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knows for certain. Knowledge purports religion as faith, and in that regard

the Sadducees, Pharisee’s, and self appointed teachers of the law thought

they had it right; did they? In this regard as an example for today, there is

little faith on earth. If faith were a flame there would be a small or slight


Church was not intended to be a form of entertainment or a mere structure

although today, church is a structure on almost every corner standing empty

most of the time. Church is as intended to be a body of people who gather

to express and exchange their faith for the glory of God; a building of itself

is insufficient. A church can be in a field or any place where the faithful

[those who know the truth], gather to glorify Jesus, not themselves. That is

precisely what the temple of Jerusalem could or should have represented.

The chosen are set apart, intended to be a solution to the world’s dilemmas.

The numbers are not important; Jesus needs only a few faithful as the

remnant, and the number of the faithful are increasing, one soul at a time.

The essence of the meaning “church” applies to a body of individuals

gathered to acquire or express spiritual truths. Church today has become

religion, and religion has evolved under an assumption that faith exists

within its church. However, as the purpose of church becomes a self-

serving institute under the pretense of serving God’s purpose, it merely

become a business associated with the ideas about God. Each church claims

that the word of God is within, but in fact, are a house divided under the

pretense that they are one spiritual body. When the participants within these

houses do not like what is said, they petition for a change in policy [as if the

word could ever be changed], or they do not address wrongs within and

rigidly proceed as before. The theme always seems to be: keep the givers

happy then they will continue to give and we will continue to exist.

Worshiping under these circumstances is a self-fulfilling endeavor, which

inures to the destruction of both the house and the individual; thus,

fulfilling the prophetic words of both the Old and New Testaments at a

precise time.

In confusion there is profit, but never for God. What does it profit any man

if he gains the whole world and yet forfeits his very soul? Can anyone

sincerely accept the fact that mankind comprehends the will of God or is

unilaterally [as one] fulfilling a Divine purpose?

Living in this present age, doing the things that this world demands, even