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The Solicitors Acts, 1954 to 1994

(Professional Indemnity Insurance)

Regulations, 1995 (S.I. 312 of 1995)

These Regulations implement Section 26

of the Solicitors (Amendment) Act, 1994

and provide for the following:

1. The coming into effect of the

Regulations on

1 December 1995,

subject to transitional provisions for

the practice year 1996, (from now on

coinciding with the calendar year)

taking account of the reality that most

solicitors currently hold twelve month

Professional Indemnity cover (of at

least £250,000) up to dates expiring

during 1996.

2. The establishment, membership and

functions of the Professional

Indemnity Insurance (PII) Committee;

its membership comprising two-thirds

Council members together with

representatives of the "qualified

insurers" either as full members or as

"participating observers".

3. Apart from employed solicitors

providing legal services only to and

for their non-solicitor employers (i.e.

full-time in-house solicitors), any

solicitor applying for a practising

certificate from 1 January 1997 will

have to furnish to the Society written

confirmation from a "qualified

insurer" of there being in force

relating to him/her the "minimum

level of cover" for the duration of the

practice year (i.e., the calendar year)

in respect of which such practising

certificate so applied for relates.

4. As and from a solicitor's next

insurance renewal date during 1996,

the "minimum level of cover" is to be

£350,000 for each and every claim

(including claimants' legal costs)

unlimited in the aggregate ("in respect

ot anv act or omission of the insured

which gives rise to a claim or which

the insured considers may give rise to

a claim and is duly notified to the

qualified insurer concerned during the

practice year in question"), together

with the insured's own legal costs;

subject to such increases as may be

specified by the Council from time to



(1) Where the PII

Committee specify as appropriate

(usually where the Assigned Risks

Pool is involved) the minimum level

of cover may be the lesser form of

cover of £350,000 "in the aggregate";

(2) These Regulations are only

concerned with what the minimum

level of Professional Indemnity cover

for each solicitor should be; and

whatever Professional Indemnity

cover higher than the minimum an

individual solicitor or firmof

solicitors choose(s) to have, and from

what insurer, is entirely a matter for

that solicitor or firm.]

5. The minimum level of cover must be

obtained from a "qualified insurer",

meaning an insurer who enters into a

form of agreement with the Society as

set out in the Schedule to the

Regulations and who agrees to have

"approved indemnity terms" (i.e.,

policy conditions) as set out in the

Appendix to the Regulations.

6. If a solicitor with a current practising

certificate changes his/her status

during the practice year (i.e. moves

from one solicitor's practice to

another) he/she must notify the

Society and verify that his/her

minimum level of cover continues for

the remainder of that practice year.

7. A solicitor who is refused the

minimum level of cover by at least

three qualified insurers (to include the

Solicitors Mutual Defence Fund), or

who is in effect so refused by the

quotation to him of very onerous

terms or premia ("constructive

declinature"), may apply to the PII

Committee for admission to the

"Assigned Risks Pool", which

comprises all the qualified insurers for

the time being. |


Subjcct lo

certain requirements relating to 1 in-

payment of a premium deposit of

200% of the preceding year's

minimum level of cover premium

(actual or estimated by the Assigned

Risks Pool Manager and to a Risk

Management Audit of the practice, the

Assigned Risks Pool may provide the

minimum level of cover to the

solicitor concerned. There is provision

for an appeal to the High Court by a

solicitor who is refused cover by the

Assigned Risks Pool.]

8. The maximum period a solicitor can

remain in the Assigned Risks Pool is

two practice years.


It is

unlikely that there will be many

situations where a solicitor, even with

an indifferent Professional Indemnity

claims record, will be unable to get

Professional Indemnity cover from

one of the qualified insurers.

However, the detailed provisions

relating to the operation of the

Assigned Risks Pool reflect: (i) the

need to ensure that a solicitor is not


prevented from

practising by reason of not being able

to get the minimum level of cover

necessary to obtain a practising

certificate; and, (ii) the concerns of the

qualified insurers who will in the final

analysis be required to provide the

minimum level of cover to a solicitor

who may be a very bad insurance


9. The Society will be required to

maintain an "insurance record",

available to the public, containing the

name of the qualified insurer

providing the minimum level of cover

to each solicitor who is issued with a

practising certificate.




Please note that the charges for

the above will be as follows, with

effect from 1 January, 1996:-

• 2 hou r s

- £ 30

• All D a y - £ 1 00

The telephone system, telephone

booths and ground floor rooms

have all been upgraded in the last

18 months.

This increase will enable the

completion of refurbishment work

to the rooms.