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receive what was seemingly impossible. Satan desires sacrifice, but now that

sacrifice is no longer acceptable to God, he uses the material side of life to

cause the blemished or imperfect and to bow to him. The book of

Revelation states in part: “He also forced everyone, small and great, rich

and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his

forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is

the name of the beast or the number of his name. This calls for wisdom. If

anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man’s

number. His number is 666.”

Then I looked, and there before me was the Lamb, standing on Mount

Zion, and with him 144,000 who had his name and his Father’s name

written on their foreheads.”

(Rev 13:16 -14:2)

Subsequently, we must know

what is represented by this mark, and how we are affected. The mark is on

the forehead representing the way a person thinks or understands. To

understand correctly indicates a correct choice, which is representative of

333 to comprehend the distinction of the name Jesus first and spiritually

marked on our forehead [as if a name is written on our head], and to

understand what is represented by 666 or the opposing mark of the beast.

We will bow to one or the other and experience the consequences of our

choice that is relative to our head and the way we think.

We are approaching this precise point in time, and the sober question is

this: are you sufficiently prepared and able to reject the mark of the beast?

To bow to the beast is relative to economics, but not only economics. As a

practical matter that is directly related to your spiritual state, you must

convert your heart and mind. You must see the world as it is, and know that

it’s in a falling state. Sustaining your family is directly contingent on

conversion—spiritual and physical change to protect your assets. If the

dollar is related to the mark, your alternative is to convert and protect your

assets. The normal means of commerce or banking exchanges where the

dollar is involved will limit what you can buy or sell. We are encouraged to

look for the mark, not a single mark of the beast one specific way, for the

ways are many. When you see recognize the mark or method reject it. You

won’t be subject to it unless you accept the mark and bow to a certain

condition. However, have you ever considered that we, by obeying unjust

laws and paying unjust taxes are feeding the beast?

You are given all the warnings and asked to seek the wisdom of God, and

once prepared you too will not fear or panic. You won’t be subject to it

unless you accept the mark. You are now aware, and for the moment you