2016 Nursing & Midwifery Catalogue
Australian Nurses’
Dictionary, 6e
King | Hawler | Weller
This dictionary features
comprehensive nursing
definitions, guidelines,
terminology, policies and
procedures, and provides a
quick reference source for both
students and nurses.
Mosby’s Dictionary of
Medicine, Nursing &
Health Professions, 3e
Harris | Vardaxis | Nagy
This definitive reference text
delivers more than 1,100 new
and revised definitions, more
than 50 new drug entries, plus
74 new and updated tables for
key reference information.
I n c l ud
Havard’s Nursing Guide to
Drugs, 9e
This versatile drug guide
features a thorough outline
of all drugs by both trade
and generic names as well as
patient teaching and current
pharmaceutical guidelines.
Havard’s Nursing Guide to
Drugs is a great, versatile book and
I would recommend this to any
nurse, student nurse or even
student doctor.
Reviewed by Louise Goodyear -
Nursing Times