2015 Spring Newsletter

Announcing a Fresh Look

Miami County Genealogy & Historical Society 12 East Peoria Paola, KS 66071 Return Service Requested

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E-Mail: museum@mchgm.org


Announcing a fresh look to the Museum’s web page



G Ję C orner

Pg 3 Pg 4 Pg 5 Pg6 Pg 7 Pg 8 1H

President- Hannes Poetter Vice President- Colleen Ewan Secretary- LeAnne Shields Treasurer- LuAnne Debrick

913-557-3000 913-294-5051 913-710-1767 913-259-5027 913-837-8220 913-294-4113 913-294-5051 913-849-3366 913-557-3000 913-755-4026 913-755-4646 913-755-2391 913-755-3504 913-294-3312 913-294-2779 913-710-1767 913-849-3278 913-377-4446 913-244-4587 913-294-5051

Year End Review Happy birthday



Board of Directors

Louisburg - Fran Burcham


Marysville Township - Mildred Haley Member at Large - Colleen Ewan Miami Township - Nina Gerkin Middle Creek Township - Hannes Poetter Mound Township - Darrell Williams Osage Township - AnnDavis Osawatomie City- Ona Neuenschwander Osawatomie Township - Ben Maimer Paola City - Bettie Ore Paola Township - Elsie Cordle Richland Township - LeAnne Shields Stanton Township - Lloyd Peckman Sugar Creek Township - Vera Dakin Ten Mile Township - Patsy Bortner Valley Township - Colleen Ewan Wea Township - Rob Roberts


Obits Trivia

Pg10 Pg11

Pepoon Doll house

Wallace Park


Christmas party photos Pg 14 Sale of the Court House Pg 15 Long Obituary Pg16-17 Black HistoryDisplay Pg 18-19 Heritage Walk Bricks Pg23 ć F (FOFBMPHZ 4FDUJPO

913-256-8006 Genealogy Society Coordinator- Betty Bendorf 913-557-2485 Accessions Coordinator- Bernice Chitwood 913-557-9358 Newsletter - Roger Shipman 913-259-9219 Financial ć F .JBNJ $PVOUZ )JTUPSJDBM .VTFVN )JTUPSJDBM (FOFBM PHZ 4PDJFUJFT BSF B /PO 1SPĕ U 0SHBOJ[BUJPO XJUI B UBY FYFNQU TUBUVT BMMPXFE CZ UIF *OUFSOBM 3FWFOVF %FQU (Ję BOE EPOBUJPOT received by the Societies are deductible for Income Tax purpos es. For additional information or questions regarding Endow ments, Trusts, etc., please contact us at 913-294-4940

Queries & Researchers Dagenette Cemetery Publications for sale




/PUJDF 5P ć F .FNCFSTIJQ ć F .JBNJ $PVOUZ )JTUPSJDBM .VTFVN NFN bership dues are $25.00 Make checks out to: Miami County Historical Museum 12 East Peoria, Paola, Kansas 66071-0123

A Newsletter of the Miami County Historical Museum & Genealogy Society Spring 2015 Volume 30 - No.1 Miami County Historical Museum 12 E. Peoria, Paola, Kansas 66071 Phone: 913-294-4940 E-Mail: info@thinkmiamicountyhistory.com Web address; www.thinkmiamicountyhistory.com Museum Hours: Monday through Saturday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.

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7JTJU PVS HJę DPSOFS We have books, out of print museum books on DVD, brochures of local attractions, OVNFSPVT IJTUPSJDBM 1BPMB QIPUPT TVJUBCMF GPS GSBNJOH UFF TIJSUT IBUT BOE TPNF GSFF TUVČ

ć JT JT ZPVS /FXTMFUUFS What do you want included in the newsletter

One of our objectives is to bring to our members an interesting and informative newsletter. MO PSEFS UP EP UIJT XF OFFE ZPVS IFMQ ć F QSJNBSZ RVFTUJPO JT 8IBU EP ZPV XBOU JO ZPVS newsletter? Secondly, are we currently including the type of material that interests you the NFNUCFSTIJQ ć JSE EP XF OFFE UP JODMVEF NPSF PS MFTT PG B TQFDJĕ D TVCKFDU NBUUFS ć JOL BCPVU XIBU ZPV XPVME MJLF UP TFF JO UIF OFXTMFUUFS BOE MFU VT LOPX Our e-mail address is: info@thinkmiamicountyhistorv.com Our web page is: www.thinkmiamicountyhistory.com lf you are a Facebook member: Just like us on Facebook. Our mailing address and telephone number is: Miami County Historical Museum 12 E. Peoria Paola, KS 56071 913-294-4940 ć BOLT JO BEWBODF Jim Bousman

ć F .VTFVN JT OFFEJOH WPMVOUFFST Stop by and give us a helping hand.

Call 913-294-4940

Page 3

Year End Review 2014 ć F ZFBS XBT B ZFBS JO XIJDI XF EFDJEFE UP TUFQ CBDL UBLF B CSFBUI BOE HJWF UIF NVTFVN T CVJMEJOH TPNF TLC. One of the things I learned from my Uncle was, “If you take care of your equipment, your equipment will take care of you.” In this case, substitute the word building for the word equipment. ć SPVHI HFOFSPVT EPOBUJPOT NBEF CZ NVTFVN NFNCFST XIP XJTI UP SFNBJO BOPOZNPVT BOE B HSBOU GSPN UIF Roman Foundation, the following was accomplished: • Outside stairways were rebuilt, t ć F PVUFS XBMMT XFSF UVDL QPJOUFE TFBMFE BOE QBJOUFE t 5XP JOFď DJFOU ĕ WF UPO BJS DPOEJUJPOFST XFSF SFQMBDFE CZ OFX Fď DJFOU VOJUT t /FX EJHJUBM UIFSNPTUBUT BOE IVNJEJĕ FST XFSF JOTUBMMFE • Two new computers, a printer and a scanner were added to the museums inventory. During the year our core volunteers continued to keep the museum and genealogical research library humming. ć FTF EFEJDBUFE WPMVOUFFST XPSLFE B UPUBM PG IPVST We had a total of 1,580 visitors who either signed the front desk book or library research book during 2014. However, keep in mind not all visitors signed the visitor books. Our visitors were from Kansas, 29 other states and 4 foreign counties (Germany, Spain, England and Australia). Instead of an exhibit telling the story of Miami County’s role in the 1864 Battle of Westport (by the way, Paola was ordered to be held at “all Hazard”); a six part lecture series titled” Politics and the Defense of Kansas” was held at the museum. ć F NVTFVN IPTUFE BOPUIFS TVDDFTTGVM .JOJBUVSF "SU 4IPX *G ZPV IBWF OFWFS WJTJUFE UIF BSU TIPX * XPVME FO courage you to attend this year. Lloyd Peckman, Chair of the Native American Project, continues his research and making presentation to vari ous organizations about Miami County’s Native American history. 1IJM 3FBLB $IBJS PG UIF .JBNJ $PVOUZ #MBDL )JTUPSZ 1SPKFDU BOE IJT DPNNJUUFF BSF QVUUJOH UIF ĕ OBM UPVDIFT PO their project. As I write this year-end review of “what happened”, a new year is bringing new challenges. Two of our most urgent challenges this year will be funding and recruiting additional volunteers. An important goal this year is to encourage you to tell us what you want to see in the Newsletter. We also want you to make suggestion for the direction of the museum as we move forward. In essence, we want you to have a more active voice in your museum. Jim Bousman Museum Coordinator Eleventh Heartland Art Guild International Miniatures Art Show

