The Gazette 1988



marketing plans. Any entrepreneur wo r th his salt would do that in any case. Bord Failte will supply you w i t h information on the type of criteria they use in assessing the plans together w i th an outline of the type of information they are looking for. For a start you should get a copy of their little booklet " T o u r i sm and t he Bus i ness Expansion S c h eme" wh i ch is available free. Ring t hem at (01) 765871 or write to them at Baggot Street, Dublin 2. After that it is a matter of setting up the company, if there is not already one in existence, and rounding up the investors. The opportunities are immense given the undoubted commitment on the part of the Government to promote rapid g r owth in tourism. The tax relief is more than generous and gives the lie to claims that the Irish tax system is a disincentive to enterprise. In this case it should act as a very positive incentive. •

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Pocket Memo 596 Philips, the world leader in dictation equipment have introduced a new model to their range of Pocket Memo's, the 596 Executive. This new model is designed for the professional user. EIS (Electronic Index System) is exclusively available with the 596 Executive allowing the user to mark the beginning of each recording and note priority messages. During transcription the secretary can find these marks by using the search feature of the transcriber. The 596 Executive's internal microphone can be switched from dictation to conference mode allowing the unit to record interviews and meetings without the need of an external microphone. By combining professional electronics with ergonomic design this light (160 grams or 5.6 ounces) Pocket Memo 596 is the ideal modern electronic notebook with single hand operation of course. Measuring only 12.5x5.3x2 centimeters the 596 Executive is one of the most compact products of its kind. Wherever you are you can make notes with the Philips Pocket Memo - a must for every pocket. SPECIAL OFFER TO GAZETTE READERS

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