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any time prior, because time is running out and Satan knows his time is

almost over, and his desire is to take all of humanity down with him. God

desires precisely the opposite.

Double Jeopardy

What causes man to stumble, then and now, is put under Jesus’ footstool.

Regardless of the religious prejudices over time, all the events that have

occurred are for our edification. This Jewish man named Jesus dedicated

t h i r t y - t hr e e y ear s o f l i f e f o r one purpo s e

, and that purpose was to fulfill in

part God’s Plan For Man. His testimony was that mere man, graced with

His Holy Spirit, would complete the mission as He prophesied.

Before the world was created, God conceived a master plan where Jesus

would appear as a mere man, so man would be created in the image and

likeness of Him. Jesus, God incarnate, would be born of a Virgin as

foretold. Condescending to be revealed in the flesh, He took the likeness of

mere man, [mere man created in Jesus’ image and likeness] in order to

reveal His Divine plan. Jesus revealed the secrets that were locked in

“time,” but used veiled language in order to show [reveal] how man would

successfully defeat Satan. Humanity labors against the unseen forces of evil,

and the struggle is much too difficult, which is precisely what Satan desires.

However, justice must prevail and double jeopardy does not serve perfect

justice. Double jeopardy is paying the price twice for the same offense, but

Jesus paid the entire price, once for all. Mere man may not be subjected to

the entire forces of evil; thus, mercy not sacrifice is the guiding principle.

Literally, on the sixth day of the week, a day before the Sabbath, Jesus

defeated Satan, accepting all the pain and suffering that he would inflict. In

a sense, Jesus bowed, but not as a fault; Jesus did not give Satan any

satisfaction, because He accepted the full weight of the suffering poured out

on Him. Satan wanted to break what he thought was a mere man, because

no mere man could have endured what Jesus willingly accepted. As the

persecution and sufferings began, Satan wanted Jesus to plead for mercy

and ask that the suffering stop. Jesus used these words, well in advance of

the day of suffering, so that they might know and so we should know: “If

you had known what these words mean,

‘ I de s i r e me r c y , no t sa c r i f i c e , ’

you would not have condemned the innocent. For the Son of Man is Lord

of the Sabbath.”

(Matthew 12: 7-8)

Using prophetic language, Jesus pronounced

that the Son of Man would lord over Satan during the Sabbath period,

which is not just a day of the week, but a time period called “half a time.”