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Lost Land Certificates

Registration of Title Act, 1964

An application has been received from the

registered owners mentioned in the Schedule

hereto for the issue of a Land Certificate as stated

to have been lost or inadvertently destroyed. A

new Certificate will be issued unless notification is

received in the Registry within twenty-eight days

from the date of publication of this notice that the

original Certificate is in existence and in the

custody of some person other than the registered

owner. Any such notification should state the

grounds on which the Certificate is being held.

(Registrar of Titles)

Central Office, Land Registry, (Clárlann na

Tallin), Chancery Street,

Dublin 7.

Published: 12th June 1995.

Ma r t in Eg a n,

Rathglass, Moygownagh,

Ballina, Co. Mayo. Folio: 4 9 9;

Townland: Rathglass; Area: 29(a) 3(r)


Solr. Ref: J MG . MC . Co. Mayo.

Michael and T r e a sa (orse Te r e s a)


Folio: 5 9 4 9, 5 9 5 0, 5956, 5 9 5 4;

Lands: Pollerton Little; Area: (Folio

5 9 4 9) 15(a) 2(r) 33(p), (Folio 5 9 5 0)

26(a) 2(r) 8(p), (Folio 5 9 5 6) 21(a) 3(r)

22(p), (Folio 5 9 5 4) 19(a) l(r) 25(p).

Co. Carlow.

F r a n c es HefFernan (deceased),


13797; Land: Puddingfield; Area: 68(a)


(r) 20(p).

Co. Tipperary.

Michael Caplis,

Folio: 1. 3 1 7 0 7 F, 2.

2 9 8 55 closed to 3 9 9 1 9; Lands: 1.

Cooleen, 2. Cooleen.

Co. T i ppe r a r y.

B e r n a rd Duffy,

Folio: 5 4 3 I F ; Land:

Candlefort; Area: Property no. 1 4 . 5 33

Hectares, Property no. 2 1.351 Hectares.

Co. Monaghan.

William Mu r r ay and Catherine

Mu r r ay (deceased),

of 24 Clonard

Street, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin. Folio:

13112; Lands: Part of the property with

the cottage thereon situate on the north

side of Clonard Street in the town of

Balbriggan, Townland of Tankardstown

and Barony of Balrothery East.

Co. Dublin.

J ames and William Coleman,


6 4 3 3, 6 4 4 8; Land: Kilcappagh; Area:

Folio 6 4 3 3: 15(a) l(r) 27(p), Folio

6 4 4 8: 11(a) 0(r) 4(p).

Co. Offaly.

Industrial Development Authority

(now Fo r f a s)

of Lansdowne House,

Ballsbridge, Dublin 4. Folio: 3 8 2 5;

Land: Townland of Ballycoolen in the

Barony of Castleknock.

Co. Dublin.

J o hn E. Vaughan,

Folio: 9 4 4 7; Land:

of Ballyhoolahan East, Barony of

Duhallow and County of Cork.

Co. Co r k.

J o hn Joseph Mc E v oy (deceased),

Folio: 4 1 6 5 F; Land: (1) Dunbell Little,

(2) Bennettsbridge, (3) Bennettsbridge,

(4) Ballyredding North; Area: (1) 2.752

Hectares, (2) 4 . 5 73 Hectares, (3) 6 . 6 34

Hectares, (4) 4.761 Hectares.

Co. Kilkenny.

Hannah Kilkenny,


Claremorris, Co. Mayo. Folio: 3 8 4 3 7;

Townland: Ballyhowly; Area: 0(a) 0(r)


Co. Mayo.

Kevin McHugh,

Folio: 10678 (an

undivided moiety at entry no. 4); Land:


Co. Louth.

J o hn Patrick B a r r on and Ma ry Ann

B a r r o n,

Folio: 7 1 0 1; Land: Moybella

North; Area: 3(r) 0(p).

Co Ke r r y.

Kathleen Cana v an,

(tenant in common

of an undivided moiety), Folio: 2 6 6 4 8;

Townland: Headford; Area: 15.466


Co. Galway.

Michael McLoughlin,

Folio: 4 0 7 6 9;

Land: Grange; Area: 3(r) 23(p).

Co. Donegal.

Stephen Noel He a r ne (Reg Own er

Folio 1567), Patrick J ames He a r ne

(Reg Owner Folio 1 5 5 9 , 1 5 7 0 ),


No. 1: 1567, Folio No. 2: 1559, Folio

No. 3: 1570; Land: Leperstown; Area:

(1) 35(a) 2(r) 15(p), (2) 32(a) l(r) 38(p),

(3) 38(a) 0(r) 4(p).

Co. Wa t e r f o r d.

J ames Doherty,

Folio: 8 3 6 2; Land:

Templemoyle; Area: 17(a) l(r) l(p).

Co. Donegal.

Ka n t u rk Iron Wo r ks Limited,


6 9 3 9 F; Land: Townland of Gurteenard

Barony of Duhallow and County of


Co. Co r k.

Ma r y Ahern,

Folio: 4 7 6 6 8; Land:

Barony of Imokilly and County of Cork.

Co. Co r k.

Patrick Ma r r o n,

Folio: 1461; Land:

Anny; Area: 8(a) 2(r) 24(p).

Co. Monaghan.

Thomas and Nora O'Malley,


18565F; Lands: Part of the townland of

Ballinfoila, situate on the north West

side of the Galway-Headford Road in

the Borough of Galway and Parish of

Saint Nicholas.

Co. Galway.

B e r n a rd Coffey,

Folio: 1565; Land: of

Moortown Barony of Ikeathy and


Co. Kildare.

Aidan Howlin,

Folio: 2 3 0 7 F; Land:


Co. We x f o r d.

J o hn Kelly,

Folio: 15092; Land:

Illaunmeen; Area: 15(a) 0(r) 13(p).

Co. Tipperary.

J o hn O ' R i o r d an and B r e da

O ' R i o r d a n,

Folio: 13996; Lands:

Barony of Fermoy and County of Cork.

Co. Co r k.

J o hn Molloy,

Folio: 7 5 9 6; Land:

Shudaun, Athenry, Co. Galway.

Co. Galway.

Ma r y Louisa C r amp t on,

Folio: 12865;

Land: Clonbrown and Clonmel.

Co. Kings.

Simon Keating (deceased),


17409; Land: Tellerought.

Co. We x f o r d.