Heartland Art Guild members are now planning this summer’s miniature painting show to be on exhibit in the Museum throughout the month of July. You won’t want to miss it. Each year it brings in more people to enjoy both the art and the museum. Amazing art entries are received from local, nation al and international artists. July 11th from 1 - 3 p.m., at the museum is the "XBSET BOE "SUJTU T 3FDFQUJPO BOE UIF QVCMJD JT JOWJUFE ć F 1BPMB $IBNCFS PG $PNNFSDF XJMM IPME B DPČ FF BU UIF NVTFVN PO +VMZ UI BU B N $IBN ber members, museum members, and the public are invited. See you there. Patsy Bortner

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Happy Birthday Miami County Historical Society 'Ję Z :FBST

'Ję Z ZFBST 4VSFMZ OPU #VU JU T USVF ć F .JBNJ $PVOUZ )JTUPSJDBM 4PDJFUZ JT ĕ ę Z ZFBST PME UIJT ZFBS It has been that long since two ladies were visiting in the summer of 1955 and talking about the large amount of history there was in Miami County and lamenting that it was not being preserved for future HFOFSBUJPOT MU XBT HPJOH UP CF MPTU JG JU XBT OPU XSJUUFO EPXO 8JUI UIFJS FČ PSUT CZ %FDFNCFS PG UIF .JBNJ $PVOUZ )JTUPSJDBM 4PDJFUZ IBE JUT ĕ STU NFFUJOH "OE XIBU BO FOUIVTJBTUJD HSPVQ XBT BTTFNCMFE 'SPN UIF CFHJOOJOH UIJT XBT UP CF B $PVOUZ PSHBOJ[BUJPO XJUI NFFUJOHT JO EJČ FSFOU QBSUT PG UIF county: the new Power and Light auditorium in Paola, the old schoolhouse in New Lancaster, the old Church in Osawatomie and others in the area. /PU POMZ NFFUJOHT XFSF IFME NPOUIMZ CVU TPDJBM HBUIFSJOHT XFSF QPQVMBS ć F HSPVQ USBWFMFE CZ CVT UP 'PSU -FBWFOXPSUI BOE 'PSU 4DPUU 0OF Bę FSOPPO JO B TVNNFS UIFZ FOKPZFE B DSVJTF PO UIF TUFBNCPBU 8IJQQPPSXJMM PO 1PNPOB -BLF 6OGPSUVOBUFMZ UIF CPBU DBQTJ[FE JO B IFBWZ XJOE TUPSN OPU MPOH Bę FS ć FSF XBT B XBUFSNFMPO GFFE BU UIF QVNQJOH TUBUJPO TPVUI PG -PVJTCVSH POF ZFBS 1FSIBQT TPNF PG UIF NPTU enjoyable times were spent at the Indianapolis schoolhouse west of Osawatomie. Donna Hunt and her brother XFSF HSBDJPVT IPTUT ć PTF XFSF NVTJDBM HBUIFSJOHT &WFSZPOF FOKPZFE IFBSJOH B TBYPQIPOJTU XIP QMBZFE PO UIF TUFBNCPBUT UIBU UPVSFE UIF .JTTJTTJQQJ 3JWFS JO FBSMZ EBZT " OJOFUZ ZFBS PME ĕ EEMFS XIP QMBZFE "S kansas Traveler, Mississippi Sawyer, Skip to My Lou with everyone tapping their feet and a pianist who played for the silent movies when she was a young girl. ć F 4PDJFUZ XBT GPSUVOBUF UP IBWF NFNCFST XIP MPWFE IJTUPSZ BOE MPWFE UP UBML BCPVU JU 8BMUFS Crotchett, our silver-tongued orator, could make his listeners literally see his words. Once on a bus trip to LaCygne, he stood in the aisle and told of Indians who had lived in the area. It was so vivid that look ing at the horizon one could almost imagine the lndians sitting on their horses. Dyke Dickerson was another who loved to tell stories and enjoyed telling them as much as his listeners! He told of people from

Ohio who were looking for Bucky Russ (Buryrus) and never tired of UBMLJOH PG i ć F (JBOU PG (SFBTZ #FOEw )BSSZ .FJOJH UPME PG UIF UJNCFS in Stanton Township and how it was used in many of the buildings in the counties around. No history is complete without mentioning Sister Charles! 4IF KPJOFE UIF 4PDJFUZ TFWFSBM ZFBST Bę FS JU TUBSUFE BOE JU XBT OFWFS UIF TBNF 'FX QFPQMF FWFS TBJE /0 UP 4JTUFS $IBSMFT ć FSF XBT UBML GSPN UIF beginning of starting a museum but the money was not available. Sister Charles agreed and before we knew it she had raised enough funds to buy a building on the square. From then on till now we have progressed to having one of the best and most visited museums in Eastern Kansas, thanks to very dedicated QFPQMF ć F GVUVSF MPPLT CSJHIU GPS BOPUIFS ĕ ę Z ZFBST ć JT BSUJDMF XBT XSJUUFO CZ #FUUJF 0SF UIF 'JSTU $IBSUFS .FNCFS

Page 5

LIBRARY We are happy that Iris Kluber will start entering the back log of records from the Court House on the computer and wouldn’t you know, we were informed they had 32 more boxes to send us. Jim Bousman provided the truck to get these additional boxes and we thank Gary Wimbush for his help. Not long ago we received several hundred abstracts from John Clark. Colleen Ewan is indexing them and JT KVTU BCPVU ĕ OJTIFE "OO 3PBSL JT ĕ OJTIJOH UIF KPC PG FOUFSJOH UIF PCJUT GSPN PVS ĕ MFT JOUP BO BMQIBCFU JDBM JOEFY ć JT XBT TUBSUFE TFWFSBM ZFBST BHP /PX .JMESFE )BMFZ JT TDBOOJOH UIF GVMM PCJUT ć FTF NBOZ projects might seem confusing but will be used in EJČ FSFOU XBZT BOE XJMM BJE JO UIF SFTFBSDI XF EP ć F scanning came along at a later time and will ensure UIBU PVS PCJU ĕ MF XJMM OPU CF MPTU 1BUTZ #PSUOFS JT EP JOH B OFX MBZPVU QBUUFSO PG UIF MJCSBSZ ć JT XJMM IFMQ OFX QFPQMF UP CF BCMF UP ĕ OE SFTFBSDI NBUFSJBM ć F XPSL PG HFUUJOH JOGPSNBUJPO PO UIF CVJMEJOHT around the square is still going on. We had to take some time out to do research on the Miami County Jail. * BN JO UIF QSPDFTT PG NBLJOH OFX UBCT GPS UIF ĕ MFT JO UIF ĕ MF DBCJOFU 0OF ESBXFS EPOF BOE UISFF UP HP Believe me, all these jobs are time takers Betty Bendorf Librarian Library Research ć F GPMMPXJOH BSF XBML JO SFTFBSDIFST UP UIF MJCSBSZ recently and surnames or information being re searched. Barbara Tornow (Ward) Willis Hanfeld (Hastings) Patrick McGuire (McGuire, Fittell) Roger Smith (Mary Louise Cronmiller) Nina Gerken (Mayberry) DehanaSue (Crook) Balcer (Duncan, Crook, Sanders,

Chris Kaufman (general Questions) John Weaver (Sullivan, Brown, Weaver, Manning) Frank Furillo (photos) Wm. Eugene Bradley (Wm. Stiles & Family,) Gregg Potts (Potts & Wilgus) Nancy Heidrick (Feldman, Neu, Karr, LeGrande, Bible, sports teams) Verona Stoes (Charles , Frank, Amelis,& Nadie Ar nold) Larry & Karen Meiers (I.Coen) JayCarter (Hamilton, Magill, Stevenson) Belinda Wolf Whitaker #BSUMFUU )VČ Dannie Moore (Jones, Hubbard, Rankin) Stan Whisner (Robt. Overbeck, Miller) Sherri Lathrop (Heinrich, Henry, Pfannes) Carolyn Oroke (Wilson,Cramer, Claarkson, Danahy) QUERIES Verona Stoerz is searching for information on the Charles M. Arnold family that resided in Osawatomie from 1800s thru 1930. Keith E. Deaton wants to know where James Fickel is buried. Nita Vogt is looking for the location of the grave of Emmeline Moyer Cheryl Wirz wants information on Obediah Mat thews. Teresa McQuinton is looking for information and pictures of Myrtle Presson Buckmiller. Don Hurlbut wants obit for his paternal gr-grand mother 1BUSJDL .BMPOFZ JT USZJOH UP ĕ OE JOGPSNBUJPO PO UIF Willis Bradley family with Elizabeth, Helen and Her bert. 3FFE :PVOH XBOUT JOGPSNBUJPO PO IJT BODFTUPS ć PN as Daniel Young & family.

