Stamp Duty Evasion
The Conveyancing Committee
considers that the attention of members j
be drawn to the provisions of the
following memorandum recently
issued by the D.S.B.A.
Practitioners are reminded of the
Statement of Practice regarding Stamp
Duties issued by the Revenue
Commissioners consequent upon the
Finance Act 1991.
It has been brought to the notice of this
Committee that breaches of the Revenue
Guidelines are becoming increasingly
prevalent particularly in transactions
relating to the sale of residential
properties inclusive of contents.
Practitioners should be aware that
apportionment of sale considerations in
such transactions only should be made
on the basis that realistic and correct
values are'attributed to such contents
based, if considered necessary, on
valuations from reputable auctioneers.
Any apportionments made on the basis
of spurious or excessive valuations of
contents in such transactions clearly
constitute evasion and are in breach of
the Revenue Guidelines. Practitioners
also are reminded of the powers avail-
able to the Revenue Commissioners to
impose substantial financial penalties
and other sanctions not only against the
parties involved in such transactions but
also against their solicitors and other
professional advisers.
Artificial Contract Prices for Loan
It also has been brought to the notice of
this committee that there is an
increasing prevalence on the part of
purchasers engaging in and assisting the
practice of deliberately inflating sale
prices of properties in excess of their
actual real prices to facilitate purchasers
| seeking and obtaining increased loans to
I finance purchase of properties.
This committee utterly condemns such
practice which obviously not only is
not in accordance with good
conveyancing practice but also
constitutes fraudulent and
unprofessional conduct which would
render practitioners assisting in such
practice liable to serious sanctions by
the Law Society.
Land Act 1965
Practitioners attention is drawn to the
S.I. No. 56 of 1995
Land Act, 1965 (Additional Categories
of Qualified Persons) Regulations,
Ivan Yates,
Minister for Agriculture,
Food and Forestry, in exercise of the
power conferred on me by Section
45(1 )(X) of the Land Act, 1965 (No. 2
of 1965), and the Land (Transfer of
Departmental Administration and
Ministerial Functions) Order, 1977
(S.I. No. 28 of 1977), as adapted by the j
Agriculture and Fisheries (Alteration
of Name of Department and Title of
Minister) Order, 1977 (S.I. No. 31 of
1977), the Agriculture (Alteration of
Name of Department and Title of
Minister) Order, 1987 (S.I. No. 97 of
1987) and the Agriculture and Food
(Alteration of Name of Department and
Title of Minister) Order, 1993, (S.I.
No. 11 of 1993), hereby make the
following Regulations:
1. (a) These Regulations may be cited
as the Land Act, 1965
(Additional Categories of
Qualified Persons) Regulations,
(b) The Land Act, 1965 (Additional
Category of Qualified Person)
Regulations, 1970 (S.I. No. 40
of 1970), the Land Act, 1965
(Additional Category of
Qualified Persons) Regulations,
1972 (S.I. No. 332 of 1972), the
Land Act, 1965 (Additional
Category of Qualified Person)
Regulations, 1983 (S.I. No. 144
of 1983), the Land Act, 1965
(Additional Category of
Qualified Person) Regulations,
1994 (S.I. No. 67 of 1994) and
these Regulations may be cited
together as the Land Act, 1965
(Additional Categories of
Qualified Persons) Regulations,
1970 to 1995.
2. For the purpose of the definition of
a "qualified person" in Section 45
of the Land Act, 1965 (No. 2 of
1965), the following categories are
hereby declared to be additional
categories, namely:-
(a) a person (other than a body
corporate) whose principal
place of residence is in a
Member State of the European
Communities or other European
State which is a contracting
party to the European Economic
Area Agreement,
(b) a body corporate incorporated
in a Member State of the
European Communities or
other European State which is a
contracting party to the
European Economic Area
Agreement and having its
registered office, central
administration or principal
place of business within the
territory of those States.
Given under my Official Seal,
this 16th day of February, 1995.
Minister for Agriculture, Food and