatly by that assertion. He

became the new political leader that brought the world together under the

assumption of being Christians. Such was the deceptive endeavor of Satan,

anti or against the essence of the word Christ in the world to follow. Jesus

would not accept the kingship nor the role Satan offered, and thus He was

crucified. Satan, not comprehending prior to the crucifixion, but realizing

afterwards, Jesus was not the mere man Satan sought; Jesus’ essence was

Divine. Following 312 years later, the world would accept the deception

that Jesus was the Christ, because of the feigned vision and the message that

followed. Acceptance of such an understanding would deny Jesus’ victory

over Satan, and suggest that Jesus must come again to finish what was left

undone. Blasphemy at its finest! The world would follow for political and

material gain. The church would increase dramatically according to numbers

of people grafted in.

The entire Christian world today accepts this theory, but as the

truth is made known those multitudes will be shocked. Mere man, chosen

and anointed by Jesus, will follow in Jesus’ footsteps, but the world will be

anti because of their lack of comprehension. The world will falsely accuse

the one sent by God again, and the accusation or assertion will be that he

the mere man, chosen by Jesus, is the Anti Christ [Satan’s assertion]! But in

fact, the entire world will be anti Christ, due to their misunderstanding

[sins], and rejection of the truth, which is the message! To make this