The Gazette 1949-1952

Registrar o f Titles for the issue o f a Certificate of Title in substitution for the Certificate specified in the Schedule hereto, which, it is alleged, has been lost or inadvertently destroyed. The Registrar o f Titles will issue a duplicate Certificate unless he is notified within 28 days from the date o f this Notice that the said Certificate of Title is still in existence and in the custody o f some person other than the above-named Registered Owner. Any such notification should state the grounds on which the Certificate in question is being held. Dated this 25th day of January, 1952. J oseph O’B yrne , Registrar of Titles. Land Registry, Central Office, Chancery Street, Dublin. S chedule above referred to Land Certificate of William Mulcahy to 32a. ir. 1 5p. of the lands o f Ballinlough situate in the Barony of Smallcounty and County of Limerick, being the lands comprised in said Folio. REGISTRATION OF TITLE ACTS, 18 9 1 and 19 42 NOTICE Folio 8294 C ounty O ffaly Registered Owner : J ohn B rien An Application has been made by the Registered Owner to the Registrar of Titles for the issue of a Certificate of Title in substitution for the Certificate specified in the Schedule hereto, which, it is alleged, has been lost or inadvertently destroyed. The Registrar of Titles will issue a duplicate Certificate unless he is notified within 28 days from the date o f this Notice that the said Certificate of Title is still in existence and in the custody of some person other than the above-named Registered Owner. Any such notification should state the grounds on which the Certificate in question is being held. Dated this 25th day o f January, 1952. J oseph ’OB yrne , Registrar of Titles. Land Registry, Central Office, Chancery Street, Dublin. S chedule above referred to Land Certificate o f John Brien to 9a. 31". 3op. and 3a. ir. 3op. of the Lands of Annaghbrack Glebe situate in the Barony of Ballyboy and County o f Offaly, being the lands comprised in said Folio.

hnents have been made which will ensure constant attendance on this lift which will be available for the public. The lift in the West wing is automatic. In the past a notice was placed on the lift to the effect that it was not to be used in the absence of an attendant. This notice will be removed and persons wishing to use the lift may operate it themselves. REGISTER A A ssistant S olicitor required to conduct Provincial Practice. Apply stating salary and experience in office and Court work to—Box No. A . 1 34. S olicitor required to take charge o f country office, South Eastern Circuit, 60 miles from Dublin. Good prospects. Reply Box No. A135. REGISTRATION OF TITLE ACTS, 18 9 1 and 19 42 NOT ICE Folio 2425 C ounty G alway Registered Owner : J ohn A lbert L awless An Application has been made by the Registered Owner to the Registrar o f Titles for the issue o f a Certificate o f Title in substitution for the Certificate specified in the Schedule hereto, which, it is alleged, has been lost or inadvertently destroyed. The Registrar o f Titles will issue a duplicate Certificate unless he is notified within 28 days from the date o f this Notice that the said Certificate o f Title is still in existence and in the custody o f some person other than the above-named Registered Owner. Any such notification should state the grounds on which the Certificate in question is being held. Dated this 25th day o f January, 1952. J oseph O’B yrne , Registrar o f Titles Land Registry, Central Office, Chancery Street, Dublin. S chedule above referred to Land Certificate o f John Albert Lawless to 11a. or. u p . o f the lands o f Oldcastle situate in the Barony o f Dunkellin and County o f Galway, being the lands comprised in said Folio. REGISTRATION OF TITLE ACTS, 18 9 1 and 1942 NOTICE Folio 7909 C ounty L imerick Registered Owner: W illiam M ulcahy . An Application has been made by the Personal Representative o f the Registered Owner to the

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