News Scrapbook 1959-1962
DIEGO, C,.LIP'ORNIA • lar. 22, 1960 1· =...;,_---,----------- adres Seek to Bu'{ McDaniel rom Denver, E L Trode ~;, JU, K 1.1.P.U ILi' gu a Denver la t According the grapevine, V NINO TRIIUN! IPort• ...,11.. son. the Padres also haye a deal l O > - n Diego I try I With Columbu h batt~d on the fire to strengthen their • g to pun:h big Jim Mc• .250, with nine homer and .'l3 pitching. One or more of the • nlel from nv r of th run batted In n 64 game team's veternna could go i! merican A oc-i tlon tn I At Denv r the former Coa, the trad@ with another PCL Pr I ghth ndl'd a I ck it l'hella pr p tar lammed 24 club goe through. Bud Pod- a l arnPd today. horn run n drovP In 79 bielan, Bill Werle and Pet "l rton' want tn pla~ for tallie whlir. hit ing .2R7 In 8 Wojey are the m o u n d hold• m1 r g In," I Dani I \,ho 1 game Jim al o ccount d !or overs from last year. 11 n n rby Co ,rh Jin id 18 clnublrs Drnver. Podbielan was to work 'd llkr to h old to It !?laying for Salt Lakr Cl li a alnst Sacramento in an ex- dre o l d be c Io to n 95 \"htlr on option from hibition game here today. Pt 1rgh, lcDaniel led th 0 Wl'rle and Wojey, along with lrD nlel would be a mo t Pa fie Coa t l..el\gU n home Ifal Tro ky, will oppost> Port- 11tnhll' r pl ment for Bill run w l th 37 and In run land In tomo1 row nigh con- cnna, ho h 8 quit ba~eball.ldrlvf!n home with 100. test at Ontano. m, 7, l p und outtlrld· PadrP ,: ,. n e r a I manager Tro kv had been named to , hit 33 bom• nm for Co- Ralph Klr r admitted he had toll toda"y but manager G!'Orge mh o! th Intr atlonal1contaclf'd Denver on McDaniel Metkovlch switched to Chuck __..,_.!..,:!=..;.
UFORD HOMERS Padres Smash Pioneers, 16-9 By ,JJ~lUtY :\-IA(,F;t~ Su.n Diego Union Sport. Writer I, D10, March 21 A Pacific f'oast Leaguer at 20 and n establl hed San Diego Padre at 21, San Diegan Floyd Ro n- son at 23 fa"es a demanding assignmi>nt in reclaiming the outfield berth hr rrlinqulshed o years ago, Robinson ralPs be hi 11 d spePrty USC product Don Bu- Padres' 16-9 vil'tory over the ford ».ft, r thP Padres' rarlyl Uniw•rs· of San Dil' . drill and is "onlrontrd with Robi11s6n is thP So Diego strong mpPtltion from 1he lHigh School young. le who in hicago hit<' Sox' S 1 a nl J956, with only one yP/lr's pro- .John ·oil , nd prohably Do tl fessional l'Xpl'rience, earned ;\1r n n nd J OP f!lrk . a rcglll,u's statm; with th e With obim,on ahsent, Bu- Padn•s in cenlerfil'l • He hit ford 'further entrP1H'hPd him- .271 and eamc ba he fol- self h.-r11 today with an inside- lowing SPason to b11L .279. the.park home run m the Th<"n he entered t Marinl's. '·Rohblr was a er play- r1• in 1!156 than hr. was in
Pad es Clout Pioneers, 16-9 Atl DIEGO JINION 1'111' .. lnr.2!. l!li;o 1 SAN Dll!GO, CALIFORN
USD SotojB Kf'YH,cf F
enzo 11
Lind tr m, \\horn the Cblrago V.'hltc Sox "ant tried as a pitcher. Toda)'s game ¼a to glve the Pa res an opportunity to watch Ernie White, new Sac• ramento skipper. operate tor the Jir t time. White, like th Padres' Metkovlch, , till hasn't received his top players from the major league . The Solon.1 arc \,orklng with rnwaukee again this year. Pilot Pral f' 0 burn 1etko\ lch tabs rookie third ba em n Dayton Orsburn for a bright Iuturi: In the Chicago 'r\'hite Sox organization. "He has goQd poy,er and tands ln \\ell at the plate," Ietkovich said ye t rday aftPr Orsburn had nicked University of San Di go pitcher for four bits 1n a 16-9 Padre triumph here. The former Bcll Gal'tlen grid star s Ing I e d twice, doubled and also tripled :n t1ve official appearances at the plat!:'. The Padres collected 17 hits of! three of Mike Morrow·s pitchers. Don Bu! or d al)d Frl'ddy Arco joined the P10- nl'Crs' Jim Firocnza in hitting ho e runs and Tom McCraw unloaded a pair of triples tor the Padres l',"I) Takcs LPad l SD grab be d a 3-1 lead '\\hl'n it cored three times ln the third olf Jim Der\'lngton, but the Padres bounced bark with tear runs m their hall of the inning and never trallea a g a In. Buford tarted the rally with a .roundtripper In• side the park San Diego's biggest Inning was the s th when It dented the plate six .:ires. B . ·t~ JUTs-Padrp rookie hortstop Warren Peters cut himself badly with •us own spike. w}len he hit the dirt going att r a ground ball in the nm nning • . . ·everal stitches had to be taken in his right leg • . D esp It e his strong performartce yes erdav, Arco wa r leased after the game . • • 1etkoviC'h also gave walking papers to Gari1eld Winter·, Al Aleman and Jerry Dunnam • . .The latter inch hl and came through y, Ith a \VO-run single. E r Ammons, 26-ycar-old zre ass gnE'd to the Padre·• p, wa~ ln the 'orth\\est League the la t Io years , . . Buster ms form ~adre ouU e , lives here and takes Ir the games . . • Tom Qua)tp unscored on In th re P Inning yes t er d !', ~bowed a fine curvl'ball 11nd ood control -'"'---~---
1!1~7." Padrr manager GPorg MPlko\'i<'h recalled today. "lfe WHS more agg1•p.%lve." Mrlkovich is d1sappolntl'd that Robinson has not learned lo pull the ball. A lt>fthand . winger such as Floyd ean pnd his hatting avPt·age con- sidt rahJy by pulling with a runner on and the opposthOJ s !u-st bascman holding th l>a,r "Robinson hits too manyl balls on his fists to lefl field," Metkovich said, and he do1's11'l have a strong arm. Thcy wrre running on him a lot In 1957. Buford is a switch hitter, he has a strong arm and he's faster than Robinson "Robhie is fast but Buford rc>: lly can fly. Robinson has a teal ballle to make th Is 1<'
USD Soto 2B ~'Jrefz~ Mt ton rf D W116yr, b Hor dat'II ~oxWllbur b Lor1nu,p.. r cnapmon, nden rt G=~~d,p SI
Pioneers Face ech Nine
~Ios~ will have his achin~ back X-rayed . _ . Metkovich thinks Detroit is the team to w a t c h in the American League. J
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