Davenport, Goddard, Brown) Eleanor Zuvenich (Knoche)

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ć PNBT - )BSNBO JT MPPLJOH GPS CVSJBM QMBDFT PG UIF ć PSQ BOE 8FSOFS GBNJMJFT Alan Pollock wants to know what we charge for re search & copies and obits for Elizabeth Brandeberry & Althea Parker Ray Beamer is looking for a State Hospital record of his great grandmother Lois Downey wants to know where Emiy Dickerson is buried. 8FOEFMM .FMSPTF JT MPPLJOH GPS UIF EJWPSDF PG ć PNBT H Benton Lay. Robert Styer, Jr wants any information on Robert Henry Perry. Charles Vogus wants to know the contents of District Court Case #725 and the cost of copies. Neil Williamson says his great uncle moved to Paola, ,4 TPNFUJNF Bę FS UIF $JWJM 8BS GSPN 87 )F XPVME like any information on his great uncle John William son Diane Beet Moore wants obits for Elsie beets, Ralph Beets and Louide Beets Richardson. Alan Pollock wants obits for Mrs. Nathaniel Park er and Nancy B. Peck. ( Mrs. Buel Peck d. 1934) ć FTF RVFSJFT IBWF CFFO SFTFBSDIFE CZ &MTJF $PSEMF and Iris Kluber.

Mary Ellen Ennis

1878 Miami County Atlas

Mary Miller 1850’s Black Dress 3FE $MVC 0VUĕ U Colleen Ewan Civil War Book & Book of Maps Lois Evison Club Minutes $MBSL "CTUSBDU 0ď DF #PYFT PG "CTUSBDUT Shirley Walker Mable Sinclair Estate Info Kriston & Stephen Graue Oak Wine Barrel Michael & Steve Pepoon Large three-story doll house with all the furniture Ed Dennerline 1865 2 cent piece MarySimon Up To Date Club info Charles Ayers Photo of Dad’s business Carol A. (Friedrich) Smith Photos of Paola Edith Kesler Photos ??? Paola reunions Milton Welch Civil War buttons & bullets 3 Kansas tax tokens .BSZ 4PNPO ć F VQ UP EBUF CPPLMFUT

TOMORROW IS ANOTHER TOWN ć F "OBUPNZ PG B $JSDVT An autobiography by James R. Patterson A history of the Great Patterson Shows when the circus maintained winter quarters in Paola. Tax included price is $28.00

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MINI MINUTES ć F GPMMPXJOH BSF IJHIMJHIUT PG &YFDVUJWF BOE %JSFDUPS meetings, for your information, and a way to let you (a member) in on the workings. SEPTEMBER Discussion on the fall Fund Raiser. Sales of tickets is going well, Discussion on the outside stairway to the west and the need for some repairs and possible paint job. John Clark has sold the abstract company and Colleen is working on getting boxes of abstracts for the museum to go with the ones we already have. Discussion on what to do with our old air conditioners. ć FZ DBO QSPCBCMZ CF TPME NOVEMBER ć FSF XBT OP NFFUJOH JO 0DUPCFS %JTDVTTJPO PO UIF Fund Raiser dinner. It was well attended and the program very enjoyable. A good time was had by all It was reported that the Paola Chamber will be moving to the Russell Building. Paola Tourism will be closing down and the work will be done by the Chamber. However the sale and engraving of the bricks around the fountain will be given to the museum. Bettie Ore and Ann Davis will chair this project. We need to advertise this project Discussion to participate on Kansas Day the last Saturday of January. Also discussions on other items to be resolved like the sign on the back of the building, some electric light problems, spotting some old metal desks and items that are not artifacts that we can dispose of to make for some much needed room. Also the Christmas party is set for Dec. 9 at QN &WFSZPOF CSJOH ĕ OHFS GPPE BOE DPPLJFT *U JT B TPDJBM time for everyone. Report of the nominating committee. Persons listed will serve for 2 years 2015-16. V. Pres, Colleen Ewan; Treasurer, LuAnne Debrick; and Directors Fran Burcham, Louisburg City; Mildred Haley, Marysville Twp; Nina Gerken, Miami Twp; Ben Maimer, Osawatomie City; Bettie Ore, Paola City; LeAnne Shields, Richland Twp; Vera Dakin, Sugar Creek Twp; Patsy Bortner, Ten Mile Twp; Colleen Ewan, Valley Twp. We welcome Mildred and Patsy as new Direc tors. Bettie Ore commented that next year is the 50th Anniver sary for the Historical Society .

DECEMBER ć F %FDFNCFS NFFUJOH UJNF XBT UIF $ISJTUNBT 1BSUZ BOE FMFDUJPO PG Pď DFST BOE EJSFDUPST A drawing for the painting contributed by David Gross was won by Lloyd Peckman. JANUARY *O B DBMMFE XPSL TFTTJPO PG UIF Pď DFST JO +BOVBSZ discussion on establishing who will be responsible for day to day administration of the museum. Also to set a deadline for submitting items to Roger for the Quarterly. We will be getting back to the old deadlines of the end of March, June, Sept. and Dec. Other items is a survey of members asking for suggestions on items in the quarterly and any one interested in doing research on the buildings around the square. Also updating our accession forms. We need to also to be planning activities for 1916-1918. FEBRUARY Jim Bousman was voted to be Museum Coordi OBUPS BOE -V"OOF %FCSJDL XBT WPUFE UP CF 0ď DF Manager. Phil Reaka, Larry Lybarger, Roger Shipman and Jim Bousman has developed the Black History dis play which will be open in the museum for the next three months. Jim reported that the Kansas Day Expo was well attended despite the weather. Since the Historical Society will be 50 years old in December, Bettie Ore suggested we might set as a HPBM UP QBZ PČ UIF NPSUHBHF PO PVS CVJMEJOHT BOE have a mortgage burning celebration. It was agreed to and plans will move ahead. It was also suggested that we form an Endowment Fund. Hannes brought us up to date on the web site and needs stories, family histories etc. to be put on our webpage.

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By Jim Bousman

(Moonlight Rd. in Johnson and Miami Counties Kansas)

T homas Moonlight was born in Scotland in 1833. At the age of 13 he arrived aboard ship at Philadelphia and began his life in America. In 1853 he joined the regular army and served in the artillery until his dis charge at Fort Leavenworth in 1858.

At the beginning of the Civil War, Moonlight was commis sioned Captain of the 1st. Independent Battery Kansas Light "SUJMMFSZ PSHBOJ[FE BU .PVOE $JUZ ,BOTBT ć F BSUJMMFSZ battery was assigned to the Lane Brigade and took part in the sacking of Osceola, Missouri. His skill as an artilleryman was demonstrated during this engagement when he placed a howitzer round on top of the St. Clair County Courthouse. %VSJOH UIF $JWJM 8BS ć PNBT .PPOMJHIU XBT SBQJEMZ QSP moted and ended the Civil War as a brevet brigadier general of the 11th Kansas Cavalry. Colonel Moonlight is another, of several, who fought in the Battle of Westport that are – “stories unto themselves”. Moonlight’s command of his brigade during the engagements before the Battle of Westport gave the Union Army time nec FTTBSZ UP DPODFOUSBUF PO UIF #JH #MVF ć VT EFGFBUJOH 1SJDF T Army of Missouri.

