The Gazette 1949-1952

Silk Woven Tissues—267/1951. Toilet Brushes—•349/1951. Toilet Seats and Covers—358/1951. Wool Yams—312/1951, EDUCATION

HEALTH S ubject M atter and R eferen ce N umber

Ch'ckrn-Pox t n infectious disease—53/1952. Food Hygiene Regulations—270/1951, Infectious Diseases (Amendment) Regs.—318/1951. Kildare Public Assistance Districts—36/1952. Limerick CityPublicAssistanceDispensaryDistricts—332/19 51. Limerick Public Assistance Dispensary Districts—333/1951. Pharmtey Act. 1951 (Da*e of Commencement)—54/1952. Streptococal Sore Throat an Infectious Disease—318/1951. JUSTICE, EXTERNAL AFFAIRS AND DEFENCE S u bject M atter and R eferen ce N umber Aliens Order 1949 Revocation—38/1952. District Court (New Areas)—260/1951, 262/1951, 311/1951, 336/1951, 374/1951, 411/1951, 47/1952. Garda Siochana (Allowances)—409/1951. Garda Siochana (Appointments) Regs.—334/1951. Garda Siochana (Promotion) Regs.—325/1951, 32/1952. Garda Siochana (Retirement) Regs.—335/1951. Garda Siochana Pay Orders—408/1951. Garda Siochana (Pensions) Order—410/1951. Military Service Pensions Regulations—285/1951, 286/1951. HOUSING S u bject M atter and R eferen ce N umber Gaeltacht Housing Acts (Delegation of Ministerial Functions) —21/1952. Housing (Loan Charges Contributions)—362/1951. Housing (New Houses) Regs.—307/1951. MISCELLANEOUS S ubject M atter and R eferen ce N umber Game Birds Protection—331/1952. Street Trading, Henry Street, Dublin—329/1951. POSTS AND TELEGRAPHS S ubject M atter and R eferen ce N umber Foreign Parcel Post Amendment (No. 7) Warrant 1951— 300/1951. Inland Post Amendment (No. 3) Warrant 1951—293/1951. Money Order Amendment (No. 14) Regs. 1951—295/1951. Postal Order (Inland) Amendment (No. 4) Regs. 1951— Z 94 /I 95 I- Telephone (Amendment) No. 1, Regs.—276/1951. SOCIAL SERVICES S ubject M atter and R eferen ce N umber Intermittent Unemployment Insurance Benefit Regs.— 366/1951. National Health Insurance (Additional Benefits) Regs.— . 55 / 1952 . National Health Insurance Fund—Investment of Surplus Sums Regulations—241 /19 51. Old Age Pensions Increases—250/1951. Social Welfare (Great Britain Reciprocal Arrangements)— 22/1952. Unemployment Assistance (Employment Period)—46/1952. TRANSPORT AND TRAFFIC S ubject M atter and R eferen ce N umber Air Navigation and Transport (Collinstown Compulsory Ac­ quisition)—403/1951. Carriage of Milk—259/1951. Coal Mines (Diesil Locomotives) General Regs.—3/1952. CorasIompairEireann Superannuation Scheme 1951—353/1951 79

S u bject M atter and R eferen ce N umber Superannuation (Reckoning o f Teaching Service) Regs.— 3 2 7 / 1 9 5 i- ELECT ION S S u bject M atter and R eferen ce N umber Registration Expenses Scale—1952— 19/1952. Seanad (Registration o f Nominating Bodies) Regs.— 371/1951. EM PLO YM EN T R EGU LAT IO N AND CONDITIONS OF EM PLO YM ENT S ubject M atter and R eferen ce N umber Cork Coopers’ Benevolent Society, 75% Reduction on Deposit—52/1950. Federation o f Rural Workers—75 % Reduction on High Court Deposit—23/1952. Gas Installation Fitters, Dublin—266/1951. Glass Manufacture—31/1952. Messengers (Dublin City and Dun Laoghaire) Joint Labour Committee—354/1951. Trade Union Act 1941 (No. 1 Order)—23/1952, 52/1952. FINAN CE AND C EN T RA L GO VERNM EN T S u bject M atter and R eferen c e N umber Civil Service Remuneration (No. 2) Regulations 19 51— 288/1951. (in “ Iris Oifigiuil ” 23rd October, 1951) Customs—Approved Roads into Northern Ireland—258/1951. Election Registration Expenses Scale — 19/1952. Exchange Control (Supplemental Provisions)—16/1952, 3 7 /I 9 5 2 - Fisheries (Delegation o f Ministerial Functions)—292/1951. Gaeltacht Housing Acts (Delegation o f Ministerial Functions) — 21/19 51. Irish Potato Marketing Co. Ltd.—Guarantee—355/1951. Land Bond Order 19 51—261/1951. Minister for Agriculture (Agency)—326/1951. Minister for Defence (Agency)—263/1951. Minister for Finance (Agency)—-338/1951. Minister for Justice (Agency)— 337/1951. National Health Insurance Fund—Investment o f Surplus Sums Regulations—241 /19 51. Relief o f Double Taxation (Ireland-U.S.A.) Regs.—381/1951 Statistics (Census o f Production)—2/1952. Statistics (Census o f Distribution)— 20/1952. Statistics (Census o f Production Forms)—25/1952. Tea Importers (Eire)—Guaranteed amount o f repayments raised— 339/1951. Wheat and Flour (Transfer o fMinisterial Functions)—284/1951 HARBOURS, R IV ER S AND H YDRO -ELECTR IC SCHEMES S u bject M atter and R eferen ce N umber Arklow Harbour Works—44/1952. Cork Harbour Works—48/1952. Kilrush Harbour Rates— 15/1952. Sligo Harbour Works—283/1951. Tralee and Fenit Pier and Harbour Commissioners—28/1952. Wexford Harbour Rates—Fishing Vessels—282/1951.

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