2015 Spring Newsletter

Year End Review 2014 ć F ZFBS XBT B ZFBS JO XIJDI XF EFDJEFE UP TUFQ CBDL UBLF B CSFBUI BOE HJWF UIF NVTFVN T CVJMEJOH TPNF TLC. One of the things I learned from my Uncle was, “If you take care of your equipment, your equipment will take care of you.” In this case, substitute the word building for the word equipment. ć SPVHI HFOFSPVT EPOBUJPOT NBEF CZ NVTFVN NFNCFST XIP XJTI UP SFNBJO BOPOZNPVT BOE B HSBOU GSPN UIF Roman Foundation, the following was accomplished: • Outside stairways were rebuilt, t ć F PVUFS XBMMT XFSF UVDL QPJOUFE TFBMFE BOE QBJOUFE t 5XP JOFď DJFOU ĕ WF UPO BJS DPOEJUJPOFST XFSF SFQMBDFE CZ OFX Fď DJFOU VOJUT t /FX EJHJUBM UIFSNPTUBUT BOE IVNJEJĕ FST XFSF JOTUBMMFE • Two new computers, a printer and a scanner were added to the museums inventory. During the year our core volunteers continued to keep the museum and genealogical research library humming. ć FTF EFEJDBUFE WPMVOUFFST XPSLFE B UPUBM PG IPVST We had a total of 1,580 visitors who either signed the front desk book or library research book during 2014. However, keep in mind not all visitors signed the visitor books. Our visitors were from Kansas, 29 other states and 4 foreign counties (Germany, Spain, England and Australia). Instead of an exhibit telling the story of Miami County’s role in the 1864 Battle of Westport (by the way, Paola was ordered to be held at “all Hazard”); a six part lecture series titled” Politics and the Defense of Kansas” was held at the museum. ć F NVTFVN IPTUFE BOPUIFS TVDDFTTGVM .JOJBUVSF "SU 4IPX *G ZPV IBWF OFWFS WJTJUFE UIF BSU TIPX * XPVME FO courage you to attend this year. Lloyd Peckman, Chair of the Native American Project, continues his research and making presentation to vari ous organizations about Miami County’s Native American history. 1IJM 3FBLB $IBJS PG UIF .JBNJ $PVOUZ #MBDL )JTUPSZ 1SPKFDU BOE IJT DPNNJUUFF BSF QVUUJOH UIF ĕ OBM UPVDIFT PO their project. As I write this year-end review of “what happened”, a new year is bringing new challenges. Two of our most urgent challenges this year will be funding and recruiting additional volunteers. An important goal this year is to encourage you to tell us what you want to see in the Newsletter. We also want you to make suggestion for the direction of the museum as we move forward. In essence, we want you to have a more active voice in your museum. Jim Bousman Museum Coordinator Eleventh Heartland Art Guild International Miniatures Art Show

Heartland Art Guild members are now planning this summer’s miniature painting show to be on exhibit in the Museum throughout the month of July. You won’t want to miss it. Each year it brings in more people to enjoy both the art and the museum. Amazing art entries are received from local, nation al and international artists. July 11th from 1 - 3 p.m., at the museum is the "XBSET BOE "SUJTU T 3FDFQUJPO BOE UIF QVCMJD JT JOWJUFE ć F 1BPMB $IBNCFS PG $PNNFSDF XJMM IPME B DPČ FF BU UIF NVTFVN PO +VMZ UI BU B N $IBN ber members, museum members, and the public are invited. See you there. Patsy Bortner

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