2019 Winter Newsletter

West side of Park Square 100 Years ago

Miami County Genealogy & Historical Society 12 East Peoria Paola, KS 66071 Return Service Requested

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The 2019 Winter Edition Newsletter of the

E-Mail: info@think miamicountyhistory.com


The west side of Park Square over 100 years ago

In this issue a 4 page 1955 Paola merchants Christmas advertising contest. This pullout was printed in the Western Spirit November 24, 1955

Price $2.00

Place address label in this area


Officers and Directors 2017 Officers

President- Colleen Ewan Vice President- Larry Lybarger Secretary- Ann Roark Treasurer- LuAnne Debrick

913-294-5051 913-294-9769 913-294-3312 913-259-5027 913-406-3243 913-294-4113 913-259-5027 913-849-3366 913-377-4689 785-869-3246 913-731-7869 913-731-3193 913-755-3504 913-294-3312 913-294-2779 913-710-1767 913-849-3278 913-259-9837 913-244-4587 913-294-5051

Gift Corner Pg 3 Letter from the President Pg 4 Library Pg 4 Mini Minutes, Pg 5 Volunteers report Pg 6 Bernice Wallace Pg 7 Obits Vera & Thomas Pg 8 Museum receives grant Pg 9 Potawatomie roots Pg 13 Visitors & Christmas party Pg 15 Advice from the Past Pg 16 New Service Pg 17 Jack York’s treasurers Pg 18 Lloyd’s Letter Trail of death visitors St Marys church visit New Volunteers Pg 11 Pg 12

Board of Directors

Louisburg - Aggie Dillard

Marysville Township - Mildred Haley Member at Large - LuAnne Debrick Miami Township - Nina Gerken Middle Creek Township - Kristin Graue Mound Township - Donna Darner Osage Township - Ann Davis Osawatomie City- Wes Cole Osawatomie Township - Ben Maimer Paola City - Ann Roark Paola Township - Elsie Cordle Richland Township - LeAnne Shields Stanton Township - Lloyd Peckman Sugar Creek Township - Ann Benton Ten Mile Township - Patsy Bortner Valley Township - Colleen Ewan Wea Township - Larry Lybarger

Pg 10 -11

Pg 19-20-21

Publications for sale Heritage Walk Bricks Thank you letter

Pg 22 Pg 23

913-294-9769 Genealogy Society Coordinator- Betty Bendorf 913-557-2485 Newsletter - Roger Shipman 913-259-9219 Financial The Miami County Historical Museum is a Non-Profit Organi zation with a tax exempt status allowed by the Internal Revenue Dept. Gift and donations received by the Societies are deductible for Income Tax purposes. For additional information or questions

Back cover

Notice To The Membership The Miami County Historical Museum mem bership dues are $25.00 Make checks out to: Miami County Historical Museum 12 East Peoria, Paola, Kansas 66071-0123

regarding Endowments, Trusts, etc., Please contact us at 913-294-4940

A Newsletter of the Miami County Historical Museum & Genealogy Society Winter 2019 Volume 34- No.1 Miami County Historical Museum 12 E. Peoria, Paola, Kansas 66071

E-Mail: info@think miamicountyhistory.com

Phone: 913-294-4940

Web address; www.thinkmiamicountyhistory.com Museum Hours: Monday through Friday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Page 2

Visit our gift corner We have books, out of print museum books on DVD, brochures of local attractions, numerous historical Paola photos suitable for framing, tee-shirts, hats and some free stuff

Hours for the Museum Open Monday through Friday 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Closed Saturday with the exception of special occasions For appointments call: QCD Qualified Charitable Distributions Donations from an IRA fund to meet your IRA Annual Required Distribution to a Charity. Any Donation with QCD are 100% untaxed by the IRS. Normal distributions are subject to federal and state income taxes. Requirements: To Avoid Taxes on Distributions 1. Age 70 1/2 or older 2. Donations made directly by IRA Custodians to 501 charitable group 3. Limit of $100,000 per year per person with IRA 4. Donation made by Dec. 31 of each year given by Custodian Thus, you can give to our museum up to $100,000 per year per person from your IRA as a distribution and pay no taxes on that gift---normal distributions are taxed as a part of your adjusted gross income. The custodian provides a 1099-R form to report on your income tax return. Example: Have your custodian of your IRA give to our museum $2,500(any sum up to $100,000) from your IRA. Will be part of your required distribution but would be exempt from normal taxes that year. A WIN-WIN FOR YOU AND YOUR CHARITY CHOICE Give to Charity---Pay Less Taxes. QCD—for the Endowment or Regular Museum Donation. Timely Tax Information 816-392-0605 913-294-9769

Page 3

President’s Letter

Dear Friends: First, I want to thank all of those who helped fill the gap while I was home with a broken arm. I’m glad to be out and about again. Our Black History display is up. We are still working on the Miami County Court cases to get them into the computer. We have several new volunteers and Aggie Dillard was elected to fill the term on the Board of Jack Burcham who has moved to Kansas City. We have renovated the back bathroom and kitchen area and purchased new cabinets and refrigerator. The Christmas party was enjoyed by all volunteers and friends of the museum. A variety of food was prepared by the volun teers. Colleen Ewan, President

Colleen Ewan

LIBRARY I would like to introduce you to Ellen Welch. She recently retired from the Johnson County Library system and came to us to be a volunteer. She likes our research library and is fitting in very nicely. She is learning where everything is and how to use it. She will be helpful in moving our library into the new technology age. Right now Ellen is go ing through our many shelves of Family History books and including the many “surnames” in them, in other words, an “index” Library Research The following are walk-in researchers to the library recently and surnames or information being re searched. Patricia Davis (Roethel, Whitacre, Cook, Groh) Deanna Byers (Sybil Troxel 1934) Arvid Waller (Waller) Cynthia Wood (Wood, McGuirk, Weaver) Joyce Curran (Fritts, Brocker, Kries) Betty Bendorf , Librarian

Joseph Weber (Weber, White, Banks, Fields, Barber) Jeanne Pees (Duncan, Dunbar, Spring Grove) These researchers came from the states of Kansas, Mis souri, Colorado, Michigan Ellen Welch

Bill Fort (Farner, Fort, Scott) Steve and Peggy Close (Wynn)

The Museum has reprints of past Newsletters for sale at $2.00 an issue.

