

Navigation Voice Commands (If Equipped) Setting a Destination You can use any of the following commands to set a destination or find a point of interest. ___ is a dynamic listing, meaning that for navigation voice commands it can be aPOI category or a major brand name, where major brand name is a chain with more than 20 locations You can find an address, a point of interest (POI), or search for points of interest by category: Description Voice command

Find an Address

Allows you to enter the address search functionality. You can also search for an address in a specific state or province. State the name of the POI category or major brand name you would like to search for such as "Find restaurants". Allows you to enter the POI search functionality. Allows you to enter the intersection search functionality. State the name of aPOI category ormajor brandname youwould like to search for.

Find a ___

Find POI

Find Intersection

Destination Nearest ___ Allows you to see a list of your previous destinations. Destination Previous Destination Allows you to see a list of your favorite destinations. FavoriteDestinations Allows you to route to your home address. Destination Home Allows you to route to your work address. Destination My Work In addition, you can say these commands when a route is active: Description Voice command Cancels the current route. Cancel Route Allows you to select an alternate route. Detour Repeats the last guidance prompt. Repeat Instruction Displays the active route. Show Route Displays the list of upcoming maneuvers. Route Summary



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