Alcalá 1991

T he Grill filled with excited students. In the semi– darkness talking filled the room as everyone nibbled on re– freshments. The lights dimmed and Billy Elmer came onto the stage. The laughter was just be– ginninQ It was Thur~ night Happy Houri Showcase Director Naomi Mueller and her committee planned thi~ event. Each week, " Thursday Night appy Hour" brought entertainment to the monotony of a student's every– day life. Throughout the year, the Showcase Committee planned barbecues and con– certs that took place on the soc– cer field in the valley. Was all the planning, publiciz– ing and worrying about event's success worth it? The laughter and smiling faces proved Na– omi's success.

Comedian Steve Kravitz amused students with his many races.

Q ne ShOIIICase performer entertains an audience at the Grille.

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