Page 4

QUERIES James Hanni wants to know how Paola got its name. Bil Ward is looking for Ward family, Benjamin Harri son Ward, Jonathan and Texana Ward. Luke Hagerdorn is looking to connect with family of Carl J. Morgan. Diane Swan wants to know about Fred Knowler who owned the property years ago. Dr. Richard D Lewis wants to find out how Petroleus street got its name. Mark Beaver is looking for Probate records for Wil liam Beaver, Rebecca Martin, Theron Wells, Diane Wickersham. Rebecca Starr Wants information on Frank Pitman, patient at State Hospital in 1850s. Nancy Williams wants info on Pine Sales Ayers before 1940 at the State. Also would like copies of 2 District court cases where he was a patient defendant. Rise Davis wants info on Emma Purgatorio committed to State Hospital in 1911 Blaine Freidline is looking for data on Marjorie L Freidline, patient in state Hos pital in 1940-50. Maura Cantwell wants to locate Rev. Michael J Glea son, once Pastor in Paola. Terri Lindquester wants obits for Virgil Hackler and married name of his sister. Chandler Pyles wants to know about his uncle Gary Haulmark who was a patient at State Hospital and died in 1981. Edward Schreiber wants obit for Reuben Fellows. Mary Lovell wants to know about Capt. John Millis and family who lived here in the 1870s. R. De Beauvoir wants info on the Worthington family who was here in the 1880 in Richland Twp.

Page 5 A Donation has been received from the Clorox Co. Jack Bur cham gave his written resignation from being a Director as he is moving out of the county. Members of the Potawatomie and Miami Indian tribes will Con’t on Pg. 6 MINI MINUTES The following are highlights of Executive and Director meet ings, for your information, and a way to let you (a member) in on the workings of the museum. July By-Laws written for the Endowment Assoc. will need to be reviewed. The investments are to be kept locally. The display cases have been received. We have been adding castors to make them easier to move. Patsy reported three hundred nineteen paintings are on dis play from eighty nine artists in the Art Show. The reception will be July 14 and a coffee will be July 22 at the museum. Kristin Graue has offered to help on the grant for a new web site. AUGUST The Treasurer reported donations made from Art Guild. After discussion it was voted to have First Option Bank to manage our Endowment Fund Investments. We are expecting a tour group from Overland Park to visit the museum Aug. 16. Ann Benton has offered to help with the grant writing for the new web site Volunteers are needed for Tuesdays and Thursday morning. SEPTEMBER Sandra McFadden wants obits for Louis Henry Fisher and marriage license for him and Pauline Fisher. Don Creekmore wants details of Houdini visit to this area in 1897. Molly Oberstein-Allen asks what material we have for her to write a history of Paola. These Queries have been researched by Iris Kluber Von Rothenberger wants to know about all high schools in the county.

Mini Minutes cont. be visiting the Museum in September during the Trail of Death Caravan. Colleen has completed a list of the Probate files and Aggie will make an index to the file. Larry presented a plan to remodel the rest room and kitch en area. Larry purchased books on Native Americans and they will become part of an Indian Room Library that could possibly be checked out. (These are not part of our research library). OCTOBER Larry reported that the rest room and kitchen remodeling is completed. Money from the garage sale was used for this project. A group of 73 from St Marys Kansas visited the museum recently. Their interest was on the Potawatomie In dians. Larry reported that the Schwartz donation has been in vested at First Option. Aggie Dillard was nominated to replace Jack Burcham as a Director. Upcoming tours include a group of 30 Cub Scouts. The following Directors were nominated and elected for a term of 2 years, 2019 and 2020. Lloyd Peckman, Stanton Twp; Donna Darner, Mound Twp; Elsie Cordle, Paola Twp; Ann Davis, Osage Twp; Kristin Graue, Middle Creek Twp; Larry Lybarger . Wea Twp; LuAnne Debrick, Mem. At Large; Wes Cole, Osawatomie Twp. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Front Desk (1/2 or full day), computer input, arrang ing displays, moving help, grant writers, interviewers, history researchers

VOLUNTEER and VISITOR REPORT August 2018 Thru December 2018 Volunteers - 30 Hours - 2,022 Volunteers: Jr. Ayres, Betty Bendorf, Bud and Patsy Bortner, Ann Benton, Jim Bousman, Vera Dakin, Ann Davis, Luanne Debrick, Ed Dennerline, Aggie Dillard, Colleen Ewan, Nina Gerken, Rusty and Bo Gerken, Mildred Haley, Jeff Hartle, Iris Kluber, Larry Lybarg er, Lloyd Peckman, Teresa and Bob Read, Ann Roark, Leanne Shields, Roger Shipman, Stan Whisner, Karen Blumhorst, Karen Freehan, Ellen Welch and Arlene Meek .

Board Meetings - 5

Average Attendance - 12

Visitors- 525

States Represented -26

Kansas, Missouri, Florida, Illinois, California, Mary land, Oklahoma, Michigan, Idaho, Tennessee, Texas, South Dakota, Colorado, Oregon, North Carolina, Virginia, Nebraska, Arkansas, Ohio, Georgia, Pennsyl vania, Washington, Wisconsin, New Hampshire, Mon tana and Hawaii.

Countries Represented – Spain and Germany

(This report includes a group of 43 from Indiana on the Potatawatomie Trail of Death. 73 from St. Mary’s Kansas regarding Trail of Death, 36 from Paola Pre School, 20 from the 5th grade at Sunflower School, 30 from Scout Troop 3100, and 21 from Scout Troop 100.

