2016 Nursing & Midwifery Catalogue
I n c l u d e s Resources!
Study Guide for Anatomy &
Physiology, 9e
Patton | Thibodeu
This text provides a variety of
chapter activities and questions
in a variety of formats designed
to help you apply concepts and
test your A&P knowledge.
I n c l u d e s Resources!Anatomy & Physiology
Laboratory Manual, 9e
Patton | Thibodeu
This practical, full-colour lab
manual contains 55 different
A&P lab exercises that cover
labeling anatomy identification,
dissection, physiological
experiments and much more.
Anatomy & Physiology, 9e
Patton | Thibodeu
Focusing on the unifying
themes of structure and
function and homeostasis, this
title utilises and easy-to-follow
narrative style to guide readers
through difficult A&P material.
Anatomy & Physiology, Ninth
Edition by Patton and Thiboeu
has received the prestegious 2016
Textbook Excellence Award
The Human Body in Health
and Disease - Text and
Elsevier Adaptive Quizzing
Package, 6e
Patton | Thibodeu
This package is the fun and
engaging way to focus your study
time and effectively prepare for
class and exams.