The Gazette 1949-1952

from those who, unfortunately, had to leave this country in circumstances very different from mine. The American Bar Association is a very influential body and is in touch with all aspects o f life in America at very high level. I strongly urge that in the interests o f our Society and in the interests of the country as a whole we should maintain that connection and develop it in so far as it is possible to do so. It can be o f tremendous value to us, and this value is not lost on other countries or Societies who sent their representatives merely to be present. At the conclusion o f the American Bar Association week I journeyed to Washington on an invitation to attend a complimentary dinner given in honour o f Mr. Francis Matthews, the recently appointed American Ambassador to Ireland. This was again a very interesting function with the Attorney General, Mr. Howard McGrath, in the chair and several Cabinet Ministers also present. Our Ambassador, Mr. John Hearne, S.C., made an excellent speech which did him and his country full credit. President Truman was to have attended but was prevented from doing so at the last moment. However, I met President Truman three days before this dinner. I attended his Press conference on Thursday afternoon and after it was taken into his private room where we chatted for a few minutes. In making a report o f this sort it is difficult to decide how much to include and how much to leave out. Probably I have not succeeded in assessing either position satisfactorily, but I ask the indulgence and sympathy o f readers. To walk the tight wire of personal narrative is always delicate ; the excessive use o f the personal pronoun is unavoidable and can frequently be misconstrued. I f I have slipped off the tight wire I seek understanding and consideration. R oger G reene . STATUTES PASSED BY OIREACHTAS, 19 5 1 No. Title Signed bj the President 1. Tortfeasors Act, 1951 21st February, 1951 2. Criminal Justice Act, 1951 21st February, 1951 3. Imposition of Duties. (Con­ firmation o f Orders) Act, 1951 6th March, 1951 4. Rates on Agricultural Land (Relief) Act, 1951 6th March, 1951 5. Meath Hospital Act, 1951 15 th March, 1951 6. Defence Forces (Temporary Provisions) Act, 1951 27th March, 1951 7. Central Fund Act, 1951 27th March, 1951 8. Court Officers Act, 1951 27th March, 1951

9. Arts Act, 1951

10th May, 1951

10. Collection o f Taxes (Con­ firmation) Act, 1951 11. Imposition of Duties (Con­ firmation o f Orders) Act, I 95 I 12. Government Loans (Con­ version) Act, 1951 Workers (Weekly half-holidays) Act, 1 95 1 14. Trade Union Act, 1951 13. Agricultural 15. Finance Act, 1951 16. Social Welfare Act, 1951 17. Post Office (Amendment) Act, 1951 18. Local Loans Fund (Amend­ ment) Act, 1951 19. Telephone Capital Act, I 95 i 20. Appropriation Act, 1951 21. Freshwater Fisheries (Pro­ hibition of Netting) Act, I 95 I 22. Seeds and Fertilisers Supply Act, 1951

3rd July, 1951

3rd July, 1951

3rd July, 1951

3rd Ju ly, 1951 4th July, 1951 n th July, 1951 17th July, 1951

17th July, 1951

17th July, 1951

17th July, 1951 31st]u ly , 1951

31st July, 1951

1 3thNovember, 1951

23. Local Government (Re­ mission o f Rates) Act, 1951 1 3thNovember, 1951 24. Imposition o f Duties (Con­ firmation of Orders) (No. 3) Act, 1951 27th November, 1951 25. Fishing Licences (Moville District) Act, 1951 1 8th December, 1951 26. Expiring Laws Act,1951 1 8th December, 1951 27. Supplies and Services (Temporary Provisions) Continuance Act, 1951 19th December, 1951 28. Grain Storage (Loans) Act, 1951 26th December, 1951 29. Medical Practitioners Act, 1951 26th December, 1951 30. Pharmacy Act, 1951 26th December, 1951 Private Act No. 1 o f 1952—Waterford (Extension of Harbour Limit, Harbour Works Order 1951) Confirmation Act, 1951. PUBLIC LIFTS IN THE FOUR COURTS F ollowing representations by the Society instructions have been given by the Department of Justice on the subject of the operation o f the lifts in the Four Courts. The public lift in the East wing is operated by a messenger, and arrange- 65 ........................................

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