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1919--100 YEARS OF RECOGNITION DUE WOMEN IN MIAMI COUNTY In 1919, 100 years ago, the U S. Constitution saw the ad dition of the 19th Amendment---Women’s Suffrage. Efforts had been made during Reconstruction after the Civil War to include women’s rights with the “Black Amendments”, 13 15th, that ended slavery, provided black citizenship and the vote. However, the inclusion of women’s right to vote was not approved until after WWI. It did not equalize their rights in all areas of government, and some would argue it still is lacking in equal rights for women. On the wall in our Museum is an article recognizing “Liv ing Heroes” of Miami County, dated 1927. Included in the pictures are 38 men. No Women. Surely there were some women who were heroes as well! In reviewing the history of our county, many women come to mind and were sug gested as candidates for recognition. We cannot list all, but one will be identified as a hero because of the life she lived and the contribution she made to our community. She was smart, organized, a business success, a philanthropist and an equal to any man in her contributions. Berenice Boyd Wallace was born in 1903 and was to be an only child of E.S. & Sara McLachlin Boyd. She attended Paola Schools and eventually college, graduating with a degree from the University of Michigan. She taught English and Lat in for a few years before marrying Clyde Wallace of Ottawa, Kansas. That marriage lasted less than a year with his ear ly death. She then returned to Paola to assist her father in his Paola Lumber and Coal business. In 1941 her father died and she became the owner and manager of the com pany. She continued to bring success to the company over the next 50 years, until her death. Few names of women or men could match her zeal or influence in her community during her life. She was born into wealth, but lived a conservative life and shared her fortune with friends, employees, and commu nity. She lived a life of focus and benevolence---she lived a pledge she taught in her Sunday school class and to her employees, and to her friends. She served on the Paola Library Board---created a founda tion for its support. She taught Sunday school at the First Presbyterian Church and served as a ruling elder. She was an active member of PEO, Mum Club, American Legion Aux iliary, and was a major contributor toward the Kellogg Eye Center at the U. of Michigan, and the Eye Foundation at Kansas University. She was known to privately donate funds for the youth, the needy with free coal, paid college tuition, clothes, shoes, and grants to scouts and many civic groups functions.

Berenice Boyd Wallace

In her love of service to others she donated to Lakemary Center, Ursuline Academy, Miami County Museum, Men ninger Foundation, Nelson Atkins Museum of Art, Linwood College, Ottawa University, Cottey College, Paola Cultur al Center, the Presbyterian and Methodist Churches; and upon her death in her will donated funds to almost all civic clubs and organizations. In her Will she bequeathed to al most 100 employees, friends and relatives a portion of her wealth. She was recognized with special civic awards sever al times, but was humble and private in many of her gifts. She lived a life of giving both financially and of herself to others. She loved her community, her successful business, youth, and tried to maintain a life dedicated to serving and her “Pledge”. She died in 1991, an equal to any Paola Hero. Larry Lybarger, Information provided by articles in the Western Spirit by Sarah Maloney, remembrances of friends, K U. Library’s Berenice Wallace Collection, the Miami County Museum Li brary and from her final will. That relieves pain or poverty, or sickness or distress, That makes the world a happier place to live in, That teaches others to know more, And especially to love more, That is my pledge.” MY PLEDGE “I pledge myself to do for others Such work as Jesus would do if he were here in person anything, however simple, that brightens Even an hour of another’s life,

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Vera Louise Stockebrand Dakin , age 91 of Miami County, Kansas died on November 8, 2018 at Olathe Hospital. She was born on June 24, 1927 in Woodson County, outside of Yates Center, Kansas, the daughter of Robert E. Stockebrand and Vivian Stitcher. She received her Register Nursing degree from Saint Mary’s Hospital in Kansas City where she was the “little sister” of her future sister-in- law, Shirley. She was wed to John Dakin for nearly 69 years and they were long time members of the United Methodist Church of Drexel. She worked as a public health nurse for Cass County before raising a family. She resumed her career as a nurse working at Olathe Hospital and later Miami County Health Depart ment. Her most recent passion was genealogy and volunteered endless hours at the Miami County Historical Museum. She and John traveled to Scotland for their 50th anniversary and researched the Dakin family. Thomas Eugene Ewan, son of our museum’s presi dent, Colleen Ewan passed away. Thomas Eugene Ewan, age 62, of Paola, Kansas died January 21, 2019 at Olathe Hospice House. Tom was born February 19, 1956 in Olathe, Kansas to Wil liam and Colleen Ewan. He attended Olathe public schools and graduated from Olathe High School in 1974. He gradu ated from the University of Kansas in 1978 with a Bachelor of Science Degree majoring in civil engineering. He was married to Pamela Joy Coate on December 30, 1978. Tom worked for his parents’ company, Paola Chrys ler Plymouth, on weekends while attending university. After graduation he began working for Boeing in Wichita, Kansas as a civil engineer until 1991. Tom was scheduled to be transferred to Seattle, but decided instead to move to Paola, Kansas and purchase his parents’ title insurance company, Landmark Title. He worked at Landmark with his wife until May of 2018 when they sold the company and retired due to illness. Over the years, Tom enjoyed many things such as being out doors, going boating, camping and fishing, and taking float trips with his dad, brother, son, and family friends. He also enjoyed gardening with his wife and traveling. He traveled

Vera Dakin, the grand old lady in our li brary passed away. Vera was the goto person in the genealogy section of the museum

Thomas Eugene Ewan

with his family to numerous states over the years and even visited places like Mexico, the Bahamas, St. Marten, and South Korea. Tom was preceded in death by his dad, William Ewan, and his grandparents, Floyd and Lula Ewan and George and Lela Metz. He is survived by his wife, Pam, of Paola, KS; his son and daughter-in-law, Dustin Ewan and Lana Hyeran Jo, of Olathe, KS; his mother Colleen, of Paola, KS; his sister, Su san Dunaway, of Huntington Beach, CA; his brother, Rob ert, of Olathe, KS; his sister-in-law and her husband, Do netta and Arlin Saville, of Olathe, KS and numerous nieces and nephews.

