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Lost Land Certificates
Registration of Title Act, 1964
An application has been received from the
registered owners mentioned in the Schedule
hereto for the issue of a Land Certificate as stated
to have been lost or inadvertently destroyed. A
new Certificate will be issued unless notification is
received in the Registry within twenty-eight days
from the date of publication of this notice that the
original Certificate is in existence and in the
! custody of some person other than the registered
owner. Any such notification should state the
grounds on which the Certificate is being held.
(Registrar of Titles)
Central Office, Land Registry, (Clárlann na
Talún), Chancery Street,
Dublin 7.
Published: ???????????? 1995.
Nitrigin E i r e ann Te o r an t a,
12046; Land: Townland o f Tiknock,
Barony of Arklow.
Co. Wicklow.
J ames Ryan (deceased),
Folio: (1)
5612, (2) 5 6 1 3; Lands: Boolanunane,
Hollyford; Area: (1) 49(a) 3(r) 13(p),
(2) 20(a) 2(r) 4(p).
Co. Tipperary.
Elizabeth Mc Co rma c k,
32 Lambay
j Road, Glasnevin, Dublin 9. Folio: 4 2 6 F;
Land: A plot of ground situate on the
I East side of Lambay Road in the Parish
and District of Glasnevin; Area:
(Hectares) 0.038. Co.
Thomas Mu r phy and Mau r e en
Mu r phy,
1214 Kilnamanagh Estate,
Tallaght, Co. Dublin. (7 Edenmore
Gardens, Raheny, Dublin 5). Folio:
5 8 5 4 7 L; Land: The Property known as
7 Edenmore Gardens situate in the
Parish of Raheny and District of Raheny
Co. Dublin.
E q i mar Ireland Limited,
2 6 7 3 F; Land: Derreendrislagh; Area:
0(a) 0(r) 26(p). Co.
Ke r r y.
F r a n c es Lyons,
4 4 Woodford Drive,
Monastery Road, Clondalkin, Co.
Dublin. Folio: 4 0 8 4 8 F; Lands: Site No.
44, Road No. 8, Woodford, Monastery
Road, Clondalkin in the Townland of
Knockmitten and Barony of Uppercross.
Co. Dublin.
Patrick and Ma r k O'Sullivan,
3 1 0 2; Land: Motabower, Area: 53(a)
3(r) 24(p).
Co. Wexford.
Noel & Elsie Foley,
Folio: 9 8 3 3 F;
; Land: Sliguff; Area: 0 . 8 13 acres.
Co. CarloW.
Hannah Ahern,
Folio: 11131; Land:
Curragh; Area: 27(a) 2(r) 31(p).
I Co. Limerick.
Ma r g a r et and Patrick Ga r g an,
4 7 29 (now 17976F); Land: Teevurcher.
Co. Meath.
Thomas Joseph Beston,
Folio: 4 0 2 3 F;
Lands: Coolbooa; Area: 13.302.
Co. Wa t e r f o r d.
Eugene Reilly,
Folio: 2 0 1 85 and
2 0 1 7 4; Land: Situate at Fartan Upper
containing 8(a) 2(r) 16(p) and 2(r) 36(p)
and lands situate at Fartan Upper
I containing 6(a) 3(r) 8(p) respectively.
Co. Cavan.
Mau r i ce Dwan,
Folio: 5 8 6 5; Land:
Brackbawn; Area: 65(a) l(r) 35(p).
Co Limerick.
Florence P. Mc Ca r t h y,
Folio: 8 7 6 7;
Land: Barony of Ibane and Barry roe.
Co. Co r k.
J o hn Walsh,
(as tenant in common of
an undivided moiety). Folio: 6 1 9 L; Solr.
, Ref: DM/W/9.
Co. Carlow.
J ames Nolan,
Folio: 7 5 0 (now 5 0 7F );
Land: 1. Drummin, 2. Kilbride; Area:
(1) 31(a) 3 ( r ) 4p ), (2) 18(a) 2 ( r ) 3 1 ( p );
Solr. Ref: DM/N/44.
Co. Carlow.
| Sylvester Leech (Junior),
| 13094; Land: (1) Kilwarden (2)
Kilwarden (3) Kilwarden; Area: (1) 3(a)
2 ( r ) 1 5 ( p ), (2) 18(a) l(r) 21(p), (3) 3(a)
0(r) 38(p).
Co. Meath.
! Willie Gallagher,
Folio: 3 4 3 1 3, Land:
| (1) Magheragallan, (2) Magheragallan
I (3) Ardnagappary; Area: (1) 2.718
acres, (2) 17(a) 0(r) 29(p), (3) 1(a) l(r)
3 l(p).
Co. Donegal.
Albert Siev (deceased),
Folio: 7 7 4 1;
Land: Kilpedder East.
Co. Wicklow.
! Andrew Quinn (deceased),
Folio: (1)
787, (2) 1737, (3) 2 4 6 4; Land: (1)
Drumcreeghan and Drumhillagh, (2)
I Drumcreeghan and Drumhillagh, (3)
I Drumcreeghan and Drumhillagh; Area:
(1) 21(a) 2 ( r ) 1 4 ( p ), (2) 9(a) 0 ( r ) 1 9 ( p ),
(3) 10(a) 2(r) 18(p).
Co. Monaghan.
Charles Blake,
Folio: 2 7 7 5 2; Land: No.
j 1 Townland of Leitrim More (Part),
' Barony of Bear and County of Cork,
No. 2 Townland of Ballynahown,
Barony of Bear and County of Cork.
Co. Cork.
, Ro s ema ry Cahill (deceased),
Broomfield, Malahide, County Dublin.
Folio: 177; Land: Townland of
Broomfield in the Barony of Coolock.
Co. Dublin.
Michael Doyle Junior,
Folio: 3 3 7 3 F;
i Land: Ballyart; Area: 6.181 acres.
Co. We x f o r d.
| J o hn Denis O ' She a,
Folio: 13914,
| Land: Prop. 1. Rossdohan, Prop. 2.
I Rossdohan, Prop. 3. Rossdohan; Area:
Prop. 1. 16(a) l(r) 5(p), Prop. 2. 1(a)
2(r) 19(p), Prop. 3. 0(a) 0(r) 13(p).
Co. Ke r r y.
Ge r a rd McMa hon,
Folio: 3 2 5 6 F;
Land: Drumbracken; Area: 0 . 6 30
Co. Monaghan.
Geraldine Reid,
12 Beechgrove,
Booterstown, County Dublin. Folio:
4 4 4 2 5 F; Land: 12 Beechgrove, situate
in the Parish of Booterstown and
Borough of Dun Laoghaire.
Co. Dublin.
Samuel Hayes and Ma r g a r et
Folio: 2 3 0 5 F; Land:
Townland of Ballincollig and Barony of
| Muskerry East.
Co. Co r k.
L i am and Ma r g a r et Burke,
; 3 5 5 7 F; Townland: Town of Abbeyleix;
I Area: 0 . 2 24 acres.
Co. Queens.
Ra ymond Rowan (deceased),
! Westbrook Road, Highfield Park,
Dundrum, County Dublin. Folio:
2 8 5 7L; Land: Property known as 7
Westbrook Road, Dundrum situate on
the West Side of the said road in