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The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.


Vendor, and the purchase was to be carried

out by a separate lease for ever of each lot,

reserving of thirty shillings per Irish

acre. Lot 2 was sold for £1,950, and Lot 3

for £1,300. Vendor's Solicitor


title and gave searches, and the two leases

were executed in duplicate and registered.

Both lots were purchased by the same

purchaser. The conditions of sale provided

that the purchaser should pay the costs of

the leases. Vendor's Solicitor claimed to be

paid by the purchaser lease scale fee on the

rent of the two leases, registration fee on

each of the two leases, and the purchase scale

fee on each of the two fines. The purchaser's

Solicitor claimed that the scale fee on each

of the two fines should be reduced by the sum

of ten shillings per cent, negotiation fee,

contending that the lease scale fee covered

the negotiation. The Committee reported

that, in their opinion, the purchaser is not

entitled to the reduction of ten shillings per

cent, claimed on his behalf in respect of the

scale fee on the fines, and the report of the

Committee was adopted.

Education of Apprentices.

A report from the Special Educational

Committee of the Council was received, and

the recommendations of the report relative

to the Intermediate and Final Examinations





apply to the Final Examinations to be held

in and after January, 1911, and to the Inter

mediate Examinations to be held in and after

July, 1911, and provide that the subject of

Book-keeping be taken out of the final course

and be placed in the Intermediate course ;

that there be three papers set at the Inter

mediate Examination—one in Practice con

taining seven questions, one in Book-keeping

containing five questions, and one in Theory


ten questions. At

the Final

Examination there are to be six papers in

Practice, each containing five questions ;

and three papers in Theory, each containing

ten questions, and the examination is to

occupy three days.

January 26th.

Apprentices' Debating Society.

The President informed the Council that

upon the 17th inst. he had presided at a

meeting of Solicitors' Apprentices, at which

it was resolved to form a new Debating

Society, and the rules prepared by the Council

were accepted. Arrangements were made

for the election by ballot of officers for the

session ending July next, and the meeting

adjourned till 14th February.


The report of the Court of Examiners upon

the January Preliminary and Final Examina

tions was adopted.


Four applications by Solicitors for renewal


their certificates were considered and

granted, a fifth was postponed for further


Board of Works Deeds of Charge,

A letter was read in reply from the Treasury

Solicitor stating that, as requested by the

Council, future issues of letters from the

Accountants' Office of Board of Works,

in reference to the execution of deeds of

charge, would contain a statement that


deeds might be executed before a

Solicitor in addition to a Magistrate and


Preliminary Examination.

A memorial from an intending apprentice

to the Lord Chancellor and Judges named in

Section 18 of the Solicitors (Irelnnd) Act,

1898, praying for exemption from the Pre

liminary Examination was considered, and

it was resolved to request their Lordships not

to accede to the prayer of the memorial.

Report upon Costs Query.

A report was received from the Costs Com

mittee upon the following query submitted


their decision:—A. being absolutely

entitled to certain trust funds standing in

the joint names of B. and C., as Trustees,

and being desirous of taking over the funds,

proposed to execute a Deed of Release to

B. and C. By whose Solicitor should the

Deed of Release be prepared ?

The Com

mittee reported that, in their opinion, the

Deed of Release should be prepared by the

Solicitor for the Trustees. The report of the

Committee was adopted.