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Museum Receives Grant For sometime the directors and staff of the museum have been aware that improvements might be needed in our Website. Few additions or changes have been made in the last three years. There is a lot of history and information on the site that is very good. However, input by our staff to keep the site current has not been taking place. We were made aware that our association with Freedom’s Frontier made us elgible for requesting a grant to update and modernize our Website. After considerable procrastination by our staff, we were pleased that Ann Benton stepped up to do the paper work to apply for the funds. Starting this summer she began to gather the needed information and get questions completed to send to the Freedom’s Frontier. There was great competi tion for the grants and a limited budget available. The deadline was this fall to request a grant. With the help of staff members at the museum, the request was sent in. Several questions and follow up answers and information were provided to the administrator of the grants. But, after several anxious communications, we were told that we were selected. We requested a little over $5,000. We now await the directions from Freedom’s Frontier for the funds and our selection of a Website producer who can take our current site and make it more friendly to our staff. We want to especially thank Ann Benton for her efforts and we will need individuals to be a part of the support team for the site. We also thank Hannes Poetter for his development of our current site and all the hours he put into its origina tion. The past site was done at no cost to the museum, so it has been appreciated. Having an up-to-date site that is friendly to staff is a must for us to attract new visitors, and to help in our com munications with our viewers. Thanks, we look forward to this new development. Larry Lybarger

Red Cross

The photo above must have been taken around 1918 to 1920. It depicts the north east corner of park square. On the west end of the J W Price building there is a banner just above the car roof for the American Red Cross headquarters. It appears that there was a Rusell’s Variety Store just west of Red Cross location. This buggy must have had a hard life as the tire on the left front is absent and the left rear wheel has some spokes missing.

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SEEKING THEIR ROOTS POTAWATOMIE INDIANS Two groups of visitors came to the Miami County Mu seum this month to seek information and identity with their ancestors who once lived in or passed through our county. The first group consisted of 43 individuals who were on a mission to retrace their ancestors who had been forced to travel from Indiana to Kansas in 1838 on what was later to be known as the Trail of Death. The group traveled from Indiana by caravan and arrived in Paola on Sept. 22nd. The original ancestors had been forced to walk over a period of two months to their new home in Miami County. Many died along the way and those who lived endured much hardship as they traveled in the late fall and the weather was not welcoming.

They stayed overnight in what was to become Paola and then went on the next day to a spot between present day Osawatomie and Lane. There they faced a very cruel winter with no good shelter or provisions. They then decided to leave the area for a new location further south on their reservation---Sugar Creek near present day Centerville, Ks. The 43 visitors were espe cially interested in the artifacts from that Sugar Creek Mission. The Potawatomie lived there for almost ten years and were served by the Catholic missionaries. In 1848 they abandoned the Sugar Creek Mission and moved to St. Mary’s Kansas to a new reservation to avoid the threat of Typhoid and other illnesses that was taking many lives at Sugar Creek. The caravan that reenacted the Trail of Death had members from many states of the mid-west. They have been repeating the route of the Trail of Death

every 5 years. Larry Lybarger.

Shirley Willard

Bob Pearl

Betty Bendorf

Betty Bendorf

Shirley Willard

Page 10

George Godfrey

Sister Virginia Pearl

George Godfrey

Indian Room

Page 11

museum for over two hours and then planned on a visit to the Sugar Creek Mission. Many of the visitors had relatives who had lived at Sugar Creek before founding the town of St. Mary’s, Kansas. Our newer addition to the museum of the Indian Room continues to create interest and enthusiasm for visi tors locally and from areas outside of Miami County. Many positive remarks and support have been given for our efforts to share our Native American heritage. Larry Lybarger.

On Saturday Oct. 6th, 73 visitors from St. Mary’s Kan sas came to see our exhibits in the Indian Room. Of special interest to the visitors were the artifacts from Sugar Creek. Most of the group of 73 visitors, were from the Catholic Church where Father Kenneth No vack serves. He organized the visit. He was very knowledgeable of the Sugar Creek Mission and the contribution of the Catholic priests and nuns who served in missionary work for the Potawatomie Indians. They were at the

Father Kenneth Novack

Kids checking out an old stero photo viewer

Page 12

A glimpse of small town life as it approached the Christmas season. In Paola during the 50s the merchants around the square joined together to kick off the Holladay shopping season. The Friday after Thanksgiving the stores would stay open till 10 pm. Merchants would decorate their show windows with colorful gift items. There were huge crowds swarming around the square. Every store window was decorated showing the many gift items that were available. Most merchants had some type of contest like guessing the dollar value of merchandise in the window or the number of beans in a jar. You had to go inside the store to make your guess and put it in a box. The store isles were crammed with new and colorful gift items. The festivities continued into the next Saturday with a Christmas parade with the High School Band. There were floats and an appearance of Santa Claus who with his helpers would hand out small bags of candy that was topped off with an orange. In 1955 the Western Spirt newspaper held a contest matching the numbered photos of all the business people in town. A person would have create a list of numbers and match the picture to a number and turning the list over to the paper office. The top prize was $10.00, second was $7.50, third was $5.00 and forth was $2.50. Us old folks can look at the faces and remember most of them just like it was yesterday. Roger Shipman

These are the names as they were printed in the Spirits next issue

1 Jack Showalter Paola Lumber & Coal Co. 2 Harold I.. Bowman Harold’s Market 3 George A. Whitaker Phillips 66 4 Ed Plummer Plummer Service Station 5 Velma Hicks Viva Shop 6 Merle W. Martin Martin’s Sealtest Dairy 7 Alta McCluskey McCluskey’s Grocery 8 Rex Sutherland Sutherland’s Supermarket 9 Harold Theno Pure Gold Dairy

10 George Knecht

19 H. D. Roark

Knecht Equipment Co.

Roark’s Shoe Repair

11 L. C. Ellis

20 Marie O’Kane Reliable Cleaners 21 Dr. Carey E. Ore Optometrist 22 Dean Slyder

Paola Butter Co. 12 Mrs. Nora Walters

Walters Equipment Co.

