2015 Spring Newsletter

Happy Birthday Miami County Historical Society 'Ję Z :FBST

'Ję Z ZFBST 4VSFMZ OPU #VU JU T USVF ć F .JBNJ $PVOUZ )JTUPSJDBM 4PDJFUZ JT ĕ ę Z ZFBST PME UIJT ZFBS It has been that long since two ladies were visiting in the summer of 1955 and talking about the large amount of history there was in Miami County and lamenting that it was not being preserved for future HFOFSBUJPOT MU XBT HPJOH UP CF MPTU JG JU XBT OPU XSJUUFO EPXO 8JUI UIFJS FČ PSUT CZ %FDFNCFS PG UIF .JBNJ $PVOUZ )JTUPSJDBM 4PDJFUZ IBE JUT ĕ STU NFFUJOH "OE XIBU BO FOUIVTJBTUJD HSPVQ XBT BTTFNCMFE 'SPN UIF CFHJOOJOH UIJT XBT UP CF B $PVOUZ PSHBOJ[BUJPO XJUI NFFUJOHT JO EJČ FSFOU QBSUT PG UIF county: the new Power and Light auditorium in Paola, the old schoolhouse in New Lancaster, the old Church in Osawatomie and others in the area. /PU POMZ NFFUJOHT XFSF IFME NPOUIMZ CVU TPDJBM HBUIFSJOHT XFSF QPQVMBS ć F HSPVQ USBWFMFE CZ CVT UP 'PSU -FBWFOXPSUI BOE 'PSU 4DPUU 0OF Bę FSOPPO JO B TVNNFS UIFZ FOKPZFE B DSVJTF PO UIF TUFBNCPBU 8IJQQPPSXJMM PO 1PNPOB -BLF 6OGPSUVOBUFMZ UIF CPBU DBQTJ[FE JO B IFBWZ XJOE TUPSN OPU MPOH Bę FS ć FSF XBT B XBUFSNFMPO GFFE BU UIF QVNQJOH TUBUJPO TPVUI PG -PVJTCVSH POF ZFBS 1FSIBQT TPNF PG UIF NPTU enjoyable times were spent at the Indianapolis schoolhouse west of Osawatomie. Donna Hunt and her brother XFSF HSBDJPVT IPTUT ć PTF XFSF NVTJDBM HBUIFSJOHT &WFSZPOF FOKPZFE IFBSJOH B TBYPQIPOJTU XIP QMBZFE PO UIF TUFBNCPBUT UIBU UPVSFE UIF .JTTJTTJQQJ 3JWFS JO FBSMZ EBZT " OJOFUZ ZFBS PME ĕ EEMFS XIP QMBZFE "S kansas Traveler, Mississippi Sawyer, Skip to My Lou with everyone tapping their feet and a pianist who played for the silent movies when she was a young girl. ć F 4PDJFUZ XBT GPSUVOBUF UP IBWF NFNCFST XIP MPWFE IJTUPSZ BOE MPWFE UP UBML BCPVU JU 8BMUFS Crotchett, our silver-tongued orator, could make his listeners literally see his words. Once on a bus trip to LaCygne, he stood in the aisle and told of Indians who had lived in the area. It was so vivid that look ing at the horizon one could almost imagine the lndians sitting on their horses. Dyke Dickerson was another who loved to tell stories and enjoyed telling them as much as his listeners! He told of people from

Ohio who were looking for Bucky Russ (Buryrus) and never tired of UBMLJOH PG i ć F (JBOU PG (SFBTZ #FOEw )BSSZ .FJOJH UPME PG UIF UJNCFS in Stanton Township and how it was used in many of the buildings in the counties around. No history is complete without mentioning Sister Charles! 4IF KPJOFE UIF 4PDJFUZ TFWFSBM ZFBST Bę FS JU TUBSUFE BOE JU XBT OFWFS UIF TBNF 'FX QFPQMF FWFS TBJE /0 UP 4JTUFS $IBSMFT ć FSF XBT UBML GSPN UIF beginning of starting a museum but the money was not available. Sister Charles agreed and before we knew it she had raised enough funds to buy a building on the square. From then on till now we have progressed to having one of the best and most visited museums in Eastern Kansas, thanks to very dedicated QFPQMF ć F GVUVSF MPPLT CSJHIU GPS BOPUIFS ĕ ę Z ZFBST ć JT BSUJDMF XBT XSJUUFO CZ #FUUJF 0SF UIF 'JSTU $IBSUFS .FNCFS

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