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to ascertaining whether arrangements can be made

to enable drafts in pursuance of payments schedules

to be issued by the Accountant General of the High

Court during the long vacation.

Delivery of pleadings during the long vacation

The Council having considered a report in this

matter decided to amend the direction given at their

meeting on July 2nd


July 1959, page 23)

and in lieu thereof the Society's representatives on

the Superior Courts Rules Committee were request

ed to ask the committee to make a new rule which

will enable pleadings to be delivered and filed during

the long vacation where all parties to the proceedings


Auctioneers preparing contract for sale of


It was decided that representations should be

made to the Irish Auctioneers and Estate Agents

Association pointing out that it is contrary to the

provisions of the Solicitors Act 1954 for unqualified

persons to draw up contracts for sale of property

for or in expectation of fee or reward and pointing

out that the Council are aware of cases in which

auctioneers and house agents have contravened this

provision. The Association are to be asked to state

whether any steps can be taken to prevent or dis

courage the practice.


The President in the Chair. Also

present, Messrs. N. S. Gaffney, John Kelly, R. J.

Walker, J. R. Green, G. G. Overend, John Maher,

F. J. Lanigan, P. E. O'Connell, Eunan McCarron,

Patrick Noonan, D. M. Martin, Reginald J. Nolan,

T. A. O'Reilly, D. P. Shaw, J. J. Sheil, George

A. Nolan, John Carrigan, John J. Nash. J. P.

Tyrrell, D. *B. Gilmore, J. J. O'Connor and R.

Me D. Taylor.

The following was among the business transacted :

Petroleum and other Minerals Development

Bill, 1959

The Council considered a report on the bill and

it was decided to invite the Bar Council to send a

joint deputation to the Minister for Industry and

Commerce on

certain objectionable provisions


Professional undertakings

On a case submitted for their opinion the Council

stated that as between the parties a solicitor who

gave an undertaking to lodge title deeds on behalf

of a client with the client's bankers on the com

pletion of a purchase was bound to carry out the

undertaking although no provision was made for

his costs. The undertaking was unconditional and

was silent on the question of provision for member's


Lecture by solicitor on legal subject

A member enquired whether there would be any

professional objection to his delivering a lecture on

a legal topic by invitation to a voluntary association.

The Council referred to the statement printed in the

Society's Gazette, April 1944, as follows :—

Any activity on the part of a solicitor of a self

advertising nature designed to attract business is

clearly not permissible.

Lectures delivered or

articles published by a solicitor contrary to this

principle therefore necessarily involve a breach of

professional etiquette.

The Council stated that on the facts submitted in

the present case there is no professional objection

to the delivery by member of the lecture mentioned

provided that it is not published in connection with

his name.


The President in the Chair. Also

present, Messrs. John Carrigan, N. S. Gaffney, P.

O'Donnell, George A. Nolan, J. J. Sheil, F. J.

Lanigan, G. G. Overend, W. Dillon-Leetch, J. J.

O'Connor, D. M. Martin, Reginald J. Nolan, D. B.

Gilmore, C. J. Downing, John Kelly, John Maher,

Patrick Noonan, E. McCarron, P. E. O'Connell,

J. R. Green, T. G. Quirke, T. de V. White, W. J.

Comerford, C. G. Daly, Arthur Cox, J. P. Tyrrell,

R. J. Walker, Edward Treacy, J. J. Nash and D. J.


The following was among the business transacted :

Ambulance Chasing

The Council considered a report from a com-


mittee submitting draft regulations dealing with the

association of solicitors with ambulance chasing

bodies. Draft regulations are printed at page 45 of

this issue and the Council will be obliged if any

member with views thereon will communicate with

the Secretary.

Land Commission Costs

The President reported that, accompanied by the

Secretary, he had been received by the Minister for

Lands, who had informed the Society's representa

tives that he was willing to make new regulations

increasing solicitors' fees and charges under the

Land Commission Provisional Rules, 1924, by an

amount equal to 50% calculated on the present item