13 L. G. Hamlin

Miller & Rhea Motors

Miami County Co-Op.

14 0. R. Crellin Crellin Jewelry 15 Dale Grimes

23 Tony Tallio

Tony’s Plumbing & Heating

24 Robert A. Protzman Gamble Store 25 Merton Fort Fort Bros. Service 26 J. W. (Bill) Peuser Bill Peuser Chevrolet 27 Paul Grabill Breckenridge’s

Crimes Feed & Produce

16 W. II. Kaiser

Kaiser Furniture Co.

17 Lester Hauldren The Western Spirit 18 Karl A. Brueck

Equit. Life Assurance Soc.

28 James Pemberton

54 Clate Keefauver Clate’s Tin Shop 55 Martin R. Clark

80 Elwyn Reynolds Reynolds Radio & TV 81 Frank E. Vohs Paola Tavern 82 John Cavanaugh Cavanaugh Tire Shop 83 John Phipps Hill. Bardsley Insurance & Rlty. 84 Lee F.Shannon Commercial-Jackson Hotels 85 W. C. (Bill) Arnold Midwest Auto Store 86 Larry Chronister Larry’s Electric 87 Dave Walsh Dave’s Skelly Service 88 Ross W. Karr Karr Service Station 89 Claude Messer Messer Drug 90 Dr. D. D. Nichols Chiropractor 91 Margaret Shumate Shumate Hatchery 92 Archie Stiles Stiles Produce 93 Martin Prothe Paola Recreation Parlor 94 Laura Koopman Corner Cafe 95 Ben R. Henry C. of C. Sec.-Insurance 96 Ramey Sewell Paola Oil Co. 97 J. S. Todd Paola Crystal. Ice & Lockers 98 George Barnard Caretaker Country Club 99 Walter J. Medlin Auctioneer 100 Bob Masters Bob’s Radio, TV & Electric 101 Helen E. Kohlenberg The Western Spirit 102 Max Layland Paola A-G Market 103 Lewis Taylor Taylor’s Laundromat

Pemberton Service Static

29 Mrs. Elder Bruch

South Silver Grocery

Clark’s Liquor Store

30 Marvin B. Clark

56 Ward B. Runyan

Clark’s Agriculture Service

Runyan Funeral Home

31 W. C. (Bill) Lentz

57 Ronald Quellhorst

Miller & Rhea Motors

Quellhorst Tire & Battery 58 Kenneth Barnes Barnes Studio 59 Sterling 0. Carpenter Carpenter Jewelry 60 Frank Rhodes Rhodes Liquor Store 61 W. H. Lewis Lewis Investment Co. 62 Dana G. Sunley Citizens State Bank 63 W. W. (Bus) Brown Coles 64 Thelma Rand Rand Abstract 65 Leonard Block Block’s Service Station 66 Mrs. John G. K. Shannon Commercial Hotel 67 Hazel Hay Children’s Bazaar 68 Allene Runyan Runyan Funeral Home 69 Elmer Ingersoll Ingersoll Machine Shop 70 Dr. G. L. Huntington Chiropractor 71 A. L. Allen Chief Acct., Fluor Corp. 72 John Ray Ray’s Service Station 73 Floyd Fickel Fickel Appliance 74 Robert L. Washburn Washburn Hatchery- 75 R.H. Patterson Thrifty Market 76 Larry Griffin Paola Theatre 77 Sam Hume Hume Furniture & Music 78 Al J. Baier Investors Diversified Serv. 79 Jim Karr Karr’s Liquor Store

32 J. Brice Bailey Bailey Motors 33 Matilda Hoopengardner Hoopengardner Liquor Store 34 Jake Dold Bowery Drive-In 35 Walter J. Brueck Public Accountant 36 Gene Beaver Gene’s Shoe Repair 37 Walter J. Smith Nicholson’s Corner Drug 38 Gene Green Clemens & Green 39 J. Lyman Rhea Rhea Oil Co. 40 Charles R. Wilson Wilson & Son Funeral Home 41 Leon Paine Paine’s Bootery 42 Tom Buchman Buchman Seed & Feed Co. 43 Ken Smith G. K. Smith Refrig. Serv. 44 Mary Krizmanich Spudnut. Shop 45 Maynard Elliott Elliott’s Hardware 46 Mrs. Mildred VanWick Bill’s Cafe 47 Dean Huff Huff Appliance 48 Herbert Achey Investors Loan & Abstract 49 Gertrude McKain Jim’s Electric 50 Ken Latto Paola Mill & Elevator 51 Robert L. Sellers Sellers Monument Works 52 Claude (Buck) Miller Miller’s Electric 53 W. E. Griffin Pence & Griffin

Father Kenneth Novack forwarded a letter signed by all the visitors to the museum. It is printed on the back cover.

Two new museum volunteers, Arlene Mick,

and Karen Blumhorst.

I have lived in Paola for 21 years. I retired on June 1 after working at Lakemary in the kitchen for 17 years. I work part time at Cottonwood School as a grandma with the Foster Grandparents Program and volunteer at the museum.

I have lived in Lacygne area for over 20 years. I previ ously worked for the Louisburg School System in the district office and retired about three years ago. I en joy doing volunteer work and also sewing and paper crafting.

