You are Ulster’s most capped player, how do
you feel about saying goodbye?
I don’t really do emotional to be honest, my wife
will tell you that. But after a 15-year career, 11 of
those years spent at Ulster, it’s fair to say I will
miss it. About a third of my life has been spent in
and around Ravenhill, so it will take a lot of getting
used to, not turning up here every week. I am
looking forward to the countdown over the next
few weeks, it will be great to be involved in this
game and looking back it has been an enjoyable
time all round. With professional sport you get
highs and lows and this season hasn’t gone as
we had expected it to. But I am very grateful for
all the good years I have had here.
What are some of your
On the field, definitely winning
my first cap was a big thing. It is
something you want to achieve
from when you are a kid coming
to watch Ulster play. Winning
my first cap was amazing, then
winning the league in 2005/06
was a massive highlight and
getting those big European
victories here at home are
always good games to be involved in.
Off the field, the camaraderie and the bond
that comes with playing professional sport,
when you’ve got the win and your sitting in the
changing rooms having a beer with the boys and
you’ve just put everything on the line together as
a team. It’s a great feeling and a special moment.
What was your favourite game to play in?
Away against Leicester in the European Cup
in 2014. When we topped the group and
secured the quarter final against Saracens. We
were fighting for the home quarter-final away
at Leicester Tigers and as I’d been away at
Northampton Saints for four years previously, they
were big rivals with Leicester and there was a
massive hype. So to go to Welford Road and get
the win was brilliant. That season we finished top
seeds so as a one-off game - that's a favourite.
What will you miss the most?
The big games! When the crowd are behind you
and there’s a buzz around the game and the
crowd are loud and passionate,
that’s what I will miss the most.
Also, the day-to-day, hanging
out with my teammates and
bantering each other. Bearing
in mind I will be stuck at home
with two young kids for the
foreseeable future!
With an expanding family,
what does the future hold?
Baby number two is due in
September, so I have that to
look forward to. There will be a fair bit of 'Daddy
Day Care'. We have always talked about moving
to America, my wife lived there for ten years and
has citizenship so that makes it a little bit easier
for us, so some time in the new year we will head
to the States and figure out where we will live and
work and in about 12 months we hope to make a
long-term move over there.
Good Luck Rog!
Wilson to make 221st and final Ulster appearance this evening versus Leinster