

Press the voice button and say a command similar to the following: Description Voice command

Call ___

Allows you to call a specific contact from your phonebook such as "Call Jenny". Allows you to call a specific contact from your phonebook at a specific location such as "Call Jenny at Home". Allows you to dial a specific number such as “Dial 867-5309”.

Call ___ at ___

Dial ___

Please make sure that you are saying the contact name exactly as it appears in your contact list. Onceyouhaveprovided thedigitsof thephonenumber, youcansay the following commands: Description Voice Command If the full number was not entered with the first command, you can continue saying the number. <0-9> Tells SYNC 3 to make the phone call. Dial Tells SYNC 3 to erase the last block of digits stated. Delete Tells SYNC 3 to erase the entire number. Clear

Text Message Voice Commands To access text message options, press the voice button and say: Description Voice command Listen to Message

Listen to text message ___

You can say the number of the message you would like to hear.

Reply to Message



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