Page 13

Nina Gerken

Larry Lybarger

Elsie Cordle

Mildred Haley


Nina Carol Aryes

Jim Bousman Larry Patsy Bortner



Betty Ore

Ann Davis

Page 14

Christmas Party

ARE YOU WORKING ON YOUR GENEALOGY? ARE YOU HUNTING FOR ANCESTORS? We have people here at the museum that will be glad to help you in your search. You can give us a call (913/294 4940), send us an e-mail (info@thinkmiamicountyhistory. com) or drop by and chat. We are open 10:a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Front Desk (1/2 or full day), computer input, arrang ing displays, moving help, grant writers, interviewers, history researchers

Joe Hursey made a quick stop at the museum to vis it with Lloyd Peckman. Joe was the curator at the MCHM till he left to take a position at the Smithsonian in Washington DC

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deference, hard work and class application would win invariable success and recognition. That if one is wor thy and deserving, men will hold out a helping hand and give him a lift on the upward climb. But what I know now is quite different from this. Do not mis understand me-these qualities are very desirable and produce a citizen who will never be an annoyance to his neighbors- but they are not the qualities which will win you success. Today, more than ever, a man must have the goods and then he must have to fight like the devil to make people recognize the fact. Every morn ing and night at the rush hour in New York, the streets are packed and jammed with workers, men and wom en, boys and girls, 95% of them are loyal, industrious, and steady; but they will always be in subordinate po sitions- working hard and earning money- for other people! Let me say again that those qualities are valuable and desirable, but they are not the main thing in the business and commercial world. In fact, in all realms of life a person’s financial success depends chiefly on two big things: the ability to produce and the ability to sell. If you are employed by another person, what you receive will depend on what you bring in! Caruso received $3000.00 every night he sang at the Metro politan Opera House because he brought dollars into the box office. Some singers that you never heard of are as great as he was but they did not sell-people did not want to hear them. When I left PHS, I had the idea that the world would help me! Moreover, I had a far more false idea—that the world should help me!! I know how terribly I was hindered by these two ideas and I hope you are not beginning with the same handicap. The sooner a man quits expecting help from others and decides to help himself, the better- and this is a strange fact; just as soon as you show that you don’t need help, people want to help you. Another big mistake of mine was over-caution and the fear of making a mistake. This attitude of mine will paralyze an able and well trained person. Mistakes are our best friends and rarest teachers, and a man should make plenty of them, then study how it happened, and then see the thing that should be done. One of the greatest thinkers that ever lived, Nietzsche, said, ”Live dangerously”, which if properly interpreted, I be lieve to be good counsel. He didn’t men to do things which would endanger your life, such as fighting, mak-

ADVICE FROM THE PAST Milton E. Thorpe (Buckeye Bill) was a resident of Mi ami County from 1880 to 1910. He was an auctioneer locally and travelled around the Midwest calling many sales during his lifetime. He and his wife Barbara had 4 children: Ray Thorpe, Harry Thorpe, Nelle Thorpe and Gaynelle Thorpe. Harry Thorpe, the subject of this article, was my father’s uncle and a graduate of Paola High School and went on to get a degree in mu sic. He taught music and voice for many years in New York. The following is a copy of the handwritten letter that he wrote to my father (his nephew) upon my dad’s graduation from Paola High School in 1930. Dear Raymond, We were glad to receive the invitation to your graduation exercises and I wish we could be there to see you get your diploma, but as you know this is not possible, so we are sending a little token of congratu lation which I hope reaches you safely. My wife and I are happy to know that you have had this four years of training and education, for every bit of knowledge that you have and every particle of physical and men tal skill will help you that much to reach some goal that will spell happiness for you. The thought of your commencement naturally makes my remembrance turn back to those ancient days when I was a student back in old PHS and partic ularly to the spring of 1909 where I became like you a full fledged graduate. Since then my experiences have been quite varied and my ideas of life and its conduct have, in many instances, undergone radical changes. I have often thought of you, Raymond, and wondered what was happening in your mind, for in the end, that is the biggest and in fact practically the one thing that determines ones future. I wonder now if you are starting out in life with a store of ideas very similar to those that I had at your age. No doubt you are, for after all, boys at the age of 17 or 18 who have grown up in the same environment are bound to have many of the same ideas about life in general. Of course, you and I have different interests and all that-but I am not speaking of those things-I refer to what you might call general principles. Here is what I mean. When I left school, I had ideas such as these: That loyalty to employer or superiors,

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ing parachute jumps, or hunting lions with bow and arrow-NO! What he did mean was not always to play safe, but to risk something. If we follow the rule of “ safety first”, we should have a very narrow experience and shall learn precious little from life. I don’t believe in acting a fool, but if I were starting over again with my present knowledge, I could make some decided improvements by cutting a wider swath and getting more experience. Our great advantage of mistakes is that these rude jolts and bumps awaken the mind and help us to “see straight” and think clearly. Raymond, I would be ashamed to tell you how long my mind was asleep- and I am afraid most men are in the same case. A boy or girl graduating from high school is usually pretty sound asleep without knowing it. They do not see things as they are and do not think at all. What they call thinking is just repeating what others have said

and this gets one nowhere. Very few students learn anything-they have been told a great deal-see the dif ference. But when life gives you a stiff uppercut that makes you see stars, you begin to learn the facts as they are. Now I did not intend to make the commencement address but I see I have almost done it. When you get to be “old” like me you will realize how these things go and forgive me for writing such a long letter. With love and again congratulations. Sincerely, Harry Colin Thorpe My father, Raymond, went on to college and be came a very successful salesman. Vincent Thorpe

A new service at the Museum, Photo restoration and video transfer to DVD format This notice in our last issue caused a visitor to inquire if I could transfer her old video tapes to DVDs and the answer was yes. So far we have transfered 18 rolls of video tape onto DVD disks. We can also duplicate printed material like old cookbooks and turn them into digital files that can be viewed on computer screen or printed out in a booklet.. Using a digital process the museum now has the ability to provide the service to restore your precious images. We can fix damaged pictures, add a person to a group photo or take someone out. Faded out prints can be brought back and made to look like new. Old negatives, color or black & white can be copied and made into prints. Those old dark “Tin Type” images can be revealed to show a sharp image that can be printed or saved onto computer files. I can copy all sizes of negatives color or black & white from the small 110, 35 mm, all 120 and up to a 4 x 5 inches. Color slides can be copied and made into color prints or copied onto CDs or USB memory stick to view on your computer. The photo of a couple on the right had been washed in a pair of jeans and it was pulling off the backing. The owner was heartbroken as it was the only photo of her father. I removed the wrinkled image off the card base by soaking it in water. It was stretched and glued down on new backing and copied. Using Photoshop I was able to remove at the customer’s request the stepmother and create a new portrait of her father. Stop by the museum to inquire about your needs or call Roger at 913 259 9219.

