2015 Spring Newsletter

Obit of Amos W. Long, husband of Lavina Saylor Long

Amos W. Long died at his home in this city on Monday, December 2, 1907. Dropsy was the immediate cause, but old age simply exacted it’s own. Of the family, Mrs. Long, the wife, and four sons survive. Born in Tarleton, Pickaway County, Ohio, May 13, 1831, Mr. Long grew to manhood in the Buckeye State where he mar SJFE JO *O IF DBNF UP ,BOTBT BOE MPDBUFE JO -JOO $PVOUZ PG UIJT TUBUF UIFO B UFSSJUPSZ XIFSF IF GBSNFE Bę FS UIF GBTIJPO PG UIF MJUUMF GBSNJOH EPOF JO UIPTF EBZT CZ UIF ĕ STU QJPOFFST

At the onset of the war, Mr. Long served in the Kansas militia and later in the 88th Ohio Infantry. For over 40 years the family lived in Paola where Mr. Long followed his calling – that of a jeweler, most of time. )F XBT %FQVUZ 6 4 .BSTIBMM $JUZ .BSTIBMM BOE 4IFSJČ BOE ĕ MMFE these positions to the satisfaction of the people and to the enduring credit of himself. "NPT -POH XBT PG BO FYFDVUJWF UVSO BOE ĕ UUFE CZ OBUVSF UP DPNNBOE )JT DPVSBHF XBT PG IJHI PSEFS BOE IJT SFDPSE BT 4IFSJČ PG .JBNJ County for the four years from January 1880 to January 1884 was one of usefulness and honor. Illustrative of his sense of duty, he resisted until overpowered the storming of the jail in the winter of 1882 by a NPC UP MZODI B CMBDL NBO OBNFE 4NJUI XIP XBT DPOĕ OFE UIFSF PO the charge of rape. Jim McGrew was killed and others were wounded in that attack by a force organized to protect the prisoner and the jail. 'PS UXFMWF IPVST -POH IFME PČ UIF NPC UIBU IBE MBJE TJFHF VQPO UIF old stone jail which stood on the lot west of the Charles W. Mitchler dry goods store on the southwest corner of the park square. But the gathering of the men from the surrounding countryside, all sustained by public opinion at the time, was too much to successfully resist, so UIF OFYU NPSOJOH UIF 4IFSJČ IBE UP ZJFME )F XPVMEO U TVSSFOEFS UIF LFZT IPXFWFS BOE UIF JSPO EPPST XFSF CBUUFSFE EPXO ć F QSJTPOFS knowing his doom at hand, cut his throat with a knife or razor as the MBTU EPPS HBWF JO BOE UIF NPC Bę FS UISPXJOH B SPQF BSPVOE IJT OFDL dragged the bleeding body to the city Park, where it was hung to a tree.

Amos Long

"ę FS SFUJSJOH GSPN UIF Pď DF PG 4IFSJČ JO PCFEJFODF UP UIF MBX XIJDI EJTRVBMJĕ FT B NBO GPS B UIJSE UFSN Mr. Long was elected and re-elected Justice of the Peace of Paola and his decisions always commanded the respect of the people and of the higher courts. Mr. Long was a man of full stature and mature judgment. He was respected for his strength and the high sense of honor which directed his conduct. ć F GPSUVOF IF MFBWFT UP IJT GBNJMZ IJT DIJMESFO BOE children’s children, is a clean name and a record of things fairly done through a life of active work. To be a son, grandson or granddaughter of Amos Long is an honor.

Lynch mob at the stone jail.

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