Capital Improvements Program FY 2015 - 2024 - page 5

Capital Improvements Program
FY 2015 - 2024
Relationship to Annual Operating Budget
The CIP and Annual Operating Budget are linked in three main ways. First, some CIP projects
are funded through annual operating funds, such as the General Fund (Capital Reserve Fund)
and the Water Resources Fund. In these cases, the projects become authorized through the
adoption of the Annual Operating Budget. Second, projects funded through debt financing
(typically voter authorized bonds) impact the operating budget through ongoing debt service
expense. Third, some CIP projects, such as new facilities, require ongoing expenses for staff and
other operating costs, directly impact the operating budget.
Expenditure Overview
The FY 2015-2024 Capital Improvements Program (CIP) totals
The Infrastructure Result Area equals approximately $1.27 billion or 89.2% of the total proposed
CIP spending over the next ten years. The result area consists of Engineering & Inspections, Field
Operations, Planning and Community Development, Transportation, Coliseum, and the Water
Resources departments.
Projected Transportation capital expenditures over the next ten years total approximately $570
million, which accounts for 45% of the Infrastructure Result Area and 40% of the total proposed
CIP. Projects planned for FY 14-15 include work on the Downtown Greenway, High Point Road
Streetscape, Horsepen Creek Road, and a number of general sidewalk improvements and street
maintenance projects.
Services, 6.79%
Public Safety,
Expenditures by Result Area
1,2,3,4 6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,...264
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