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Jack York brought some of his artifacts that he has found to the Christmas party at the museum. Jack is an avid “treasurer hunter” he has been dig ging up historical relics for over 40 years. In the tray in the top photo there are many buttons, pins, and decorative buckles. In the center of the tray is a 1859 20 dollar gold coin. The middle tray holds a variety of metal arrow points. The large coin on the right is a Roman bronze coin, in perfect shape that Jack discovered at a civil war dig site. Jack said it was date to around 340 b.c. making it over 2300 years old.

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From: Lloyd Peckman December 5, 2018


I first saw Luke’s name in 2011 when Slina Prothe showed me her proof of Miami Tribal Membership. In 2012, when the Georges’ Strack and Ironstrack of Mi ami University, took us out for dinner; we found out that they and Slina all had the same Marie Louise back ground. Remarkably, Tau Cum Wah (Marie Louise Roy) was Little Turtle’s Sister and the matriarch of most Mi ami Tribal members. Tribal membership only requires proof of Indian heritage. I have a copy of Slina Dora Iola Q.V. Prothe Tribal Membership signed by Chief Floyd Leonard. It has an official Miami Tribe of Oklahoma seal and show Cer tificate Degree of Indian Blood .as V2 degree and in cludes 12 pages of research by Luke Sheer. It shows here Mother as Ethel Q.V. McCoy Brewer and Grand mother as Susan Cronmiller McCoy. According to Luke Scheer, Mary Louise’s first husband was Joseph Druete Sieour De Richardville, a French fort commander. Her second husband was Charles Beaubian. He was half Shawnee and half French. Recently, we uncovered a large packet of Indian Gene alogy and History. It consists of letters, short reports but mainly of many selected pages from books with hand written notes on the edges, written by Luke Scheer of Huntington, Indiana. Most books were re ported as being on hand at the La Cygne Library. Luke visited with Mabel Stainbrook Franklin at La Cygne, Kansas December of 1963. November 24th of 1966, He had an article published in the La Cygne Journal en titled “History of Miami Indians”. This connects Luke to our area. The packet envelope cover states, it was owned by Bud Smith. So who was Bud Smith? Maps of Miami-Linn County in this packet were drawn by, (Edw. Paul (Bud) Smith) of La Cygne, Kansas. I was surprised to see a map note, “my Cousin-Loren Windier”. I knew that my Mother’s 1st. Cousin, Leon Windier had married Ida Smith of Miami heritage; she was Bud’s father’s Sister. Ida has two grandsons still living here. They are Fred and Phil. The Windier home place is located about one mile west of the Miami Mission site in the river bottom where the Indian George Washington had ground. Phil still lives there and believes that Bud has died. To me the most notable page in this packet is: a side story and 9 generation pedigree showing the names

from Wa Ban Ke Kwa married to a French trader Pierre Roy, down to Edw. Paul (Bud) Smith. It included the names of Minnie, Harris and Cronmiller. Mary Louise Cronmiller came to LaCygne in 1870 and had land now known as Linn County Park. It also shows that Hen ry Trinkle was hired to run Nop-shingah store at the top of the hill known as Big Turtle Hill, just north of La Cygne. This October, Jack York, metal detection expert, took Larry Lybarger and me to 18325 E. 2300 Lane, La Cygne, Kansas and showed us the spot where the Store or Trading Post stood. The Old Indian Ceme tery was located about one forth mile northwest. The second most important page is the hand drawn map by Bud. It shows the location of The Store, Indian Cemetery, Big Legs’ Grave, Hells Bend Road and other early cemeteries. There was a great deal of correspon dence between Luke of Indiana and Bud of Kansas. To better connect the dots there are two letters from Irma Scheer, Luke’s Wife from Huntington, Indiana, to Bud Smith at La Cygne, Kansas. The first letter shows the following: Mar. 3, 1985 reports that Luke is seri ously sick. She thanks Bud for sending more Indian history. Apparently Luke died shortly after that. Another letter dated Feb. 5, 1989 states that “I am still trying to put in order Luke’s material, it is an overwhelming task.” It also states “I sold the Richardville house to the Huntington Historical Society.. for $25,000.. hopefully they will be able to restore it”. That 1989 letter envelope has writ ten on the outside “forwarded to RR 5 Butler, Mo.” and the word “Answered”. There were two other important items in this packet. One is a letter dated May 24, 1966 from Luke that was published in the La Cygne Journal stating that Mabel Franklin had discovered the Indian head rights listing which has lead to much research. It points out the 43rd listing as “Koseah or Margaret Richardville”. She was the daughter of Josette Beaubien Roubedeaux and after marrying Michel D. Richardville, they moved to Kansas. Luke asks where was the home of Koseah? He states that it may have been located about three and one half miles west of New Lancaster. As shown by our 1878 Atlas that was adjacent to my Grand mother, Katie Miller Peckman’s birthplace or about

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one mile SE of Block Trinity Lutheran Church. It states Koseah may be buried in a nearby cemetery. Accord ing to H.M. McLachlin book page 3 she was the store clerk at Miami Village. The second handwritten letter by Luke states; “What Mable’s typing, written Nov 15, 1966 said. Kil-so Quah Grand Daughter of Little Turtle Married Antoine Revoir and their Daughter Elizabeth married John R. Froman brother of Mrs. Henry Trinkle (Mary Ann Froman) at Big Legs home June 17, 1866 by Thomas Richardville”. This happened in Miami County Kansas and shows how the Miami Tribe is connected to the Peorias. Three years ago, I met a young John Froman, Chief of Peorias at their Miami, OK. Head Quarters. I saw many headstones in that Peoria Cemetery with name Froman. The Myaamia Publication summer 2018 shows a pic ture of Esther Shields of the La Cygne Museum receiv ing a Pendleton blanket from Chief Douglas Lankford, of Miami Oklahoma. She had provided them with the 1859 300 head rights listing of land trust records. Ini tial work on a history book and maps of these Linn and Miami county locations is in process. The map is pictured in the newspaper and states each member will receive a copy. I question, was Luke a tribal member? He once owned the Jean B. Richardville Home in Huntington, Indiana. It has since been renovated at a cost of $300,000 and the Oklahoma Tribe spent $30,000 recently to repair the roof. It is now a National Historical Site.There is much more Miami Indian history contained in this packet. It will be available in our Miami Indian file and on the museum computer. Packet includes copied pages from books such as: History of Kansas, 1883, Vol. 2 by A. T. Andrus about Miami Mission buildings; History 1642 — 1905; Ma ria Christina and the De Rome Family by Cleo Goff Wilkens; True Indian Stories by Jacob Glatt Dunn; Part