On January 8, 1865 Colonel Moonlight took command of the %FOWFS .JMJUBSZ %JTUSJDU 0O 'FCSVBSZ IF Pď DJBMMZ DPO venes the military investigation into the Sand Creek Massacre. Following the Civil War, Moonlight served during the Indian wars in the west.

"ę FS MFBWJOH UIF BSNZ IF TFSWFE BT the Kansas Secretary of State, 13th Ad jutant General of the State of Kansas, Governor of the Wyoming Territory and was appointed Minister to Bolivia. He died in 1899 and is buried in Leav enworth Kansas.

T homas Moonlight

Jim Bousman

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Miami County Trivia from the Museum Obits.

by LuAnne Debrick

Did you know Paola had an umbrella repairman? John Hurst lived in New Lancaster area. For 35 years, he came to Paola each spring and went house to house repairing umbrellas. Where was the Beavertown Indian Reservation in Miami County located? James T. Maloney was born on this Indian Reservation called Beavertown near Paola. It was believed to have been on Wea Creek, south of Somer set. Archie Hoover, a Paola man, invented a portable roller skating rink which he operated in many parts of the country until 1919 when he retired and sold his invention In 1883 George Kemp, Jr.’s father, a wholesale druggist, died of malnutrition, leaving a fortune estimated at sev en million dollars. Andrew Hinman of Louisburg, a stone mason by trade, built many of the rock walls and buildings in Miami County. Alfred Lyon, a reporter for the Republican Newspaper in Paola and Miss Beulah Crabree, daughter of a promi nent physician of Lamar Missouri were married on a Frisco passenger train coming to Paola at a speed of forty NJMFT BO IPVS ć FZ IBE B MJDFOTF UP XFE TPNFUIJOH JOUFSGFSFE BOE UIF MJDFOTF XBT FYQJSJOH .JTT $SBCSFF XBT VOEFS BHF JO ,BOTBT BOE IBE UP IBWF IFS NPUIFS T DPOTFOU "ę FS CPBSEJOH UIF USBJO UP 1BPMB UIFZ SFBMJ[FE B Missouri license was not valid in Kansas, so a minister who happened to be on the train married them before UIF USBJO SFBDIFE UIF ,BOTBT MJOF ć F DFSFNPOZ XBT QFSGPSNFE JO UIF TNPLJOH DBS Miss Dora May Atkins and James Clarke of Osawatomie Township were wed in quite a unique wedding ceremo OZ UIBU PDDVSSFE JO UIF DMPBL SPPN BU 5 8 3BJOFZ T TUPSF 'PMMPXJOH UIF DFSFNPOZ IBOETPNF HJę T XFSF QSF sented by the proprietor of the store. %P ZPV SFNFNCFS ić F .FMPEZ .BJETw TJOHJOH HSPVQ PG .JBNJ $PVOUZ JO FBSMZ T ć JT HSPVQ XBT DPN posed of Florence Essner Justice as “Flossie Belle”, Virginia Mae Shriver Johnson as “Mae Belle” and Ruth Draut as “Sally Belle” Lee and Grant at Appomattox A three scene play featuring Lane Smith, as Confederate General Robert E Lee and Randal L Durbin as Union General Ulysses S. Grant. ć FZ QPSUSBZ UIF FWFOUT BU "QQPNBUUPY XIFO (FOFSBM -FF TVSSFOEFSFE to General Grant to end the civil war. ć F QSFTFOUBUJPO XJMM CF BU ć F 1BPMB -JCSBSZ ć VSTEBZ UIF UI PG "QSJM ć F TUBSU UJNF JT 1. BOE UIF BENJTTJPO JT GSFF

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Marianne Pepoon’s Dollhouse Marianne’s three sons recently donated a large three story Victorian dollhouse to the museum which is now on display. It was built in 1979 and is over 4 feet tall. ć F GVSOJUVSF XBT DBSFGVMMZ DIPTFO BOE UIF EPMMIPVTF was enjoyed my many. Don and Marianne moved to Paola in 1958. In 1960 they formed Triangle Builders, Inc. with two partners. Marianne was Sec-Treasurer until they retired in 1988. .BSJBOOF XBT BDUJWF JO UIF 1BPMB $JWJD ć FBUSF GSPN QBSUJDJQBUJOH JO NPSF UIBO UXFOUZ ĕ WF QSPEVD tions. She was a member of the “Friends of the Li brary”, the Paola Free Library board and Pleasant Hour Club. Marianne passed away April 2, 2006. Leanne Shields

Photos by Jim Bousman

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History of Wallace Park and Hagemeyer Family Wallace Park was named for James E. Wallace. His obituary is extremely interesting - Mr. Wallace came to 1BPMB JO BOE XBT FNQMPZFE CZ .JUDIMFS %FQBSUNFOU TUPSF VOUJM XIFO IF XBT FMFDUFE UP UIF Pď DF PG Clerk of the District Court. He served in that capacity for a short while and then began in the drugstore busi OFTT .S 8BMMBDF IBE UIF NBOBHFNFOU PG UIF ĕ SFXPSLT FYIJCJUJPO FBDI ZFBS BOE JO XIJMF QSFQBSJOH UP TFOE VQ B TLZ SPDLFU JU CVSTU JO IJT IBOE JOĘ JDUJOH B WFSZ QBJOGVM XPVOE *U XBT HFOFSBMMZ LOPXO UIF DPMPSFE MJHIUT JO ĕ SFXPSLT XFSF DPNQPTFE PG EFBEMZ QPJTPO BOE UIF TMJHIUFTU CVSO XPVME TPNFUJNFT SFTVMU JO EFBUI )JT PCJUVBSZ HPFT PO UP TBZ i IF RVJFUMZ MFę UIF DSPXE BOE XFOU UP UIF ESVH TUPSF XIFSF IF BQQMJFE JDF XBUFS UP UIF CVSO " EPDUPS XBT DBMMFE JO BOE .S 8BMMBDF DPNQMBJOJOH UIF QBJO XBT UFSSJCMF XBT HJWFO DIMPSPGPSN ć JT OPU QSPWJOH CFOFĕ DJBM BO JOKFDUJPO PG NPSQIJB XBT NBEF XIJDI BMMBZFE UIF QBJO CVU FWFOUVBMMZ UISFX IJN JOUP spasms and could scarcely be held by those in attendance. About 4:00 in the morning he was taken home in an insensible condition from which he never rallied and died that day, July 4, 1884 at the age of 38. No one in the county was better known or more universally liked than Jim Wallace, his whole-souled, genial nature drawing about him lasting friendships and his untimely death deeply deplored”. #Z BOE XIFO UIF $IBVUBVRVB $JSDVJU XBT QPQVMBS FOUFSUBJONFOU JU CFDBNF OFDFTTBSZ UP ĕ OE B more convenient location than the old fairgrounds at Walnut Grove about two miles north of town. A tract of land consisting of twelve acres on the south side of the city, owned by Mrs. James Wallace and thirty acres ad KPJOJOH JU XFSF QVSDIBTF CZ UIF DJUZ GPS UIF TVN PG *U XBT ĕ STU OBNFE i4PVUI 1BSLw BOE MBUFS DIBOHFE to Wallace Park in memory of James E. Wallace. by LuAnne Debrick

In 1915 the shelter house was built with B HFOFSPVT HJę PG . " 4DISPFEFS ć F Comfort Station was built of native TUPOF JO *U IBE B TUPOF ĕ SFQMBDF rest rooms and comfortable furniture GPS WJTJUPST UP UIF QBSL ć BU TBNF ZFBS the membership of the Congregational Church had disbanded and they decided to use the money from the sale of their church property to build the caretaker’s home – all buildings being constructed of native stone. Elmer Hagemeyer was the ĕ STU PDDVQBOU PG UIBU IPVTF


