
Courtesy Boat Inspection Pam Wilkinson

Boat inspections began due to variable milfoil that is found in Little Sebago Lake. Now, due to other invasive threats close to us, we need to be very diligent with our inspections to deter any other aquatic invader be it zebra mussels, Asian clams, Chinese mystery snails, the plant European fog-bit, Eurasian milfoil or any other threat from entering. You can be a good steward when entering or after leaving the lake by practicing decontamination protocols. In a location distant from the lake, clean, drain and dry for at least 5 days. If this is not possible, spray and wipe down gear with new bleach solution 2.5 tablespoons with one gallon of water. Let stand for at least 10 minutes. Then rinse everything with fresh water. Spray and wipe down all gear with white vinegar after following the preceding steps. Vinegar will dissolve mollusk shells. It may take a few minutes of your time but think of the time and expense it will take to rid a lake of another invasive threat. Variable milfoil has taken at least 15 year and $720,000.00 to date to just keep the lake managed and usable. Jim and Jackie Fitzgerald have been our key inspectors for about 16 years. Each year they attend the summit in the spring to keep abreast of new concepts and updated forms for reporting. Thanks to Laura Small for taking

the reports documenting boats in an out and transmitting it into electronic format to submit to the State. They do a great job inspecting and making your transition from trailer to lake as smooth as possible. There is limit parking so on those hot days turning away people is not a pleasant job. Last year 1509 boats were recorded a bit of a drop from previous years but never the less the lake was as busy as usual due to people allowing boats to be docked or moored from their shoreline. All so we can get onto and enjoy what Little Sebago Lake has to offer. Keep safe and please inspect your boats.


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