
Watershed Report

Care of our watershed and the health of our lake. The direct connection.

What goes on in our lake watershed has a direct cause and effect result on our lake. The “watershed” is the area around a water body (in some areas reaching back a mile or more) pitching toward the water. Generally speaking, what ever activity or event takes place in this geographical location is headed toward the water body. The closer the activity, the more likely it is to directly affect the water body. While erosion and soil washing into the lake are the most visible of the contaminants we also have to be mindful of chemicals like pesticides, fertilizers, soaps from washing cars houses decks pets, driveway sealants, spilled fuel, dumped paint thinner, leaking radiator fluid, pet waste, etc. Really makes you want to go swimming right? That’s why controlling how we treat the watershed is so important to the health of our lake. So this spring as you clean up around your property when the snow melts try to think about how you care for your property. Do you see obvious areas of erosion? Are there places sediment is washing into the lake? We know that sediment not only shallows our coves, gives us a muddy bottom, and plugs fish spawning area, but it also carries Phosphorous, a limiting nutrient that promotes the growth of invasive plants and algae. Save yourself some time this spring and don’t rake leaves and duff off areas that are bare dirt underneath. Instead spend that time planting some bushes in the path of runoff or placing some bark mulch or pea stone on the

eroded paths. Make sure fuel storage is not leaking and use fertilizers that are phosphorous free. Try to use organic biodegradable cleaners for boats, cars, decks, roofs, docks, etc. The health of our lake is a big picture item that we all derive enjoyment from and that is critical to the fish and wildlife who live there. If each of us do our part to keep our property from contributing contaminants to the lake we can preserve it as place to enjoy for generations to come. To help accomplish this LSLA has a watershed cost share program to provide consulting and financial assistance to property owners in relation to erosion and sediment control. Do you have an eroding driveway, path, or ROW, trenches under the roof drip line, exposed roots and bare soil? The program is easy to get involved with and will help you determine the best solutions for erosion issues and will provide some financial help solving them. Please get in touch through the website, by phone, or e-mail. Send us some photos or describe what you see, and we will try to help you make an improvement. Our lake is our front yard, sidewalk, community playground. Lets all give it the attention it deserves. Scott Lowell LSLA SALOWELL@MAINE.RR.COM

Erosion - Before

Erosion - After


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