Mr. Hagemeyer was elected superintendent of the park in 1925. Underbrush was cleared, picnic tables and benches were built, and walks leading down to the lagoon which had a rustic bridge leading across to an island JO UIF NJEEMF XFSF TPPO DPOTUSVDUFE *O UIF TVNNFS UIF MBHPPO XBT ĕ MMFE XJUI BMM TPSUT PG CFBVUJGVM XBUFS MJMJFT and in the winter was a favorite place for ice skaters. A kitchen was built in 1928 for public use having two burn FS IPUQMBUFT BOE BMM OFDFTTBSZ LJUDIFO ĕ YUVSFT " ESJOLJOH GPVOUBJO XBT TJUVBUFE BU UIF FBTU FOE PG UIF 4IFMUFS House. Later a double cottage was built for tourists. )PXFWFS NPTU PG VT HSPXJOH VQ JO 1BPMB JO UIJT FSB BTTPDJBUF 8BMMBDF 1BSL XJUI &MNFS )BHFNFZFS ć F )BHF meyer family originated in Westphalen, Germany. In 1852, Elmer Hagemeyer’s father, Charles Hagemeyer came to the United States. He could speak no English but soon mastered the language and became an exemplary member of society. He and his wife, Elizabeth Teekenbrook raised ten children.

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ć FZ DBNF UP 1BPMB JO UIF T BOE PQFOFE B Ę PSBM business. He operated the Paola Floral Company with his son, Fred, in a huge greenhouse located at the cor ner of Agate and Ottawa Street. Elmer Hagemeyer (one of the ten children) was born in Colorado Springs where the family lived prior UP DPNJOH UP 1BPMB ć FSF &MNFS NBSSJFE &UIB .BF Boggs and they went by horse and wagon to Wheat land, Wyoming where they farmed for a number of years. Elmer moved to Paola in 1919 and took up farming here. In 1925 he was named superintendent of Wallace Park, a capacity he held until early 1950’s. In


his early years as superintendent, he supervised the construction of all the buildings erected in the Park, as well as the rock wall surrounding the Park. He helped plan and plant many of the trees still standing there today.

*O TIPSUMZ Bę FS CFJOH OBNFE TVQFSJOUFOEFOU UIF construction of the swimming pool began and it was opened on July 25, 1925. About that time, Paola was having public dances at the American Legion Hall in downtown Paola. By 1931, Hagemeyer had constructed an outside dance platform next to the pool and on July 4, UIF ĕ STU 4VOSJTF %BODF XBT IFME PO UIF QMBUGPSN o B tradition which continued throughout the years.


Hagemeyer constructed the PlayMart Ballroom ad KPJOJOH UIF QPPM BSFB JO ć JT QPQVMBS HBUIFS ing place operated for almost 40 years until the pool was sold in 1966. In the late 40’s, Mr. Hagemeyer purchased the Mc Grath farm – pasture land south of the South School Building and turned this pasture land into a housing development known as Parkside Addition. ć F )BHFNFZFS T DPOUSJCVUFE NVDI UISPVHIPVU the years to the young people and adults alike in Paola and surrounding communities through providing them great recreational enjoyment. Mr. Hagemeyer was greatly interested in hunting and ĕ TIJOH BOE XBT B OPUFE NBSLTNBO JO &BTUFSO ,BO sas. He was a dedicated naturalist and ecologist and did much to preserve trees and spots of beauty in and around Paola.

5PEBZ 8BMMBDF 1BSL CPBTUT PG CBTFCBMM ĕ FMET TPDDFS ĕ FMET and the Fair grounds. Paola Pathways has built 3.5 miles of biking and walking trails through out the park and along side of Bull creek

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Photos of the Christmas social held at the museum

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Sale of the Court House *O BDDPSEBODF XJUI UIF BEWFSUJTFNFOU UIF PME DPVSU IPVTF CVJMEJOH XBT TPME BU QVCMJD BVDUJPO BU UIF Pď DF PG UIF $PVOUZ $MFSL MBTU .POEBZ "QSJM BU P DMPDL Q N ć F $PVOUZ $PNNJTTJPOFST XFSF BMM BUUFOEBODF BOE UIF DMFSL T Pď DF XBT DSPXEFE XJUI TQFDUBUPST UP XJUOFTT UIF VOVTBCMZ TQFDUBDMF PG B DPVSU IPVTF CFJOH TPME to the highest or any other bidder. Buckeye Bill made the sale, and was more eloquent and persuasive than usu BM *O IJT MPOH DBSFFS BT BO BVDUJPOFFS IF IBT TPME FWFSZUIJOH CVU DPVSU IPVTFT BOE UIJT XBT UIF ĕ STU POF PO IJT MJTU ć F CJEEJOH TUBSUFE BU BOE XBT TPPO SVO VQ UP JO CJET *U CFHBO UP ESBH BMPOH JO CJET VOUJM XBT SFBDIFE XIFO BU UIF DVTUPNBSZ iUIJSE BOE MBTU XBSOJOHw UIF CVJMEJOH XBT TPME UP (JMCFSU .PPSF ć F QSJODJQBM CJEEFST XFSF .S .PPSF BOE 5 . )PCTPO ć JT CFJOH UIF ĕ STU DPVSU IPVTF .S .PPSF FWFS PXOFE IF has not yet fully determined what disposition he will make of it, but it is probable that he will use the material in erecting several small houses in town. Under the terms of the sale, the county reserved the furniture and the doors and casing of the vaults – all the SFTU JT UIF QSPQFSUZ PG .S .PPSF ć F DPVOUZ IBT UXFOUZ EBZT JO XIJDI UP WBDBUF UIF CVJMEJOH BOE .S .PPSF has three months in which to tear down the building and remove the material. ć F PME DPVSU IPVTF JT B MBOE NBSL JO 1BPMB BOE UP UIF PMEFS DJUJ[FOT NBOZ GPOE SFDPMMFDUJPOT DMVTUFSFE BCPVU it, and old and dilapidated as it is, many will see it torn down with genuine regret, akin to that felt in attending the funeral of an old friend. It is a part of the early days of Paola, when the town was new – those happy, heart some. Joyful, careless, frolicksome days, when the very people themselves were new, made up of everybody from everywhere, and all hopeful, enthusiastic, generous and venturesome. Everything “went” and everybody went BMPOH ć F iPDUPQVTw BOE UIF ANPOFZ QPXFSw IBEO U HPU IFSF ZFU BOE JG UIFZ IBE UIFZ XPVME IBWF CFFO NBEF UP “set ‘em up” as long as their money lasted and then been locked up in the calaboose or rode out of town on a rail. A few – a very few – of the actors are here yet who were on the scene in those days – most of them have gone. A majority of them have crossed the river which is so wide that none can ever return, while others have gone everywhere else, from the Klondyke to the golden sands of South Africa, from the wilds of South America to the islands of the seas. ć F CVJMEJOH XBT TUBSUFE JO UIF TQSJOH PG BOE DPNQMFUFE JO UIF GBMM PG UIBU ZFBS *U XBT FSFDUFE CZ TDIPPM district No.21 for a school building, at a cost of $15,000. S. M. Larkin burned the brick and laid them in the wall; the carpenter worked was done by Brockman & Co. It was a large pretentious structure and was really a creditable building for those days, being one of the best school houses in the State. It was occupied as a school 'SPN UIF %VOHFPO ć BU T UIF NVTFVN T CBTFNFOU XIFSF B NPOTUFS TUBDL PG PME $PVOUZ OFXT QBQFST BSF TUPSFE

house until about 1874, when the handsome new building on the hill was competed. November 21st, 1876, it was purchased by Miami –co. for B DPVSU IPVTF UIF QSJDF QBJE CFJOH ć F County Commissioners then were P. F. Latimer, S. P. Boon and Wm. McConnor. It has been occu pied since as a court house, but within two weeks UIF DPVOUZ Pď DJBMT XJMM NPWF JOUP UIF TUBUFMZ OFX structure which proudly overshadows the old, and the cracked and broken walls will be torn down and will mingle with the things of the past. Western Spirit, April 5, 1899

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by LuAnne Debrick Beautiful Obituaries of the Miami County Historical Museum In entering info on the computer from the 40,000 Obituaries that Miami County Museum has in its possession, this is probably the most beautifully written one. Today, most obituaries are “short and sweet” but in the 1800’s they were a work of art. Beautiful Obit of Lavina Saylor Long. She was the grandmother of Lawrence Long, Paola grad of 1914 and sister, Mildred Long, Paola grad of 1917. Mother Long……….

