2015 Spring Newsletter

Louisburg Boy Scouts had cleaned up the graves area several years ago. In August of 2006, the team of Phil Reake, Larry -ZCBSHFS BOE -BSSZ .D(FF IBE XBMLFE JO XJUI XFFE FBUFST BOE DMFBOFE BOE QIPUPHSBQIFE UIF BSFB ć JSUZ QIPUPT BSF PO ĕ MF BU PVS .VTFVN GSPN UIBU WJTJU It was suggested that there was a need for local Tribal Members to volunteer to care for and clean up the cemetery on a continual yearly basis. Chief Lankford asked for volunteers and stated that 1st Council Person, Donya William was in charge of keeping track of Cemeteries. I happened to be seated between her and Gene Hayward at the meeting, so got to LOPX IFS ć FTF 5SJCBM .FNCFST WPMVOUFFSFE 3BOEZ BOE (BSZ .D$PZ #PC .BTFOUIJO BOE %BO %SBLF * QSPNJTFE UIFN that I would get a hold of my friend Dr. John Gangel and get the landowners contact. I called the Gangels and Jo Ann told me they had recently sold ground on the east to Dr. John Mozier, so now there was a good way to get to the Cemetery that was completely surrounded by Moziers land. He lives just north of Gangels at 29773 Metcalf Road. Dr. Mozier and I have a lot in common. As a Mo. University Animal Veterinarian, He worked at the Aubry Chemagro Experiment Station for 30 years before buying this farm 15 years ago. He worked there with my Father in-law, Chancie Worthington; and Jim Wise and Jack York. He told me that when He bought the place there was absolute MZ OPUIJOH PO UIF Pď DJBM "CTUSBDU %FFE TIPXJOH UIBU B DFNFUFSZ FWFS FYJTUFE PO UIBU MBOE ć F 3FBM &TUBUF EJE NFOUJPO that Court Order gave Dagenette right to enter from the northeast. Dr. Mozier agreed to help us get to the Cemetery. On September 27, 2014, I contacted Randy McCoy and Slina Prothe, who was born near the Cemetery and wanted to

see it. We met Dr. Mozier at the southeast cor ner of his property and he took us back to a 2nd HBUF 8F XBMLFE GSPN UIFSF BDSPTT B IBZ ĕ FME UP the small NE gate. Most of the stones are near UIBU HBUF ć F BSFB XBT PWFSHSPXO XJUI XFFET and ground strewn with tree branches. Most TNBMM TUPOFT BSF MBZJOH Ę BU PO UIF HSPVOE 4FWFSBM QJDUVSFT XFSF UBLFO PG UIF ĕ FME FOUSZ BOE TUPOFT which appear the same as in 2006. Dr. Mozier agreed to have Randy to come back immediately to begin cleanup. I called Dr. Mozier last Friday January 16th and he said that Randy EJE B ĕ OF KPC PG DMFBOJOH UIF $FNFUFSZ BOE IBE the trash piled up in one place. He also reported UIBU TPPO Bę FS UIF DMFBOVQ UIBU TFWFSBM .JBNJ Tribal members from Oklahoma came to check out the cemetery. He said that because he was busy that day, Randy had to show them in. It is most important to always get absolute permission from land owners.

Randy McCoy, Slina Prothe and Lloyd. L. Peckman,

5XP WFSZ JNQPSUBOU EPDVNFOUT BCPVU ć F %BHFOFUUF 'BNJMZ $FNFUFSZ BSF POF UIF QBHF SFQPSU CZ B -PVJTCVSH OB tive Walter Crotchett entitled “Last Chief of the Weas, the Story of the Confederated Tribes of Miami County” with added /PUFT *OUSPEVDUJPO #JCMJPHSBQIZ BOE 'BNJMZ (FOFBMPHZ CZ 1IJMMJQ 4 ć PNBT BOE UXP JO UIF .JBNJ $P )JTUPSZ #PPL 2, on page 20/21 the Dagenette Cemetery story and picture of the 1990’s. Page 21 reports that the north easement clause includes the descendants of Christmas Dagenet. In 1991 citizens of Louisburg and Peoria - Miami Tribes of Oklahoma cleaned and restored the cemetery and had a new stone placed for Mary Ann. Apparently that cleanup and our recent one were not explicitly approved. We will in the future try to get family approval and hope to have further dialog about its future. Lloyd. L. Peckman

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