The Gazette 1949-1952

OBITUARY M r . J ohn C., G arvey , Solicitor, died at his residence, Murrisk Abbey, Westport, Co. Mayo, on the 27th March, 1952. Mr. Garvey served his apprenticeship with the late Mr. H. Stuart Moore, Solicitor, 31 Molesworth Street, Dublin, was admitted in Michaelmas Sittings, 1901, and practised at Westport under the style of Messrs. Garvey & Smith. M r . B asil T hompson , Solicitor, died at his residence’ Burlington Road, Dublin, on the 6th A p ril,'1952' Mr. Thompson served his apprenticeship with the late Mr. Edward D. MacLaughlin, Solicitor, 3, 4 and 5 Suffolk Street, Dublin, was admitted in Michaelmas Sittings, 1900, and practised at 12 Molesworth Street as senior partner in the firm of Messrs. Bennett Thompson & Edwards now known as Messrs. Bennett Thompson Fetherstonhaugh & Carter. He was a member of the Council of this Society from 1913 to 1939. Vice-President for the year 19 17-18 and President o f the Society for the year 1927-28. M r . C ecil B aillie G age , Solicitor, died at his residence Lansdowne Lodge, Dublin on the 7th April, 1952. Mr. Baillie Gage served his apprenticeship with the late Mr. Richard S. Reeves, Solicitor, 51 Mention Square, Dublin, was admitted in Trinity Sittings, 1900, and practised at Amien Street Station as law agent to the Great Northern Railway. * M r . M ichael J. K avanagh , Solicitor, died in Ely Nursing Home on the 15th April, 1952. Mr. KtiGfihagh served his apprenticeship with the late Mr. Michael J. O’Connor, Solicitor, Wexford, was admitted in Michaelmas Sittings, 1924 and practised at Wexford. M r . J ohn G. O ulton , Solicitor, died at his residence, Clontarf Castle, Dublin on the 17th April, 1952. Mr. Oulton served his apprenticeship with the late Mr. William S. Hayes, Solicitor, 24 Nassau Street, Dublin, was admitted in Michaelmas Sittings, 1912 and practised at 47 Upper Mount Street. Dublin as senior partner in the firm o f Messrs, Franks & Oulton. INDEX TO VOL. XLV. ;. Amalgamation of Practices .fwOftM/Jr fauiiL-jt American Bar Association, President’s visit to 37, 49, 53, 63 Applications under Section 18 . . .. .. 14, 52 P age 61 • 32 5 i Acting for both Parties Admissions as Solicitors .. . . . 4 .

4 i, Arbitration Bill, 1951 Attorneys and Solicitors (Ireland) Act, 1849—Petition against ex-Solicitor Auctioneer’s Commission, shared with Solicitor Auctioneer, drawing letting agreement Auctioneer—Employment as Solicitor’s clerk Bailey, F.T.C.D., Dr. Kenneth C., deceased Bankrupt-Solicitor, moneys in client’s account Bar Associations Bar Council, proposed joint committee with Barrett v. Gough Thomas (No. 3) Barrister-at-law, admission of Bentley, Stokes and Lawless v. Beeson Bolger, John J. Book Review Branch Office, Supervision Briefing of Counsel, Pligh Court Action Builders advertisements, references to costs Building Agreement and Lease, costs Building Agreement and Lease of Site, Stamp duty Building Company’s Solicitor, acting for Lessees Business Cards Centenary of Charter Certificate of discharge from death duties Certificate under Section 6 Finance Act, 1928.. Certificate under Section 6 Housing Amendment Act, 1950, costs Circuit Court Rules Committee . . .. .. 3^ Client’s account of bankrupt Solicitor Commissioners fees, increases Committees of Council Company formation, functions of solicitor and accoun tan t......................................... 2, 40, 59, 68, Company Law Reform Committee Conditions of Sale. Imposition of costs on purchaser . . Condon, Edmund P. Correspondence .. . . . . .. .. 24, Council, Election of Council Election 1952, dates for nominations and ballot Council Meetings 1. 3 . 13 . 14 , 2I. 2 9 > 39 . 40 , 5 L 5 2> 59 . 6°. 67, 75 . 76, Council, Organisation of work Counsel, briefed but not attending Court Court fees, increases 50 ,62, 74, 88 68 85 37 62 76 4 3 27 37 48 Death Duties, joint deposit*account Defence Bill, 1950 Department of External Affairs and Foreign Estates Donegal Solicitors’ Association English Solicitors acting for purchasers Ennis Urban District Council, Dispute with Law Agent Entertainment Expenses, Income Tax Estate Duty Office, disclosure Estate Duty on Stock Exchange securities Estate Duty rates Examinations Examinations, etc., New r. Examination results 3 60 • 43 2 . 68 9 . 19 27 , 57 .......................... 52 7 , 18, 33, 43, 80, 87 52 83 3 5 ° 61 / 8 } 6 , 6 39

«4 >5 22 39 85 5183 42 51 43 3 ° 25 14 5 ° 1 76 23 61

Finance Act, 1951 ..



. . 1 9 , 2 4 , 3 0

Foreign Law Directories, entries by Solid .. ,s

. . 4 0 ■ • 42

Forged Codicil





Formation of Companies—Function of Solic , i f . 76 Gaining Debt—Untrue endorsement on writ, contempt of Court .. .. .. .. , . .............. ^ 89 d Accountant .......................... 2, 40 ,

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