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Costs of extraction of grant in Northern


A member instructed a Northern Ireland solicitor

to act on his behalf on the usual agency basis in

passing a schedule of assets and lodging the papers

leading to a grant in the Probate Office, Northern

Ireland. The forms were obtained by the Northern

Ireland solicitor and compiled by members. The

schedule of assets was subsequently passed by the

Northern Ireland solicitor with the Estate Duty

Office in Belfast and he then lodged the papers and

obtained the Northern Ireland grant. The Northern

Ireland solicitor subsequently submitted a bill for

£53 33. od., being £3 35. od. for work under the

Finance Act and £50 os. od., the scale fee under the

Supreme Court Rules (N.I.) 1958 for extracting

grants of probate, the value of the estate being

£29,853 os. od. The Council was asked by member

for an opinion as to


how the costs should be

computed and (&) how the fees should be divided

between the Northern Ireland solicitor and member.

The Council were of the opinion that as the work

related to the extraction of a grant of probate in

Northern Ireland the Northern Ireland scale applies

and that as the greater part of the work contemplated

by the scale fee was performed by member and as

the Northern Ireland solicitors merely acted in con

nection with the passing of the schedule of assets and

the lodgment of the papers in the Probate Office,

Northern Ireland a fair division of the fee would be

two thirds to member and one third to the Northern

Ireland solicitor in the circumstances of the case.

Solicitors' operating expenses

On a report from the Policy Committee the

Council appointed the President with Messrs. Ralph

Walker, Eunan McCarron, Brendan A. McGrath

and James J. Hickey (Messrs'. Walker and Hickey

being the Society's representatives on the Superior

Courts Rules committee) as a special committee to

formulate proposals for the simplification of the

rules and schedules of costs in contentious and non-

contentious matters and a review of procedure in

Government and Court offices and in solicitors'

offices with

the object of reducing operating


Legal aid on assignments in murder cases.

The Costs Committee reported that a communica

tion has been received from the Attorney General's

office stating that the Minister for Finance had

published the following scale of fees for counsel and

solicitors :

Senior Counsel, brief fee increased from 20 guineas

to 25 guineas. Refreshers increased from 10

guineas to 15 guineas.

Junior Counsel, brief fee increased from 14 guineas

to 17 guineas.

Refreshers increased from 7

guineas to 10 guineas.

Dublin solicitor, assignment fee increased from 10

guineas to 13 guineas.

Refreshers increased

from 3 guineas to 4 guineas.

Country solicitor assignment fee increased from 14

guineas to 18 guineas.

Refreshers increased

from 4 guineas to 6 guineas.

The committee were of the opinion that the fees

allowed to solicitors are merely token payments and

they reported that proposals should be made to the

Attorney General and the Minister for Finance that

the basis of the solicitors fees should be changed so

that solicitors will obtain some reasonable com

pensation for the time spent and direct and indirect

expenses incurred in conducting the defence on the

capital charge. The Council adopted the committee's

report and the President and Mr. James J. O'Connor

were appointed as a deputation.

Accountant's office High Court

A report was received from the Court and Offices

Committee stating that the President of the High

Court had informed a deputation that all payments

out of Court directed down to July 3 ist will be made

during the month of August. No orders for payment

will be made during the vacation.

Hire Purchase (Amendment) Bill 1957

The Costs Committee reported that the Dublin

Solicitors Bar Association and the Southern Law

Association had been asked to draw up proposals

for new scales of costs in the Circuit and District

Courts for submission to the rule making bodies

consequent upon the increase in the jurisdictions of

these Courts proposed under the Bill.

State Solicitors

On a report from a committee the Council decided

to issue the following statement:


a State solicitor,

his partner or a qualified assistant in his office should

not, in the opinion of the Council, appear for a

defendant where a summons is issued by the Gardai

or the Attorney General, e.g., under the Road

Traffic Acts, or the Intoxicating Liquor Acts ;


There is no objection where the prosecution is not

by the State, to the State Solicitor's acting for a

defendant charged with a minor offence, such as

abusive language or assault merely by reason of the

fact that a member of the Garda Siochana may be