2015 Spring Newsletter

ć F %BHFOFUUF 'BNJMZ $FNFUSFSZ I met Ken Dagenette at our Museum about two years ago. Ken and Kathy have been corresponding with Betty Bendorf BOE NF ć FZ GFFM UIBU CFDBVTF UIF NFNCFST CVSJFE UIFSF CFDBNF DJUJ[FOT BOE XIFSF OFWFS FOSPMMFE BU .JBNJ 0LM UIFZ BSF OPU B QBSU PG UIF DPOGFEFSBUFE USJCFT ć FZ GFFM UIBU UIFJS GBNJMZ TIPVME IBWF DPOUSPM PG UIF DFNFUSFSZ ć F TBE USVUI JT UIBU PO QBQFS %FFET "CTUSBDUT FWFO NBQT UIJT $FNFUSFSZ EPFT OPU FYTJTU 3FHJTUFS PG %FFET TIPXT UIBU UIF MBOE IBT DIBOHFE IBOET BU MFBTU UJNFT ć F ĕ STU MJTUJOH %FD PG HJWFT UIF OBNF %BHOFUU & 3 XG BOE /PW MJTUT %BHOFUU &MJ[BTBCFUI FU BM 8BMUFS $SPDIFUU 1IJM ć PNBT CPPL TUBUFT UIBU & 3 TFU BTJEF POF BDSF GPS B cemetery early on or before 1844. ć F DFNFUFSZ JT MPDBUFE UXP NJMF TPVUIFBTU PG -PVJTCVSH ,BOTBT OFBS UIF DFOUFS PG TFDUJPO BOE HSBWFT children and 15 adults) are shown buried there. All are relatives of the Dagenette family. It may be the earliest known cemetery with stones in Eastern Kansas and well may be worthy of a “ Prevervation Site Designation” . Why is it important? Because the Wea Chief, Christmas

%BKFOFU EJE NVDI UP IFMQ TFUUMF UIF ĕ STU JNNJHSBOU *OEJBOT JO UIJT BSFB FBSMZ PO )F XBT UIF ĕ STU CVSJFE IFSF JO "ę FS IJT death, his wife, married Baptiste Peoria and they were promi nent in the establishing the Paola area. Mary Ann Isaacs Dageny Peoria was one of the last buried in this cemetery in 1883. Note; UIF OBNF %BHFOFUUF IBT CFFO TQFMMFE PS PS NPSF EJČ FS FOU XBZT 4FF UIF 8BMUFS $SPUDIFUU SFQPSU ć F CPPL CZ ) 8 Beckwith entitled “Illinois and Indiana Indian” report about the %B[OFZ 4IJFMET BOE $PUUT PO QBHFT BOE *U TUBUFT ić F last of the Miamis to go westward was the Mississineway band. ć JT SFNOBOU PG QFSTPOT XJUI $ISJTUNBT %B[OFZ JO DIBSHF MFę UIFSF PME IPNF JO GBMM PG HPJOH UP $JODJOOBUF UIFO UP

Mary Ann Isaacs Dagenet Peoria’s grave stone, wifeof Baptiste Peoria

8FTUQPSU .0 UP B QMBDF OFBS UIF QSFTFOU EBZ WJMMBHF PG -FXJTCVSH ,4 POF UIJSE EJFE UIF ĕ STU ZFBSw ć F .ZBBNJB 3F moval Route booklet on page 28 shows expenses to C. Dagenet $84 under pay and $100 for travel @ $1 per day. Christ mas may have led as many as six tribal trips.

How did I get involved? At the Miami Indian Tribal Meeting held at the Paola Community Center on November 7th, 2013, I met the new Tribal Counsel from Miami, Oklahoma and members of the Myaamia Project from Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. At this meeting Tammy Mason stood up and asked about the Miami Cem etery just south of Louisburg. last summer on September 13, 2014 at the Tribal Meeting at Timbercreek Resturant in Louisburg, Kansas; the same question came up. No one seems to know anything about JU ć FZ NBZ IBWF CFFO MPPLJOH GPS UIF MPTU CVSJBM HSPVOET NJMFT south at Rockville and Miamivillage. I reported to the group and Chief Doug Lankford, that I knew it not as a Miami but as a Wea-Dagenette Cemetery. I said that it has been almost inaccessible, because the northeast road has been washed out along South Wea creek. I knew that Dr. John Gangel who lives just southwest of the Cemetery had called our Museum and we got permission from Ken Dagenette for him to remove a cedar tree which had fallen on the. south fence. I also knew the

Larry Lybarger and Larry McGee

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