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abolition of the jury, like the abolition of trials in

valuation appeals and in workmen's compensation

cases was but yet another way for the civil service

to takeover the work of the courts. He noted that

juries in civil trials had not been abolished in

Northern Ireland and in his view such a system

which had existed for hundreds of years had

received the confidence of the public.



The following are the Officials and Committee

of the above Association for the current year:

President, J. E. B. Skelly; Hon. Treasurer, W. J.

Ryan; Hon. Secretary, W. R. White; Committee,

J. G. Bolger, A. Farrell, P. T. Meagher and H.



A lecture was delivered to the Society on the 24

February 1966 on the "Practice of the Office of

Wards of Courts" by Mr. George G. King, B.L.,

Registrar of Wards of Court.

The lecture was delivered in a highly infor

mative and interesting manner by the lecturer,

who dealt with the practice of his office in a

manner best calculated to assist the solicitor who

is not accustomed to dealing with the Wards of

Court Office.

The discussion which followed showed the great

interest of the audience in this little known branch

of professional activity.

The next lecture will be given to the Society on

Thursday, 28 April 1966 by the President of the

District Court, on "The Practice of the District


Other forthcoming lectures include:

26 May: "Preparation and Presentation of a

Case for Counsel" by a Senior Counsel.

30 June (provisionally): "Land Commission


28 July: "Criminal Law Practice" by Herman

29 September: "Office Accounts Systems and

Good, Esq., B.A., LL.B., Solicitor.

Finance Control" by an Accountant.

27 October: "Insurance and Estate Duty" by

an Insurance Specialist.

24 November: "Commercial Law Practice".

Intending members should send subscriptions of

£1-1-0 to the Hon. Treasurer, 2 Clare Street,

Dublin 2. Remittances should be in favour of

the Society of Young Solicitors.


Meaning of Interest

Section 45 (2) of the Land Act 1965 provides

that no interest in land to which the section

applies shall become vested in a person who is not

a qualified person except with the written consent

of the Land Commission. The word "interest" is

expressed by sub-section 1



(a) an

estate, (b) a leasehold interest or tenancy (inclu

ding an interest under a grant for a term of years

whether or not reserving a rent), (c) an interest

of a mortgagee (including an equitable mortgagee)

or chargeant, (d) an interest referable to a per

son's having contracted to buy or having con

tracted to take a lease or tenancy, (e) an interest

referable to a right to become registered under

the Registration of Title Acts 1891 and 1942 or

the Registration of Title Act 1964, (f) an interest

consisting of a right to ratify a contract or other

transaction conferred by sub-section (1) of section

37 of the Companies Act 1963 and an interest

comprises equitable and beneficial interests as well

as legal interests. In a case which is brought to the

attention of the Society members acted for the

owners of land who held under a lease for 999

years from 1831. The clients' predecessors in title

mortgaged the lands in 1860 and members were

instructed to pay off the mortgage and obtain a

release from the mortgagees who were domiciled

and resident in England. Members were advised

that it would be imprudent to proceed with the

release of the mortgage without the consent of the

Land Commission, having regard to the terms of

section 45 (1) (c) of the Act.


(2) (a)

The attention of members is drawn to an article

which appeared under the above heading in vol.

59, no. 8A—the January issue of the GAZETTE in

which reference is made to the form of application

for the consent of the Land Commission to the

vesting in unqualified persons who have an interest

in lands situated in a County Borough, Urban

District or Town. It is to be noted that the form

of application is available for non-qualified per

sons who have an interest in land not situated in

a County Borough, Urban District or Town as

thev have no need to obtain consent in respect of

lands purchased within the areas so specified.



Arising out of enquiries made by a member of

the Society the following information has kindly