Critical Need (1.0)
Is the completion of this project critical to service delivery or addressing a service level
deficiency? Is completion of this project necessary due to legal mandates (annexations, EPA
rules, etc.)?
1= There is no service deficiency identified or legal requirement.
4= There is an identified service deficiency. The project request will serve an area of the city
that currently receives a lower level of service than the rest of the City. There is no legal
7= Approval is required in order to continue providing the service and/or there is a clearly
identified legal mandate associated with the completion of the project.
Community Support (1.0)
Has the City made specific commitments to the community regarding the project? Is there a
strong demand from the community for this specific project? How much of the community
will be affected?
1= There is no evidence that this project is being demanded by or would be strongly
supported by citizens or potential customers.
4= There is some evidence that this project is being demanded by or would be strongly
supported by citizens or potential customers. This project was included in a departmental
plan that the public was involved in developing.
7= This project is in direct response to consistent demands from citizens or potential
customers and is well documented. Specific commitments have been made to the public
regarding this project.
Funding (1.0)
Has funding for this project been identified from current resources (authorized bonds, capital
reserves, General Fund)? Can funding this project be used to leverage additional funding
from an outside funding source? Does the City risk losing funding from an outside source if
this project is delayed?
1= There is no funding identified for this project.
4= There is identified funding from current resources, however it will require additional
funding for debt service and/or a fee/tax increase. (Ex: Approved bonds that have not
been sold; Revenue bonds that will require a rate increase.) There is no additional
funding from outside resources.
7= There is identified funding from current resources without additional debt service (i.e. any
additional debt service has been built into the budget) and there is funding available from
an outside resource.