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November 24th: The President in the chair,

also present Messrs. George Nolan, Gerald Y.

Goldberg, Thomas

Jackson, Desmond Collins,

Timothy J. C. O'Keeffe, Patrick O'Donnell, Reg

inald J. Nolan, James R. C. Green, Thomas H.

Bacon, Augustus Cullen, Eunan McCarron, Peter

D. M. Prentice, P. C. Moore, Bruce St. J. Blake,

John Maher, James YV. O'Donovan, Peter E.

O'Connell, Thomas A. O'Reilly, Desmond Moran,

Patrick Noonan, Ralph J. Walker, T. V. O'Gonnor,

John Garrigan, Francis J. Lanigan, George G.

Overend, W. A. Osborne, Gerard M. Doyle,

Daniel J. O'Gonnor.

The following was among the business trans

acted :

Extraordinary Members of the Council

The Gouncil appointed

the following extra

ordinary members pursuant to their bye-laws :

Dublin Solicitors' Bar Association —

Gerard M. Doyle, Richard Knight, Rory


Southern Law Association —

John B. Jermyn, Cornelius J. Daly, Gerald

J. Moloney, John F. Foley, Humphrey P.


The Incorporated Council of Law Reporting

The President reported that the Minister for

Justice had agreed to relieve the Society of the

annual payment of £500


the Incorporated

Council of Law Reporting, which has been paid

under an arragement made the Department of



1954 but without any statutory or

contractual obligation. He had suhsesuently re

ceived a letter from the Minister suggesting that

the matter should first be discussed between the

Society and the Incorporated Council of Law

Reporting. He had replied that as the Incorpor

ated Council of Law Reporting were not a party

to the arrangement and the Society had no con

tractual or other obligations towards that Council

such a course would be inappropriate.



1. Registrars Committee :

Gerard M. Doyle, Chairman; Thomas H.

Bacon, Augustus Cullen, Thomas T. Fitzpat-

rick, Richard Knight, Francis J. Lanigan,

Brendan A. McGrath, Patrick C. Moore,

William A. Osborne.

2. Compensation Fund Committee :

Gerard M. Doyle, Chairman; Thomas H.

Bacon, Augustus Cullen, Thomas J. Fitz-

patrick, Richard Knight, Francis J. Lanigan,

Brendan A. McGrath, Patrick



William A. Osborne.


Finance, Library and Publications

Committee :

Reginald J. Nolan, Chairman; Desmond J.

Collins, John Maher, Patrick C. Moore, Sen

ator John J. Nash, Peter D. Prentice, Ralph

J. Walker.


Parliamentary Committee :

Senator John J. Nash, Chairman; Bruce St.





Fitzpatnck, T.D.,

Thomas J. Jackson, Patrick O'Donnell, T.D.


Privilages Committee :

John Carrigan, Chairman; Joseph P. Black,

Bruce St.

J. Blake, Gerald Y. Goldberg,

James R. C. Green, John Maher, Desmond J.

Moran, Peter E. O'Connell, Thomas E.

O'Donnell, George G. Overend.

6. Court Offices and Costs Committee :

John C. O'Carrill, Chairman; Francis A. Arm

strong, Thomas Jackson George A. Nolan,

Daniel J. O'Connor, Rory O'Connor, Thomas

V. O'Connor, Timothy J. O'Keeffe, Thomas

A. O'Reilly, James W. O'Donovan, Ralph

J. Walker.

7. Court of Examiners :

James W. O'Donovan, Chairman; Desmond

J. Collins, Eunan McCarron, Desmond J.

Moran, George G. Overend.

8. Disciplinary Committee :

James R.

C. Green, Eunan McCarron,

George A. Nolan, Patrick Noonan, Peter E.

O'Connell, Daniel J. O'Connor, George G.

Overend, Peter D. M. Prentice, Derrnot P.

Shaw, Robert McD. Taylor.


An Ordinary General Meeting of the Soceity

was held


the Library, Solicitors' Buildings,

Four Courts, Dublin, on 24th November, 1966.

The President took the chair at 2.30 p.m.

The notice convening the meeting was by per

mission taken as read.

The Secretary read the report of the scrutineers

on the ballot for the Council for the year 1966-67.

The President declared the result of the ballot

in accordance with



report as

follows :—

Provincial Delegates returned unopposed :

John C. O'Carroll

(Ulster), Reginald



(Leinster), Thomas

E. O'Donnell