Public Safety
Police, Dispatch & Animal Control
I, Michael S. Grovo, Chief of Police for the Town of Buxton, hereby submit the following Annual
Report for the Buxton Police Department. Years 2014-2015 were very productive for the Police
Department. Officers vigorously pursued law enforcement activities inside as well as outside the
boundaries of Buxton.
Calls for service were up 3.8% from the prior year. We handled approximately 18,392 calls for
2015. That is up slightly from 17,714 in 2014. I have attached a list of our calls on the following
We are continuously pursuing grant money and as in the past we are applying for the Traffic Safety
Grants which cover operating under the influence and seat belt details.
Department personnel continued with in-service training in all areas of law enforcement. Beyond
the mandatory annual training required by the Maine Criminal Justice Academy to maintain an
officer’s certification, the department participates in elective training classes as well.
We hired Adele Jones as the new Animal Control Officer back in June, 2015. Adele comes to us
with experience working with dogs. Currently Adele is the President and Co-founder of Almost
Home Rescue. Adele is also a member of Cumberland County Animal Response Team.
We have been working collaboratively with the MSAD 6 schools located within the Town of
Buxton. I want everyone to know that the Buxton Fire, Buxton Police Departments along with the
teachers and administrators are working together in a combined effort in keeping our schools safe
and looking for new ideas and ways to improve on what we have accomplished.
We have also been actively working with the community on organizing a Community Watch
Group with the intent of adding more groups throughout the community. Please contact us if you
are interested in being involved in your neighborhood.
Please remember our Community Cares Program. If you have a family member who is homebound
or alone and you would like the Police Department to check in on them every morning, you may
call to request the application from dispatch at 929-6612, or you may visit the Town’s website for
a form.
I would like to take this time and thank all the folks in the town of Buxton for their support for the
past 9 ½ years. I truly have enjoyed my time working for the town of Buxton and all of you folks.
The town of Buxton is a beautiful small town, from the Saco River and hayfields to the gathering
places where people meet and share food, beverages and small talk. It is things like this that makes
Buxton the town it is. Thank you again for allowing me to work for all of you.
Respectfully Submitted,
Michael S. Grovo
Chief of Police