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– best known for her role in

The Newsroom

– relished the chance to write

and star with her real life best friend, comedienne Dolly Wells, in the TV series



a semi-improvised comedy that explores what happens when an English actress hires

her childhood friend to be her personal assistant.

Dolly & Em

Season 5

is out Dec 4




JB Hi-Fi

Best of Friends

Doll and I have been collaborating

and working together off

camera for many years

Have you learned anything that you

didn’t previously know about Dolly

during this process?

There are things that I already knew

that I’m not sure she knew about

herself. I knew how brilliant she is and

how hilarious, clever and original she

is. I don’t know anyone whose mind

works like hers. When I’m with Dolly,

I laugh harder than I ever do, she’s

really funny. She never thought of

herself as an artist, but she’s become

a great comedy actress. In the time

I’ve been writing with her, I think she’s

learning that she is an artist as well.

She doesn’t totally believe it yet, but I

can feel her starting to understand.

Is there anything you want viewers to take

away from watching the series?

We’re being honest about friendships

and how difficult it can be to

understand life. Doll and I didn’t want

to dictate who the audience’s sympathy

should lie with, so neither of us are

bad people, we just put ourselves

in an awful situation where we can

both behave rather badly.You should,

hopefully, be able to sympathise with

both and be irritated by both at times

as well.That’s a very important thing

about friendships, and life.

There aren’t good people and

bad people, we’re all good

and bad and messy.

You’re playing alternate versions of

yourselves in the series. Have you

approached these roles like any other

or has it been different?

It has been different in that I’ve done

much less work than I would normally do

in preparation for a role.The genesis of the

story was in my trailer on the set of



where we filmed a pilot on the

fly, guerrilla style. I was working in LA and

we were very kindly given permission to

shoot on set for half a day and we shot in the

house I was really staying in.When we were

filming in my trailer, I was throwing water on

Dolly’s face for a crying scene before having

to go out and film

The Newsroom

and we

were pissing ourselves laughing. It was just

fun. It was just me being me and acting on

my wits, and it was weirdly easy because I

know what I’m like and what Dolly’s like and

I know how we talk to each other.We did put

time into thinking about the story and how

the scenes would work, but flying by the seat

of my pants is how I’ve gone about preparing

for this.


Have you enjoyed your


& Em



So far, it

has been, touch wood, amazing.

It has been a total antidote to all

the stresses and strains of normal

life.What has been so great is that

it’s been an escape and yet we’ve

managed to bring our families with us.

We’ve been able to take our whole lives with

us and make them a part of it. Our husbands

and children are here, then we have family

and friends on the crew. It’s so cool to be on

this adventure together. It has been magical.

What has it been like to work with

your best friend?

Doll and I have been collaborating and

working together off camera for many years,

trying to write something with it never

coming together. So we’d gone through the

whole learning curve of what it is to work

with your best friend before we arrived here.

Between us, we’ve had four children in the

time it’s taken us to write this: For a long time,

I think our husbands thought it was just an

excuse to run up extortionate phone bills

across the Atlantic and get on planes to visit

each other as often as possible! But I think we

were learning what we were interested in and

how to work and write together.We had this

idea very recently, and it’s amazing how when

you suddenly get a good idea you realise how

rubbish all your others were.This was so

easy by comparison.