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The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland,

[MARCH, 1910

having seen that the affidavit has been signed,

should place it before the deponent, open at

the page upon which the deponent has signed;

he should then require the deponent to take

the Book in his right hand, uplifted, and to

repeat after him


following words :

" I swear by Almighty God that I have read

" this my affidavit, that the contents of it

" are true, and that this is my name and

" handwriting."

Irish Land Acts, 1903 and 1909.

REGULATIONS made by the Lord Lieutenant

under Section 23 (8) of the Irish Land

Act, 1903, and Section 4 of the Irish

Land Act, 1909.

By the Lord Lieutenant-General and General

Governor of Ireland.


WE, John Campbell, Earl of Aberdeen,





Governor of Ireland, hereby make the follow-,

ing Regulations under Section 23 (8) of the

Irish Land Act, 1903, and Section 4 of the

Irish Land Act, 1909, and We hereby declare

that Regulation I. of the Regulations dated

13th February, 1906, is hereby cancelled, and

We certify that on account of urgency it is

necessary that the said Regulations should

come into immediate operation, and accord

ingly hereby order, pursuant to the power in

that behalf conferred by Section 2 of the

Rules Publication Act, 1893, and all other

powers Us thereunto enabling, that such

Regulations shall come into operation forth

with as Provisional Regulations, and continue

in force until Regulations shall have been

made in accordance with the provisions of

the Rules Publication Act.

Allocation of Money available in each

Financial Year for Advances.

The sum of money which may become

available for the purposes of advances during

the financial year commencing 1st April,

1910, after providing the necessary funds for

the purposes of the Labourers Acts shall,

until further order, be allocated in manner

hereinafter appearing.

Of the sum of money so available—

(a.) Four-tenths shall be allocated for the

purposes of carrying out

sales of

estates and holdings pursuant to the

provisions of Sections 1-5 of the Irish

Land Act, 1903, as amended by the

Irish Land Act,

1909, where


advances are to be made in money



Four-tenths shall be allocated for the

purposes of carrying out similar sales

where the advances are to be made

partly by means of money and partly

by means of stock.


One-tenth shall be allocated for the

purposes of carrying out all other Land

Commission sales for which advances

in money are required or made.


One-tenth shall be allocated for -the

purposes of carrying out all sales for

the purposes of the Congested Districts

Board for which advances in money

are required or made.

Out of the sum allocated in paragraph


at least one-half of said sum shall be available

for the purposes of carrying out all pending

sales to the Estates Commissioners under

Sections VI., VII., VIIL of the Irish Land

Act, 1903, as to one-half thereof where the

advances are to be made in money alone, and

one-half thereof where the advances are to

be made partly by means of money and partly

by means of stock.

Out of the sum allocated under paragraph


at least three-fifths of said sum shall be

available for the purposes of carrying out all

pending sales for the purposes of the Con

gested Districts Board as to one-half thereof,

where the advances are to be made in money




thereof where


advances are to be made partly by means of

money and partly by means of stock.

Priority in Cases of Pending Purchase Agree

ments and of Sales in which Advances are

made in money.


the purposes of determining


priorities between cases at present before the

Estates Commissioners and the Congested

Districts Board which under the provisions

of the Irish Land Act, 1909, are to be

financed as pending Purchase Agreements, or

in which advances are made in money,

the following Regulations shall apply :—

The Estates Commissioners shall cause

three Principal Registers to be kept in their
