Reading Matters
Teaching Matters
Reading Matters | Volume 16 • Winter 2016 | CLICK HERE TO RETURN TO TABLE OF CONTENTSwork through each step (Read, 2010). Some students are going
to require much more support than others, especially those with
little confidence or motivation in writing. Make sure to take the
time to build the skills with each student in an effective way and
reteach when needed. The time spent doing this is worth it!
As a result of this work, I have seen my 4th grade students
gain confidence and demonstrate lasting improvements in their
writing. Now my students talk more during writing conferences
than I do! They are able to share their goals, strategies, and
evidence from their work and make decisions about how to
improve as writers. I have found my role during conferences
has shifted to asking guiding questions and providing support,
when needed. Goal setting is one component of an effective
writing program that can strengthen conferences and facilitate
the development of independent, more engaged writers.
Anderson, C. (2000).
How’s it going: A practical guide to conferring with student
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Calkins, L. (2004).
The art of teaching writing
. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Calkins, L., Hartman, A., &White, Z. (2005).
One to one: The art of conferencing with
young writers
. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Estrada, B., &Warren, S. (2014). Increasing the writing performance of urban
senior placed at-risk through goal-setting in a culturally responsive and creativity-
centered classroom.
Journal of Urban Learning, Teaching, and Research
, 10, 50-63.
Gillespie, A., & Graham, S. (2014). A meta-analysis of writing intervention for
students with learning disabilities.
Exceptional Children
, 80, 454-473.
Graham, S., & Perin, D. (2007). Writing next: Effective strategies to improve writing
of adolescents in middle and high schools – A report to Carnegie Corporation of
New York. Washington, DC: Alliance for Excellent Education.
Graves, D. (2004). What I’ve learned from teachers of writing.
Language Arts
, 82(2),
Graves, D. (1982).
Writing: Teachers and children at work
. Portsmouth, NH:
Hansen, B. D., &Wills, H. P. (2014). The effects of goal setting, contingent reward,
and instruction on writing skills.
Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis
, 47(1), 171-
Kissel, B. (2008). Promoting writing and preventing writing failure in young
Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for Children and Youth
52(4), 53-56.
Mermelstein, L. (2013).
Self-directed writers: The third essential element in the
writing workshop
. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Read, S. (2010). A model for scaffolding writing instruction: IMSCI.
The Reading
, 64(1), 47-52.
Schunk, D. H. (2003). Self-efficacy for reading and writing: Influence of modeling,
goal setting, and self-evaluation.
Reading and Writing Quarterly
, 19, 159-172.
Schunk, D. H. (1990). Goal setting and self-efficacy during self-regulated learning.
Educational Psychologist
, 25, 71-86.
Troia, G. (2014). Evidence-based practices for writing instruction (Document No.
IC-5). Retrieved from University of Florida, Collaboration for Effective Educator,
Development, Accountability, and Reform Center website:
Amanda Pringle
( )graduated from
Clemson University with her Bachelor’s in Elementary Education in
2011 and obtained her Masters in Reading fromWinthrop University
in 2015. She taught fourth grade for four years and is transitioning
into second grade for her fifth year of teaching. Her favorite pastime
is reading, and she loves inspiring young readers and writers.
Shawnna Helf
( is an associate
professor of literacy education at Winthrop University.
Her research interests include early reading intervention,
instructional design, and teaching efficiency.