The Gazette 1949-1952

Flax—scutching of—278/1951. Foot and Mouth Disease (Prohibition of Importation of Animals)—356/1951. Home-Grown Wheat (Percentage for 1952/53)—322/1951. Land Reclamation Rules—308/1951. Potato Root Eelworm—372/1951. Rabbits Storage Prohibition. 60/1952. Shannon Fisheries (Closing of Free Gap)—383/1951. Tobacco (Areas for 1952)—360/1951. Wheat and Flour (Transfer ofMinisterial Functions)—284/1951.

Tobacco Rehandler’s Charges—323/1951. Whiskey—309/1951.

CONTROL OF IMPORTS AND EXPO RTS S u bject M atter and R eferen ce N umber

Asbestos—17/1952. Butter Rationing—289/1951.

Control o f Exports (Miscellaneous) Amendment— 17/1952. Cotton Piece Goods (Woven)—297/1951, 298/1951, 299/1951. Cycle Tyres—376/1951. Diamonds— 17/1952. Electric Filament Lamps—301/1951. Fertilizers—404/1951. Graphite— 17/1952. Laminated Spring.-—45/1952. Marble Chippings—407 /19 51. Motor Cars (Temporary Importation)— 14/1952. Motor Cycles—405/1951. Motor Tubes— 377/1951. Motor Tyres—375/1951. Motor Spirit Rationing Revocation—-12/1952. Perambulators —406/19 51. Rabbits (Skinned) (Prohibition o f Export)—61/1952. Rubber Footwear—379/1951, 380/1951. Rubber Manufactures (Various)— 17/1952. Sparking Plugs—274/1951. Scientific Apparatus— 17/1952. Sheepskin (Prohibition o f Export)—58/1952. Shops within 3 miles o f Border—nolicence required— 34/1952. Silk and Artificial Silk Hose—24/1952. Sugar Rationing—291/1951. Superphosphates and compound manures—404/1951. Tea Rationing—290/1951. Woven Woollen Tissues—9/1952. Local Government (Officers Age Limit) Order— 310/1951. Local Government (Dublin) Act 1948 Continuance—367/1951. Local Offieers (Gaeltacht)—50/1952, 51/1952. Rate Collectors and Rent Collectors—Retirement Age— 310/1951. CUSTOM AND E X C IS E—EM E R G EN C Y AND OTHER DUT IES S ubject M atter and R eferen ce N umber Bedding—303 /1951. Boots and Shoes Quota—242/1951. Brushes, brooms and mops— 348/1951, 350/1951. Cast Iron Baths—313/19 51. Coal (Suspension o f Customs Duty)— 59/1952. Cotton Quilts and Blankets—304/1951. Cotton thread and ply yarn—26/1952, 27/1952. Cycle Components—340/1951, 341/1951. Floor Coverings (Hard)— 30/1952 Forks and Wooden Handles—71/1952. Hats, caps and hoods—351/1951. Knitted Fabrics—302/1951. Metal Screws— 352/1951. Motor Car Chassis (Assembled)—344/1951, 345/1951, 346/ I 9 5 L 3 4 7 /I 9 5 I- Pot Scourers (Metal)— 317/1951. Rain Gutters—29/1952 Rubber Proofed Clothing Quota—343/1951. Sheepskin—43/1952, 7 8 COUNTY AND TOWN M ANAG EM EN T S ubject M atter and R eferen ce N umber Bray U.D.C. (Alteration o f Boundary)—42/1952. Building Restrictions Withdrawn—41/1952. Housing (New Houses) Regs.— 307/1951.

COMMODITIES, GOODS AND SERVICES S ubject M atter and R eferen ce N umbers

Bacon and Pork—269/1951. Brewers Grains and Malt Combings—363/1951. Cigarettes—316/195T- Cinema Admission Charges—254/1951.

Coal—252/1951, 272/1951, 279/1951, 280/1951, 281/1951, 328/1951, 4/1952, 18/1952, 39/1952, 40/1952, 62/1952, 63/1952, 64/1952, 65/1952, 66/1952, 67/1952, 68/1552, 69/1952, 70/1952. Currants and Raisins—319/1951. Dripping, Lard and Raw Fats—35/1952. Flour and Bread—268/1951. Gas Fund Contribution—57/1952. Gold Wares (Standard of Fineness)—365/1951. Intoxicating Liquor (Whiskey, Beer, Stout and Porter)— 369/1951. ' Jams and Marmalade—306/1951. Kerosene—264/1951. Margarine—324/1951, revoked by 11/1952. Matches—6/1952. Milk (Retail Price Revocation)—10/1952. Motor Spirits—265/1951. Oatmeal—13/1952. Peas and Beans (Packed and Canned)—5/1952. Pottery—275/1951. Prices and Charges Standstill Revocation—253/1951. Sewing Thread—273/1951. Shotgun Cartridges—382/1951. Standard Mark Orders— Asbestos Cement Slates and Sheets—391/1951. Concrete Cylindrical Pipes—390/1951. Concrete Inter-locking Roof Tiles—389/1951. Concrete Land Drainage Pipes—402/1951. Concrete Plain Roofing Tiles and Fittings—388/1951. Cotton bed sheets and sheetings—385/1951. Electrical Plugs and Sockets—400/1951. Galvanised Cisterns for Water Supply—393/1951.

Gjrpsum Plasters—386/1951. Hydrated Lime—392/1951. Linseed Oil Putty—387/1951. Portland Cement—384/1951. Ready Mixed Oil Paints—395/1951. Solid Concrete Building Blocks—396/1951. Test Sieve—401/1951. Tungsten Filament Electric Lamps—389/1951. Varnish—394/1951. Water Paints and Distempers—397/1951. Woollen Blankets—399/1951.

Standard Specification Orders—

Bituminous Roofing Felt—330/1951. Pickled Herrings—314/1951. Zinc Chromate Primers—321/1951.

Sugar—257/1951 ; 305/1951. Sweets and Chocolates—7/1952. Timber (Home-grown)—251/1951. Timber (Imported)—320/1951. Tobacco—315/1951.

Made with