
I Remember When… It all happened several years ago, when I was website editor for Little Sebago LakeAssociation. I was always amazed at the stories that people sent about their fond times with family and friends on Little Sebago. I received and email from a

Camp Sweet Content By Carol Ann Doucette

the outlines in the photo. I could not find the direction as I looked to the west, thinking I would never know who those people from the past were located. One of the photos identified a Hacker Hall holding a baby whose last name was Skillins. Of course you know that the Skillins family still lives on the west side of the lake off Cambell Shore Rd. The knowledgeable Kimberly Skillins Shelley was my next person to

contact. After sharing the pictures I had, she surprisingly knew of Camp Content and……. It still existed! Filled with excitement, Kim took me to the exact place that the photos were taken. The

lady in Costa Rica, asking me if I would be interested in some old pictures she had found when a family member had passed away. At the time she sent me several pictures and then also sent a full CD with many more. Inside that CD was the story of her family starting around 1902 and their time on their “beloved Little Sebago”. The pictures and story intrigued me and sent me on a mission to find out where “Camp Sweet Content” was located. I had the photo of the

cottage remained exactly as it had been in the photos. I could not believe it. A place frozen in time! The view looking over the rock walls towards the lake had been obstructed by trees over the years but I could still envision what those owners may have seen at the time. The current owners, after renting the cottage for 30 years, finally purchased it several years ago, leaving it unchanged. It is a tribute to those who preserve the past so we in the present can appreciate the simpler ways things used to be. I was so taken by this cottage that I actually painted it and have made thank you cards to share with those loving the lake. Enjoy these pictures knowing that many before you love this lake as much as you do and knew what a privilege it is to be able to be on its shores and experiencing its beauty.

view looking east on the middle lake, towards the islands. Our cottage at that time was on the other side of the lake, directly across from the picture. I would envision them looking down at the place that our cottage was located, at that time undeveloped land. It was winter and I made my way out on the ice, standing with the photo, trying to match it up with


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