The Gazette 1949-1952

o f the persons dies, the legal estate in the deposit vests automatically in the survivor; and the bank, before paying out to the survivor, will not require production of probate or o f letters o f administration. Before 1935, when preventive action was taken, it thus frequently happened that moneys on deposit were withdrawn by a surviving depositor in a joint account with'out the claim for death duties on the deposit having been discharged. Section 33 of the 1935 Finance Act prevented a banker from paying out money in a joint account to a survivor until any claim for death duties had been satisfied. The pro­ visions o f the section were limited to deposits ex­ ceeding £100 in amount. At that time estates not in excess of £100 in value were exempt from all death duties and, although the deceased might have died possessed of other property, it was considered safe to exclude deposits of £100 or under from the scope of the section. Since last year estates not exceeding £2,000 in value are no longer liable to death duties, so it appears to me that the limit of £100 for joint deposits in the Finance Act, 1935, might be lifted to £500, with some administrative saving and •without undue risk to the revenue. The Finance Bill will contain an appropriate provision. CENTENARY OF CHARTER T he list of applications for dinner cards has been closed, except to fill casual vacancies. Members are again asked to note the following information concerning the Society’s functions :— Tuesday, May z-jth. 8*.3 o p.m. : Reception by the President and Mrs. Cox, Four Courts, for members and ladies. Wednesday, May 28A 10 a.m. : Solemn Votive' Mass, Pro-Cathedral, Marlborough Street. Members only. 10 a.m. : Church of Ireland Service, St. Patrick’s Cathedral. Members and their wives. 12 noon : General Meeting, Solicitors’ Buildings, Four Courts. Members only. 7.30 p.m. : Charter Centenary Dinner, Aberdeen Hall, Gresham Hotel. Members only. Members unexpectedly prevented from attending the dinner please notify the Secretary. REGISTRATION OF TITLE ACTS, 18 9 1 AND 1942 NOTICE Folio 6104 C ounty R oscommon Registered Owner : P atrick K ilcoyne . An application has been made by the Registered Owner to the Registrar of Titles for the issue of a

Certificate of Title in substitution for the Certificate specified in the Schedule hereto, which, it is alleged, has been lost or inadvertently destroyed. The Registrar o f Titles will issue a duplicate Certificate unless he is notified within 28 days from the date o f this Notice that the said Certificate o f Title is' still in existence and in the custody of some person other than the above-named Registered Owner. Any such notification should state the grounds on which the Certificate in question is being held. Dated this 1st day o f May, 1952. J oseph O’B yrne , Registrar o f Titles. Land Registry, Central Office, Chancery Street, Dublin. S chedule Land Certificate of Patrick Kilcoyne in respect of plot of ground with the houses etc. thereon in the town of Ballaghaderreen containing oa. or. 29P. and to 3a. 2r. i3p. o f the lands of Lung, both situate in the Barony of Costello and County of Roscommon, being the lands comprised in said Folio. Registered Owner : D avid L ynch An Application has been made to the Registrar of Titles for the issue o f a Certificate of Title in substitution for the Certificate specified in the Schedule hereto, which it is alleged 1 been lost or inadvertently destroyed. The Registrar of Titles will issue a duplicate Certificate unless he is notified within 28 days from the date of this Notice that the said Certificate of Title is still in existence and in the custody o f some person other than the above named registered owner. Any such notification should state the grounds on which the Certificate is being held. Dated this 1st day o f May, 1952. J. J. O’S hea , Chief Clerk. Land Registry, Central Office, Chancery Street, Dublin. S chedule Land Certificate of David Lynch to oa. or, 37fp. o f the lands o f Williams town and Claycastle called the Beach situate near the town o f Youghal in the Barony o f Imokilly and County of. Cork, being the lands comprised in said Folio. 88 NOTICE Folio 1394 C ounty C ork

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