The Gazette 1949-1952

Vol. 45 No. 8

February, 1952


Vice-Presidents D esmond R. C ounahan l l . d . G erald J. O ’D onnell

President A rthur C ox

Secretary E ric A. P lunkett


IMPORTANT I f you have not already taken out and stamped your Registrar’s certificate you should do so immedi­ ately. The final date for stamping certificates in time was 5th February, 1952. A late certificate must be produced to the Society for noting within one month o f stamping and will be effective for the purpose o f taxation of costs only from the date of such production. MEETINGS OF THE COUNCIL 3 ist J anuary , 1952. The President in the Chair. Also present: Messrs. Desmond R. Counahan and Gerald J . O’Donnell, Vice-Presidents; Joseph P. Tyrrell, Joseph Barrett, Patrick F. O’Reilly, Patrick R. Boyd, James J. O’Connor, Ralph J. Walker, Reginald J. Nolan, Francis J . Lanigan, William J. Norman, Dermot P. Shaw, Niall S. Gaffney, James R. Quirke, John J . Sheil, Louis E. O’Dea, Derrick M. Martin, Thomas A. O’Reilly, Sean O hUadhaigh, George G. Overend, John Carrigan, John J. Nash. 67

The Council, standing in silence, passed a vote of sympathy with the relatives o f the late Mr. Daniel O’Connell, Dundalk. Mr. O’Connell was a member o f the Council for many years until his death and served as President in the year i945~’46. The following was among the business trans­ acted :— Signing o f petitions by prisoners A member was instructed by a prisoner under conviction and sentence to prepare a petition to the Minister for Justice for a remission o f the sentence. When he attended at the jail with the petition he was told by the Governor that a rule had been made that prisoners might submit petitions prepared by themselves but not by third parties. The Secretary reported that he had been in corres­ pondence on the subject with the Department, and read a letter from the Department stating that petitions prepared for prisoners by members o f the public, including solicitors, may not be signed by the prisoner without permission from the Department, that in the case mentioned the petition

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