2015 Spring Newsletter

Miami County Trivia from the Museum Obits.

by LuAnne Debrick

Did you know Paola had an umbrella repairman? John Hurst lived in New Lancaster area. For 35 years, he came to Paola each spring and went house to house repairing umbrellas. Where was the Beavertown Indian Reservation in Miami County located? James T. Maloney was born on this Indian Reservation called Beavertown near Paola. It was believed to have been on Wea Creek, south of Somer set. Archie Hoover, a Paola man, invented a portable roller skating rink which he operated in many parts of the country until 1919 when he retired and sold his invention In 1883 George Kemp, Jr.’s father, a wholesale druggist, died of malnutrition, leaving a fortune estimated at sev en million dollars. Andrew Hinman of Louisburg, a stone mason by trade, built many of the rock walls and buildings in Miami County. Alfred Lyon, a reporter for the Republican Newspaper in Paola and Miss Beulah Crabree, daughter of a promi nent physician of Lamar Missouri were married on a Frisco passenger train coming to Paola at a speed of forty NJMFT BO IPVS ć FZ IBE B MJDFOTF UP XFE TPNFUIJOH JOUFSGFSFE BOE UIF MJDFOTF XBT FYQJSJOH .JTT $SBCSFF XBT VOEFS BHF JO ,BOTBT BOE IBE UP IBWF IFS NPUIFS T DPOTFOU "ę FS CPBSEJOH UIF USBJO UP 1BPMB UIFZ SFBMJ[FE B Missouri license was not valid in Kansas, so a minister who happened to be on the train married them before UIF USBJO SFBDIFE UIF ,BOTBT MJOF ć F DFSFNPOZ XBT QFSGPSNFE JO UIF TNPLJOH DBS Miss Dora May Atkins and James Clarke of Osawatomie Township were wed in quite a unique wedding ceremo OZ UIBU PDDVSSFE JO UIF DMPBL SPPN BU 5 8 3BJOFZ T TUPSF 'PMMPXJOH UIF DFSFNPOZ IBOETPNF HJę T XFSF QSF sented by the proprietor of the store. %P ZPV SFNFNCFS ić F .FMPEZ .BJETw TJOHJOH HSPVQ PG .JBNJ $PVOUZ JO FBSMZ T ć JT HSPVQ XBT DPN posed of Florence Essner Justice as “Flossie Belle”, Virginia Mae Shriver Johnson as “Mae Belle” and Ruth Draut as “Sally Belle” Lee and Grant at Appomattox A three scene play featuring Lane Smith, as Confederate General Robert E Lee and Randal L Durbin as Union General Ulysses S. Grant. ć FZ QPSUSBZ UIF FWFOUT BU "QQPNBUUPY XIFO (FOFSBM -FF TVSSFOEFSFE to General Grant to end the civil war. ć F QSFTFOUBUJPO XJMM CF BU ć F 1BPMB -JCSBSZ ć VSTEBZ UIF UI PG "QSJM ć F TUBSU UJNF JT 1. BOE UIF BENJTTJPO JT GSFF

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