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Employment of press reporter as law clerk

On .the question submitted by a committee the

Council replied that a solicitor should not employ

in his office as a law clerk a person who reports

Court cases for the newspapers.

Solicitors' Remuneration Order General

Order 1960

The Secretary stated that a general order made by

the statutory body under the Solicitors' Remunera

tion Act 1881 dealing with costs of non-contentious

business, other than business to which the com

mission scale fee applies, was laid before each house

of the Oireachtas and would come into operation on

the expiration of a statutory period of one month

from the first sitting day of the Dail and Seanad.

Costs of High Court proceedings

The Secretary stated that a memorandum and

draft scale of costs of proceedings in the High Court

had been sent to the Superior Courts Rules Com

mittee for consideration. One of the chief objects of

the memorandum and draft scales of costs is to

simplify bills of costs by reducing the number of


At an adjourned meeting of the Council held on

October I3th the report of the Court of Examiners

on the results of the second and third law examina

tions was adopted and the results were declared.

The Council also awarded the Overend and Findlater


October zyth : The President in the Chair, also

present Messrs. Arthur Cox, John Maher, Eunan

McCarron, Augustus Cullen, Frank Armstrong,

Thomas A. O'Reilly, Reginald J. Nolan, Francis J.

Lanigan, Dinnen B. Gilmore, James J. O'Connor,

George G. Overend, James R. Green, Peter D. M.

Prentice, John J. Shell, Patrick Noonan, Gerald Y.

Goldberg, Thomas V. O'Connor, George Nolan,

James W. O'Donovan, Niall S. Gaffney, Dermot P.

Shaw, John Carrigan, John R. Halpin, Ralph J.

Walker, Cornelius J. Daly, Terence De Vere White,

John B. Jermyn, Peter E. O'Connell, John Kelly.

The following was among the business trans

acted :

Taxation of costs under the Labourers Acts

The Secretary reported that arrangements have

been made with the Department of Local Govern

ment that county managers will be asked to settle

bills of costs without taxation pending the solution

of difficulties which have arisen in regard to taxation

of such bills.

Part-time legal agencies

The council adopted a report from a committee

on the subject of the employment by solicitors of

legal agencies offering clerical services on a part-

time basis. The report is printed at page 54 of this


Offer to undertake professional business at

less than the commission charges

Information submitted by the Secretary to a com

mittee were considered and it was decided to refer

the matter to the Registrar's Committee for con

sideration and any appropriate action.

Medical witnesses' fees

A committee

reported to the council on the

following facts : Members acting for the defendant

in proceedings in a local Circuit Court asked a

medical witness to attend to give evidence and

accepted responsibility for his fees. The witness was

also summoned to attend Court on subpoena by the

plaintiff's solicitor who paid a fee of £15 i;s. od.,

with the subpoena. He attended and gave evidence

and the action was dismissed with costs against the

plaintiff. He subsequently sent a bill for 40 guineas to

the defendant's solicitor giving credit for £15 155. od.

received from the plaintiff's solicitor. The County

Registrar allowed a fee of 25 guineas for the witness

as sufficient and deducted 15 guineas certifying for the

balance. The distance travelled by the witness was 36

miles and the case was finished before the luncheon

interval. Member asked for the guidance of the

Society as to whether he was personally liable for

25 guineas being the sum of 40 guineas claimed less

the amount paid by the plaintiff's solicitor. The

council adopted a report from the committee which

stated that


member was personally liable on his

undertaking to pay a reasonable fee and


the sum

of 25 guineas fixed by the County Registrar was



member was liable for 25 guineas

with credit for 15 guineas already paid by the

plaintiff's solicitor.

Change of solicitor

A member of a trade union retained the solicitor

for the trade union to act for him in common law

proceedings for damages. He subsequently decided

to instruct other solicitors who asked for the papers.

The first solicitor offered to hand them over on

receipt of a cheque for £15 155. od., costs to date

and was unwilling to accept the personal under

taking by the second solicitor instructed. The latter

enquired whether there was any professional objec

tion to his proceeding with the case without pro

viding for the first solicitor's fees. The client is

without funds. The council on a report fronj a