A brave, charitable woman went hence on July 1, 1920 when Mrs. Lavina Saylor Long breathed her last, in Paola. She was brave because TIF NBEF HSFBU TBDSJĕ DFT BMPOF BOE QFSGPSNFE IJHI EFFET VOLOPXO UP the world; she was charitable because she was indulgent to everyone but herself. She was rich in what she gave the world, yet poor in purse from the cradle to the grave. She was good in heart because religion possessed her being, and she smoothed the pillow for everyone else without thought PG IFSTFMG ć F DMPTFU XBT IFS UFNQMF BOE UIFSF TIF QSBZFE 'PS UXP ZFBST she lay upon a bed helpless, yet smiles wreathed her wrinkled cheeks and mirth brightened her nodding eyes. She never complained of fate nor scolded at the world, but cheerfully met every adversity and quietly car ried her own burdens. Mrs. Long was a Methodist and there was such method in her morals that she would have shone as a jewel in any denomination holding under Christianity. She was a daughter obedient, a wife true, a mother pure, who kept her hearth clean, her kitchen in order and her lamp trimmed. She came to Kansas in 1857 with her husband, Amos W. Long, when love and BNCJUJPO XFSF JO Ę PXFS BOE IPNF XBT CVU B DBCJO PO UIF PVUQPTUT /FBS the Trading Post, that ancient landmark of Linn County, she worked and sang and worshipped ahead of dwelling houses, ahead of choirs, and ahead of churches, and in every storm she gathered her own as the hen gathers

Lavina Saylor Long

her brood. Bibs and jackets and dresses came from her needle while the primmer, the Decalogue and the hoe were kept CFGPSF UIF DIJMESFO UIBU DBNF UP HMBEEFO UIF ĕ SFTJEF BOE SFQMFOJTI UIF FBSUI .BSBVEJOH CBOET PG +BZIBXLFST POF NPOUI BOE .JTTPVSJBOT UIF OFYU TNPUF UIF IVNCMF IPNF BOE CSPLF UIF NPOPUPOZ PG GSPOUJFS TJMFODF UIF ĕ STU UXP ZFBST PG IFS young life on the prairie, to be followed by the famine of 1860, and next, grim visage war swept the land. She saw and met UIF HVFSSJMMBT UIBU EFQMPZFE CFUXFFO UIF MJOFT PG DPNCBU ĕ STU VQPO POF TJEF BOE UIFO VQPO UIF PUIFS CVU JU POMZ TUSFOHUI ened her faith in God of battles and of peace. She saw the ox team and the Indian trail vanish with the close of the awful war, and she saw Paola grow from a stage relay to the city of schools, churches and modern strength of industrial character. ć F 4BZMPST DBNF PG 3FWPMVUJPOBSZ TUPDL BOE UIF HJSM -BWJOB IBE IFBSE UIF TUPSJFT PG UIF .JOVUF .FO PG UIF UJNFT UIBU USJFE NFO T TPVMT GPS TIF XBT CPSO JO 'BJSĕ FME DPVOUZ XIFO 0IJP XBT ZFU B XJME QMBDF PO .BZ UI )FS MFBSOJOH XBT JO UIF MPH TDIPPM IPVTF CVU TIF IBE HBUIFSFE B TBGF IBSWFTU GSPN CPPLT GSPN TFSNPOT GSPN UIF Ę PX PG XBUFST BOE DSPQT NBUVSFE ć FSFGPSF TIF XBT BNPOH UIF ĕ STU BOE CFTU UFBDIFST PG UIF 5FSSJUPSZ PG ,BOTBT BOE TIF TFU UIF GFFU PG IFS sons and daughters in the paths of patriotism and of learning. Jackson was President when she was born, Fillmore in the White House when she was married, Buchanan riding to a fall when she came to Kansas, Johnson serving out his fractional term when she settled in Paola and Wilson taking his place in history along side of Lincoln when she died. )FS IVTCBOE POF PG UIF ĕ STU NFO PG -JOO BT XFMM BT PG .JBNJ XBT IPOPSFE CZ CPUI DPVOUJFT )F XBT FMFDUFE BOE SF FMFDUFE TIFSJČ IFSF BOE IFME NBOZ PUIFS SFTQPOTJCMF QPTJUJPOT BMXBZT MFBWJOH B DMFBO SFDPSE .ST -POH XBT UP IJN BT TIF XBT UP IFS DIJMESFO BOE IFS DIJMESFO T DIJMESFO B HVJEJOH TQJSJU XIPTF TPę BOTXFST UVSOFE BXBZ XSBUI BOE JOWJUFE UIF kiss that sealed obedience.

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Obit of Amos W. Long, husband of Lavina Saylor Long

Amos W. Long died at his home in this city on Monday, December 2, 1907. Dropsy was the immediate cause, but old age simply exacted it’s own. Of the family, Mrs. Long, the wife, and four sons survive. Born in Tarleton, Pickaway County, Ohio, May 13, 1831, Mr. Long grew to manhood in the Buckeye State where he mar SJFE JO *O IF DBNF UP ,BOTBT BOE MPDBUFE JO -JOO $PVOUZ PG UIJT TUBUF UIFO B UFSSJUPSZ XIFSF IF GBSNFE Bę FS UIF GBTIJPO PG UIF MJUUMF GBSNJOH EPOF JO UIPTF EBZT CZ UIF ĕ STU QJPOFFST

At the onset of the war, Mr. Long served in the Kansas militia and later in the 88th Ohio Infantry. For over 40 years the family lived in Paola where Mr. Long followed his calling – that of a jeweler, most of time. )F XBT %FQVUZ 6 4 .BSTIBMM $JUZ .BSTIBMM BOE 4IFSJČ BOE ĕ MMFE these positions to the satisfaction of the people and to the enduring credit of himself. "NPT -POH XBT PG BO FYFDVUJWF UVSO BOE ĕ UUFE CZ OBUVSF UP DPNNBOE )JT DPVSBHF XBT PG IJHI PSEFS BOE IJT SFDPSE BT 4IFSJČ PG .JBNJ County for the four years from January 1880 to January 1884 was one of usefulness and honor. Illustrative of his sense of duty, he resisted until overpowered the storming of the jail in the winter of 1882 by a NPC UP MZODI B CMBDL NBO OBNFE 4NJUI XIP XBT DPOĕ OFE UIFSF PO the charge of rape. Jim McGrew was killed and others were wounded in that attack by a force organized to protect the prisoner and the jail. 'PS UXFMWF IPVST -POH IFME PČ UIF NPC UIBU IBE MBJE TJFHF VQPO UIF old stone jail which stood on the lot west of the Charles W. Mitchler dry goods store on the southwest corner of the park square. But the gathering of the men from the surrounding countryside, all sustained by public opinion at the time, was too much to successfully resist, so UIF OFYU NPSOJOH UIF 4IFSJČ IBE UP ZJFME )F XPVMEO U TVSSFOEFS UIF LFZT IPXFWFS BOE UIF JSPO EPPST XFSF CBUUFSFE EPXO ć F QSJTPOFS knowing his doom at hand, cut his throat with a knife or razor as the MBTU EPPS HBWF JO BOE UIF NPC Bę FS UISPXJOH B SPQF BSPVOE IJT OFDL dragged the bleeding body to the city Park, where it was hung to a tree.

