stem in sports: technology
The next step
beyond wearable
tech is tattoo tech,
such as this wire-
packed electronic
skin patch.
or the bottom line? The research and innova-
tions those companies do are important, and
they have to make more money to do more
research, but being aware of the reasons why
technology is created also is important.
And what about the athletes themselves?
Does all this technology provide too much
aid to the athlete, taking away from his or her
performance? Or are these developments just
the latest in a century-long process to make
everything in life faster, easier, lighter, and
more powerful?
All that said, what’s next in sports and tech-
nology? The world of apps and digital video
probably are the first place to look. Those are
still evolving technologies. As more and more
people turn to them, more and newer ways to
help those people will emerge. Size is another