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it occurs. These funds are spent in correlation with information received from a bi-annual

pavement condition report.

The Sidewalk/Pedestrian Enhancements Capital Project Fund was established in Fiscal Year 2018 to

accumulate prior year allocations, more effectively reconcile the expenditures and offsetting revenues, and

demonstrate commitment to utilizing allocations for their intended purpose. All projects in progress at the

end of Fiscal Year 2017 except Airport Boulevard are complete. Town Council provided direction for a

reconciliation of remaining funds that could then be used to initiate engineering design and cost estimates

for filling sidewalk gaps in the existing sidewalk network. No allocation is proposed for FY 2020, while

those projects are designed. An RFQ for design services is being prepared to begin that work as soon as


Significant (> $250,000), non-routine appropriations of operational budget capacity not mentioned

previously in the proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2020 are provided below. Capital Investment Program

(CIP) projects are discussed separately later in the

Budget Message


Vehicle Replacements ($512,000):

Replacement of five police vehicles and six other vehicles

supporting the Inspections, Engineering and Parks & Recreation Departments. Vehicle

replacements are evaluated every year, but generally follow a 6-year (public safety) or 12-year

(non-public safety) replacement schedule. The proposed FY 2020 budget also includes an

additional $102,000 to purchase two new vehicles for requested positions (fire, inspections).

Fire Apparatus ($350,000):

Remaining funding towards the purchase of the Ladder 2

replacement. The FY 2020 proposed operating budget includes the appropriation of funds for the

purchase of this vehicle ($1,250,000). The specifications for this vehicle are ready for issuance

once approved by Town Council. A fire vehicle takes approximately one-year from order to


Other non-routine items are more fully described in the

Budget Priorities Summary

. Many of these items

relate to a need to refurbish, replace or repair/maintain existing assets and equipment necessary for

programs and services. Fiscal Year 2020 proposed operating budget recommendations for personnel, debt,

and use of fund balance are described in those sections of this

Budget Message


The Stormwater Fund, an Enterprise Fund, is funded primarily by Stormwater Fund revenues based on an

equivalent residential unit (ERU) fee, currently set at $25 per ERU, permits fees, and any grant revenues

received for stormwater projects. The stormwater ERU fee has not changed since FY 2016 and no change

is recommended for Fiscal Year 2020, pending the receipt and review of the stormwater enterprise study

and subsequent consideration of the desired level of service and future general fund support. Stormwater

ERU revenues are increased by 4% over the Fiscal Year 2019 budget. The stormwater enterprise fund has

been balanced this year without a general fund subsidy. The basic level of stormwater programming for the

upcoming fiscal year remains consistent with existing operation levels.

The Municipal Service District (MSD) budget for Fiscal Year 2020 assesses a tax rate of $0.10 per $100

assessed value for the costs related to the transfer and improvement of the private streets to public street

standards. Five of six original MSD projects are complete. The Gables is the final project and will be

included in the FY 2021 proposed operating budget after enough resources have been accumulated to

complete this last project.