Amos Long

"ę FS SFUJSJOH GSPN UIF Pď DF PG 4IFSJČ JO PCFEJFODF UP UIF MBX XIJDI EJTRVBMJĕ FT B NBO GPS B UIJSE UFSN Mr. Long was elected and re-elected Justice of the Peace of Paola and his decisions always commanded the respect of the people and of the higher courts. Mr. Long was a man of full stature and mature judgment. He was respected for his strength and the high sense of honor which directed his conduct. ć F GPSUVOF IF MFBWFT UP IJT GBNJMZ IJT DIJMESFO BOE children’s children, is a clean name and a record of things fairly done through a life of active work. To be a son, grandson or granddaughter of Amos Long is an honor.

Lynch mob at the stone jail.

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“HONORING MIAMI COUNTY’S BLACK HISTORY” EXHIBIT A committee was formed several years ago whose responsibility was to develop a plan to change MCHM into a more progressive museum focusing upon Miami County’s rich history. Below is a sketchy outline of this plan:

ić F 4UPSZ PG 6T " 5VSCVMFOU 2VFTU GPS 'SFFEPN w Honoring, Researching, Remembering, Celebrating, & Presenting 150 Years of Miami (Lykins) County History

Category1 : Native American Indian’s Struggle for Freedom. Category2 #MBDL .BO T 4USVHHMF GPS 'SFFEPN #MFFEJOH ,BOTBT ć F $JWJM 8BS Category3 : Businessman’s Economic Struggle for Freedom

As we move forward following this plan, an “ongoing” history research committee entitled, “Honoring Miami County Black History” was formed and worked towards an exhibit for the Miami County Historical Museum. Larry Lybarger, Kevin Smith, Doretha Smith and I are in the third year of researching and gathering the names of individuals and events that shaped our county’s Black history. Although the research is not complete, an ex hibit is now on display at the museum. ć F FYIJCJU UFMMT UIF TUPSZ PG JOEJWJEVBMT BOE FWFOUT UIBU DSFBUFE "GSJDBO "NFSJDBO IJTUPSZ JO .JBNJ $PVOUZ From the struggle to abolish slavery (emancipation), the civil war, the exoduses’, educators, and celebrities’ etc. ć F DPNNJUUFF o 1IJM 3FBLB -BSSZ -ZCBSHFS ,FWJO 4NJUI BOE %PSFUIB 4NJUI o JOWJUFT ZPV WJTJU UIF FYIJCJU OPX on display at 12 East Peoria Street Paola, Kansas. 1. William “Bill” Gordon (Slave, Union Soldier, Paola Citizen & City Employee for 38+ years. 2. George “Washington” Carver—Lived & attended school here. ć F -PXSZ T‰'BUIFS BOE TPO FEVDBUPST JO 1BPMB "MCFSU +BNFT .PPEZ‰" SFTQFDUFE BJSQMBOF NFDIBOJD PG UIF GBNPVT 8 8 ** i3FE 5BJMTw CMBDL ĕ HIUFS squadron. ć F )BOHJOH PG )FOSZ 4NJUI JO 1BSL 4RVBSF 6. Blind Boone, pianist. 7. Slaves who resided in Miami Coouty. 8. Baptiste Peoria—Who was part Black, Native American, and French. 9. Muchmore!

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If you have any names of individuals that you feel should be honored or photographs, artifacts, or additional information that may be displayed that relates to any of these people or events, please call me at 731-5506 or the NVTFVN BU JG ZPV DBO CF PG IFMQ JO PVS FČ PSUT Phil Reaka, Researcher

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ć F %BHFOFUUF 'BNJMZ $FNFUSFSZ I met Ken Dagenette at our Museum about two years ago. Ken and Kathy have been corresponding with Betty Bendorf BOE NF ć FZ GFFM UIBU CFDBVTF UIF NFNCFST CVSJFE UIFSF CFDBNF DJUJ[FOT BOE XIFSF OFWFS FOSPMMFE BU .JBNJ 0LM UIFZ BSF OPU B QBSU PG UIF DPOGFEFSBUFE USJCFT ć FZ GFFM UIBU UIFJS GBNJMZ TIPVME IBWF DPOUSPM PG UIF DFNFUSFSZ ć F TBE USVUI JT UIBU PO QBQFS %FFET "CTUSBDUT FWFO NBQT UIJT $FNFUSFSZ EPFT OPU FYTJTU 3FHJTUFS PG %FFET TIPXT UIBU UIF MBOE IBT DIBOHFE IBOET BU MFBTU UJNFT ć F ĕ STU MJTUJOH %FD PG HJWFT UIF OBNF %BHOFUU & 3 XG BOE /PW MJTUT %BHOFUU &MJ[BTBCFUI FU BM 8BMUFS $SPDIFUU 1IJM ć PNBT CPPL TUBUFT UIBU & 3 TFU BTJEF POF BDSF GPS B cemetery early on or before 1844. ć F DFNFUFSZ JT MPDBUFE UXP NJMF TPVUIFBTU PG -PVJTCVSH ,BOTBT OFBS UIF DFOUFS PG TFDUJPO BOE HSBWFT children and 15 adults) are shown buried there. All are relatives of the Dagenette family. It may be the earliest known cemetery with stones in Eastern Kansas and well may be worthy of a “ Prevervation Site Designation” . Why is it important? Because the Wea Chief, Christmas

%BKFOFU EJE NVDI UP IFMQ TFUUMF UIF ĕ STU JNNJHSBOU *OEJBOT JO UIJT BSFB FBSMZ PO )F XBT UIF ĕ STU CVSJFE IFSF JO "ę FS IJT death, his wife, married Baptiste Peoria and they were promi nent in the establishing the Paola area. Mary Ann Isaacs Dageny Peoria was one of the last buried in this cemetery in 1883. Note; UIF OBNF %BHFOFUUF IBT CFFO TQFMMFE PS PS NPSF EJČ FS FOU XBZT 4FF UIF 8BMUFS $SPUDIFUU SFQPSU ć F CPPL CZ ) 8 Beckwith entitled “Illinois and Indiana Indian” report about the %B[OFZ 4IJFMET BOE $PUUT PO QBHFT BOE *U TUBUFT ić F last of the Miamis to go westward was the Mississineway band. ć JT SFNOBOU PG QFSTPOT XJUI $ISJTUNBT %B[OFZ JO DIBSHF MFę UIFSF PME IPNF JO GBMM PG HPJOH UP $JODJOOBUF UIFO UP

Mary Ann Isaacs Dagenet Peoria’s grave stone, wifeof Baptiste Peoria

8FTUQPSU .0 UP B QMBDF OFBS UIF QSFTFOU EBZ WJMMBHF PG -FXJTCVSH ,4 POF UIJSE EJFE UIF ĕ STU ZFBSw ć F .ZBBNJB 3F moval Route booklet on page 28 shows expenses to C. Dagenet $84 under pay and $100 for travel @ $1 per day. Christ mas may have led as many as six tribal trips.

