The Gazette 1988



Th e Medico-Lega

l Societ y o f Irelan

F o u n d ed i n 1 9 5 5

Patron: Prof. P. D. J . Holland

President: District Justice Gillian Hussey

Membership of the Medico-Legal Society of Ireland is open to members of the Medical and Legal professions and to others especially interested in Medico-Legal matters. The current annual subscription is £10.00. Membership proposal forms and full details may be obtained from the Honorary Secretary, Miss Mary MacMurrough Murphy, B.L., 2 Whitebeam Road, Clonskeagh, Dublin 14. Lectures take place at 8.30p.m. at the United Service Club, St. Stephen's Green, Dublin 2, by kind permission. Our lecture programme for 1988/89 is as follows: — Wednesday 30th November 1988 Dr. Bartley Sheehan, Coronor for County Dublin Inquests Thursday 26th January 1989 District Justice Gillian M. Hussey, President of the Society Alternatives to Custody Thursday 23rd February 1989 Dr. Peter Skrabanek, Department of Community Health, Trinity College, Dublin The Pros and Cons of Screening for Women Thursday 30th March 1989 Dr. Maureen Smyth, Ph.D., Forensic Scientist, Department of Justice DNA Profiles — the Identikit of the Future


of the Irish group who attended

the recent





in Buenos

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