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lands specified in the said Schedule, which original

Certificates, it is alleged, have been lost or in

advertently destroyed.

A duplicate Certificate will be issued in each case,

except a case in respect of which notification is

received in this Registry within 28 days from the

publication of this notice, that the Certificate of

Title is still in existence, and in the custody of some

person other than the registered owner. Any such

notification should state the grounds on which such

Certificate is being held.

Dated this loth day of May, 1959.


Registrar of Titles.

Central Office,

Land Registry,

Chancery Street,



1. Registered Owner, Peter Fay. Folio number,

2822. County Cavan. Lands of Coragh in the Barony

of Loughtee Lower, containing 393. 3r. 24p.

2. Registered Owner, Patrick J. Lynch.


number, 4ooL. City of Dublin. The leasehold estate

in the dwelling-house and premises known as No.

171 Griffith Avenue situate on the north side of

the said Avenue in Drumcondra Parish of Clonturk

and City of Dublin measuring in front to the said

Avenue 34 feet 8 inches in the rere 35 feet and in

depth from front to rere on the east 197


i inch and on the west 197 feet 4 inches and shown

as Plan 4ooL edged green on the Registry Map

(O.S. XVIII—8 City of Dublin.)




Exchange Control Regulations

1959—S.I. No. 44 of 1959—

consolidate the Exchange Control Regulations 1955 to

1958, and amend them as follows :—

(1) By widening the scope of the statutory exemptions

covering the purchase of goods originating in the

U.S. Dollar Area and Canada ;

(2) By altering the prescribed manners of payment for

goods exported to countries outside the Sterling


(3) By simplifying the procedure to be followed by

persons exporting goods to or importing goods from

outside the Sterling Area ;


(4) By reducing the number of specified currencies which

must be offered for sale to an Authorised Dealer,

i.e. American and Canadian dollars, all Western






Spanish pesetas..)

Copies may be obtained from the Stationery Office for i/-



'Premises Act


(Commencement Order


—S.I. No. 29 of 1959—brought the Act into operation on

ist April, 1959. Arising from this fact, many orders listed

below have been made, which will all come into force on

the ist September, 1959. The provisions of the Act only

apply to offices employing more than five clerical workers ;

" clerical work" is defined as " including book-keeping,

sorting and filing, typing, document reproduction, machine

calculating, drawing, the handling of mail, telephone and

telegraph operating and the handling of money."

The Regulations at present issued are as follows :—

(1) The

Office Premises (Overcrowding) Regulations


S.I. No. 30 of 1959—prescribe that 50 square feet

shall be the minimum amount of floor space allowed

for every person employed in any room.

(2) The

Office Premises (Minimum Temperature in Work

rooms and Cloakrooms) Regulations

1959—S.I. No. 31

of 1959— prescribe that the temperature for every

room in which persons are employed or a cloakroom

shall be not less than 63 Degrees Fahrenheit, and

that such temperature must be attained within one

hour after the commencement of work.

(3) The

Office Premises (Sanitary Conveniences') Regulations

1959—S.I. No.

32 of 1959—prescribes detailed

standards of sanitary conveniences in offices, and

regulates the ventilation and lighting.

(4) The

Office Premises

(Washing Facilities) Regulations

1959—S.I. No. 33 of 1959—prescribe the standard of

separate washing facilities for male and female em

ployees at one wash-hand basin per 20 persons, and

the provision of soap and clean towels.

(5) The

Office Premises

(Clothing Accommodation) Reg


1959—S.I. No. 34 of 1959—prescribes adequate

and suitable accommodation for clothing not worn

during office hours, comprising at least one peg and

hook per person, such pegs or hooks to be not less

than 12 inches apart.


Copyright (Foreign Countries) Order

1959—S.I. No. 50

of 1959—extends the benefit of copyright to all countries of

the Berne Union and the Universal Copyright Convention,

as listed in the First Schedule.

It provides that works first

published in any of these countries and the published works

of subjects or citizens of these countries shall be protected

in the same way as if they were works first published in the

Republic of Ireland. Unpublished works of authors who are

subjects or citizens of, or resident in, any of these countries,

shall be protected as if the authors were citizens of the Irish

Republic, or resident in it.

The order applies to works first published in countries of

the Universal Copyright Convention signed at Geneva on

6th September 1952 only on or after the 2oth January 1959.

Works of subjects or citizens of these countries or of countries

signatories of the Berne Union of 1886 (as subsequently

amended at Paris in 1896, Berlin in 1908, Rome in 1928, and

Brussels in 1948), which are first published outside the

Scheduled Territories on or after the 2oth January 1959 are

similarly protected. The Order does not apply to a work

first published in a Berne Union country before that country

became a member of the Berne Union. All previous orders

granting reciprocal copyright facilities to specified countries

are henceforth revoked.

Copies of this order may be obtained from the Government

Publications Sale Office, The Arcade, Henry Street, Dublin,

at gd. each.


Register A

QUALIFIED assistant desired for country office. County Cork.

Partnership prospects for suitable applicant. Please furnish

particulars of previous experience and salary expected. Box

No. A 179.

REQUIRED by Dublin Solicitors in general practice, qualified

or unqualified assistant.

£500 p.a. Box No. A 180.