How did I get involved? At the Miami Indian Tribal Meeting held at the Paola Community Center on November 7th, 2013, I met the new Tribal Counsel from Miami, Oklahoma and members of the Myaamia Project from Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. At this meeting Tammy Mason stood up and asked about the Miami Cem etery just south of Louisburg. last summer on September 13, 2014 at the Tribal Meeting at Timbercreek Resturant in Louisburg, Kansas; the same question came up. No one seems to know anything about JU ć FZ NBZ IBWF CFFO MPPLJOH GPS UIF MPTU CVSJBM HSPVOET NJMFT south at Rockville and Miamivillage. I reported to the group and Chief Doug Lankford, that I knew it not as a Miami but as a Wea-Dagenette Cemetery. I said that it has been almost inaccessible, because the northeast road has been washed out along South Wea creek. I knew that Dr. John Gangel who lives just southwest of the Cemetery had called our Museum and we got permission from Ken Dagenette for him to remove a cedar tree which had fallen on the. south fence. I also knew the

Larry Lybarger and Larry McGee

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Louisburg Boy Scouts had cleaned up the graves area several years ago. In August of 2006, the team of Phil Reake, Larry -ZCBSHFS BOE -BSSZ .D(FF IBE XBMLFE JO XJUI XFFE FBUFST BOE DMFBOFE BOE QIPUPHSBQIFE UIF BSFB ć JSUZ QIPUPT BSF PO ĕ MF BU PVS .VTFVN GSPN UIBU WJTJU It was suggested that there was a need for local Tribal Members to volunteer to care for and clean up the cemetery on a continual yearly basis. Chief Lankford asked for volunteers and stated that 1st Council Person, Donya William was in charge of keeping track of Cemeteries. I happened to be seated between her and Gene Hayward at the meeting, so got to LOPX IFS ć FTF 5SJCBM .FNCFST WPMVOUFFSFE 3BOEZ BOE (BSZ .D$PZ #PC .BTFOUIJO BOE %BO %SBLF * QSPNJTFE UIFN that I would get a hold of my friend Dr. John Gangel and get the landowners contact. I called the Gangels and Jo Ann told me they had recently sold ground on the east to Dr. John Mozier, so now there was a good way to get to the Cemetery that was completely surrounded by Moziers land. He lives just north of Gangels at 29773 Metcalf Road. Dr. Mozier and I have a lot in common. As a Mo. University Animal Veterinarian, He worked at the Aubry Chemagro Experiment Station for 30 years before buying this farm 15 years ago. He worked there with my Father in-law, Chancie Worthington; and Jim Wise and Jack York. He told me that when He bought the place there was absolute MZ OPUIJOH PO UIF Pď DJBM "CTUSBDU %FFE TIPXJOH UIBU B DFNFUFSZ FWFS FYJTUFE PO UIBU MBOE ć F 3FBM &TUBUF EJE NFOUJPO that Court Order gave Dagenette right to enter from the northeast. Dr. Mozier agreed to help us get to the Cemetery. On September 27, 2014, I contacted Randy McCoy and Slina Prothe, who was born near the Cemetery and wanted to

see it. We met Dr. Mozier at the southeast cor ner of his property and he took us back to a 2nd HBUF 8F XBMLFE GSPN UIFSF BDSPTT B IBZ ĕ FME UP the small NE gate. Most of the stones are near UIBU HBUF ć F BSFB XBT PWFSHSPXO XJUI XFFET and ground strewn with tree branches. Most TNBMM TUPOFT BSF MBZJOH Ę BU PO UIF HSPVOE 4FWFSBM QJDUVSFT XFSF UBLFO PG UIF ĕ FME FOUSZ BOE TUPOFT which appear the same as in 2006. Dr. Mozier agreed to have Randy to come back immediately to begin cleanup. I called Dr. Mozier last Friday January 16th and he said that Randy EJE B ĕ OF KPC PG DMFBOJOH UIF $FNFUFSZ BOE IBE the trash piled up in one place. He also reported UIBU TPPO Bę FS UIF DMFBOVQ UIBU TFWFSBM .JBNJ Tribal members from Oklahoma came to check out the cemetery. He said that because he was busy that day, Randy had to show them in. It is most important to always get absolute permission from land owners.

Randy McCoy, Slina Prothe and Lloyd. L. Peckman,

5XP WFSZ JNQPSUBOU EPDVNFOUT BCPVU ć F %BHFOFUUF 'BNJMZ $FNFUFSZ BSF POF UIF QBHF SFQPSU CZ B -PVJTCVSH OB tive Walter Crotchett entitled “Last Chief of the Weas, the Story of the Confederated Tribes of Miami County” with added /PUFT *OUSPEVDUJPO #JCMJPHSBQIZ BOE 'BNJMZ (FOFBMPHZ CZ 1IJMMJQ 4 ć PNBT BOE UXP JO UIF .JBNJ $P )JTUPSZ #PPL 2, on page 20/21 the Dagenette Cemetery story and picture of the 1990’s. Page 21 reports that the north easement clause includes the descendants of Christmas Dagenet. In 1991 citizens of Louisburg and Peoria - Miami Tribes of Oklahoma cleaned and restored the cemetery and had a new stone placed for Mary Ann. Apparently that cleanup and our recent one were not explicitly approved. We will in the future try to get family approval and hope to have further dialog about its future. Lloyd. L. Peckman

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Miami County Publications--Inventory Clearance Sale TOMORROW IS ANOTHER TOWN ć F "OBUPNZ PG B $JSDVT An autobiography by James R. Patterson A history of the Great Patterson Shows when the circus maintained winter quarters in Paola Journeys of Ursuline Academy & College ć F IJTUPSZ PG 6STVMJOF $PMMFHF XJUI QFSTPOBM TUPSJFT TDSBQCPPLT BOE QIPUPT ć F NVTFVN JT TPME PVU BU UIJT UJNF You can order your copy from Amazon. com Family Histories and Stories of Miami County, Kansas, 1987 VOL I CD or DVD now available Reduced Now only $20.00 plus P&H Family Histories and Stories of Miami County, Kansas, 1998 VOL II Hardback Excess Inventory Sale $20.00 plus P&H Cemeteries of Miami County, Vol. I (rural south 2/3 of county) Beagle, Block, Cashman, Daganett, Debrick, Fontana; Frank, Greenvalley, Herman, Highland, Hodges, Indianapolis, Jingo, Lessenden, Mannen, Miami, County Poor Farm, Mound Creek/Mount Nebo, New Hope, New Lancaster, Rock ville, Settle, Spring Gtove, Stanton, Whiteford and Wilson-Raymer Hardback (Reprint) $19.50 plus P&H Cemeteries of Miami County, Vol. II (north 1/3 of county ) Antioch, Ayers, Bucyrus, Old Marysville, Hillsdale (old & new), Louisburg (old & new), Pleasant Valley, Rock Creek, 4DPUU T 7BMMFZ 4PNFSTFU 4U .BSZ T 8BHTUBČ 8FB )PMZ 3PTBSZ -BOF 4IJWFMZ JO 'SBOLMJO $P Hardback (Reprint) $19.50 plus P&H Cemeteries of Miami County, Vol. III Paola City, Oswatomie City, Holy Trinty, Memorial Gardens and 1990 updates for all cemeteries Hardback $25.00 plus P&H (Glenwild & Sharen in Cass Co.) Illustrated Historical Atlas of Miami County, 1878, 1901 or 1927 Photocopies of the original Atlas includes many pictures and ownership maps of the county 4Pę CBDL QMVT 1 ) Index of Taxpayers of Miami County, 1878 Lists of land owners or residents $3.00 plus $1.00 for P&H ć F 4UPSZ PG 1BPMB CZ .D-BDIMJO 4Pę CBDL 1BSU BOE )BSECBDL 1BSU XJUI *OEFY UP CPUI QBSUT 4PME BT B TFU QMVT 1 ) 4Pę CBDL 1BSU index only for original book owners $5.00 Barns of Miami County, Kansas 457 old barns in full color 136 pages $20.00 plus P&H WW I Letters Home by Jim Bousman $25.00 plus $5.00 P&H Paola in 2nd. Half of the 20th Century by Ross, $5.00 plus P&H -Great Book! Good Buy!! $MJČ 8SJHIU T 8PSME 8BS ** ForOne, $18.27 plus P&H and Kansas Folklore $21.46 plus P&H And So It Began by Bettie Garrison Ore ć F .JBNJ $PVOUZ )JTUPSJDBM 4PDJFUZ QSJDF QMVT 1 ) Lest We Forget (List of Osawatomie Alumni) $5.00 plus P&H

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