of Linn Co. History by Billie Mitchell about Trinkles, Geboe, Froman and Roubadoux; Tribes of No. America about Little Turtle; and pages from the Kansas Histori cal Soceity about Miami Mission. Future historian could write in depth stories from these book pages.

Lloyd L. Peckman

Pictured above is Geraldine Conley Nichols, she vis ited the museum recently to view our displays. At 97 years old, Geraldine is the oldest living Wea Indian. She is a decedent of the Dagenette family.

TOMORROW IS ANOTHER TOWN The Anatomy of a Circus An autobiography by James R. Patterson A history of the Great Patterson Shows when the circus maintained winter quarters in Paola. Tax included price is $28.00

How to purchase on page 22

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Descendants of Miami Indians

6th. Great Grandparents

Pierre Roy - French Trader married Wa Ban Ke Kwa - Miami Indian

5th. Great Grandparents

Andrea “Pacanne” Roy - 1706- 1762 Miami War Cheif Miami Indian girl name unknown

4th. Great Grandparents

Tau Cum Wah (Marie Louise)- (1740-1795)-- sister of chief Little Turtle b. Lower Canada - Michigan (1751-1812 ) m.(1) Joseph Richardville - m.(2) Charles Beaubien

3rd. Great Grandparents

Marie Louise Beaubien (1781-after 1880) m. Ca. 1816 Ft.Wayne, Ind. Fredric Minnie - French/Shawnee

2nd. Great Grandparents

Mary Louise Minnie, b.1824, Ft.Wayne,Ind. d. in Indiana married ca. 1838 John Harris - b. 1808 - England

Great Grandparents

Mary Louisa Harris, b. 1839 Ft. Wayne, Ind. d, 9 Sept. 1879 Miami Co. Ks. married April 15 1860 Ft. Wayne, Ind Jacob Kronmiller,b. 1832 Nassig, Germany d. 19 Oct.1919 K.C., Kansas

Flore J. Cronmiller (1889-1923)

John L. Cronmiller (1863-1936)



John Smith (1858-1923)

(2) Nellie M. Hendrickson (1881-1923)

Harry Edw. Smith 91889-1958) -


Violet L. Cronmiller (1908




Bertha R. Fleharty (1896-1983)

(1) Charles Carpenter (1911

Edward Paul (Bud) Smith


Vivian Carpenter




Bonita M. Spears

Clyde Driskill



Page 21

Miami County Publications--Inventory Clearance Sale TOMORROW IS ANOTHER TOWN The Anatomy of a Circus An autobiography by James R. Patterson A history of the Great Patterson Shows when the circus maintained winter quarters in Paola All the following publications will have sales tax, postage & handling added to the listed price Family Histories and Stories of Miami County, Kansas, 1987 VOL I Beagle, Block, Cashman, Daganett, Debrick, Fontana; Frank, Greenvalley, Herman, Highland, Hodges, Indianapolis, Jingo, Lessenden, Mannen, Miami, County Poor Farm, Mound Creek/Mount Nebo, New Hope, New Lancaster, Rock ville, Settle, Spring Grove, Stanton, Whiteford and Wilson-Raymer Hardback (Reprint) $15.00 Cemeteries of Miami County, Vol. II (north 1/3 of county ) 1 copy Antioch, Ayers, Bucyrus, Old Marysville, Hillsdale (old & new), Louisburg (old & new), Pleasant Valley, Rock Creek, Scott’s Valley, Somerset, St. Mary’s, Wagstaff, Wea, Holy Rosary, (Lane & Shively in Franklin Co.) $20.00 All cemetery books are available on a CD that must be read with a computer. The contents are in the PDF format that is search-able with Adobe reader. You can find a grave location in just a second. All CDs are $15.00 each Illustrated Historical Atlas of Miami County, 1901 or 1927 Photocopies of the original Atlas includes many pictures and ownership maps of the county Softback $15.00 Index of Taxpayers of Miami County, 1878 Lists of land owners or residents $3.00 The Story of Paola, 1857-1950 by McLachlin Softback Part 1 and Hardback Part 2 with Index to both parts Sold as a set $19.50 Softback Part 1 $5.00 index only for original book owners $5.00 Barns of Miami County, Kansas New Publication Tax included price $ 28.00 plus P&H New Publication Tax included price $ 28.00 plus P&H DVD now available Reduced Now only $20.00 Family Histories and Stories of Miami County, Kansas, 1998 VOL II Excess Inventory Sale $20.00 plus Cemeteries of Miami County, Vol. I (rural south 2/3 of county)-CD ONLY Hardback

457 old barns in full color 136 pages $20.00 WW I Letters Home by Jim Bousman $25.00

Paola in 2nd. Half of the 20th Century by Ross, $5.00 -Great Book! Good Buy!! Cliff Wright’s, World War II For One, $18.51 and Kansas Folklore $21.80 And So It Began by Bettie Garrison Ore The Miami County Historical Society 1965-1980 price $2.00 Lest We Forget (List of Osawatomie Alumni) $5.00

Paola 150 Year Timeline on DVD $20.00

Please make checks to: Miami Co. Gen / Hist Societies 12 East Peoria, Paola, Kansas 66071-0123 Phone 913-294-4940

Paola High School Alumni 1888-1988 $5.00 e-mail: info@ thinkmiamicountyhistory.com Web site www.thinkmiamicountyhistory.com

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